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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22373088 No.22373088 [Reply] [Original]

They better announce some next level shit

>> No.22373111

i hold 20k but i bet it will be some gay ass "exciting opportunity" that wont bring any rlc usage and will only mewn that iexec team get to program some shit while others ise their code for free

>> No.22373145
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still crabbing despite the hype. Just imagine the crash when the team inevitably fails to meet expectations. Kek!

>> No.22373161

Has any crypto team ever done this level of shilling?

>> No.22373224
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Why do RLC threads have the best digits??!?!

>> No.22373229
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They literally hired a pajeet called Avi.
Avi! Ahahhahahahhahahahahahahahaha.
Enjoy yet another hyped up nothingburger.

>> No.22373562

Because of huge news

>> No.22373598
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>Total World Domination

>> No.22373629
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Guys.. I’m starting to think this wasn’t a LARP and I’m scared

>> No.22373790


>> No.22373869
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>> No.22373874
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checked and based
You're not ready anon
Hope you bought your ticket to Mars

>> No.22374661
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We told the community manager that World Domination was the stupidest thing. They better have something fucking good up their asses

>> No.22374731

It sounds like something a twelve year old would come up with ngl

>> No.22374820

Or like they're marketing a mobile game
It's like they knew their marketing was bad so now they're overdoing by trying to force hype with ridiculous statements.

>> No.22374842

Somethings got to process all the data
Speaking of world domination 'evil Laugh'

>> No.22374849

Kek that’s exactly it

>> No.22374850

Goddamn it. Gilles used the ICO funds to build himself a cyber mechanical cock so he can bang trannies all day...

>> No.22374875
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>Pic related

>> No.22374910
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaahhh the French cryptocurrency has always been celebrated for its excellence... There is a Lyon cryptocurrency by Gilles Fedak, inspired by that same French excellence. Its traded on big exchanges and like the best French cryptocurrencies, it uses decentralized oracles...

>> No.22374993

Total World Domination
The Walking Dead

>> No.22375033

All hype with nothing happening, what an eerie coincidence

>> No.22375136

What if the Booleans took control, manipulated the guardian AI living in the iExec cloud and replaced the team members with remote controlled cyborgs?
TWD .. They're able to make cyborgs out of dead people. Now they're trying to take over the world.
I'm scared.

>> No.22375228

Mission nearly complete.

>> No.22375241
File: 154 KB, 476x512, ie trump barrels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a faggot
it's all just so bullish as fuck
just bought 9,000 more Barrels

>> No.22375248
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easy money
all you have to do is wait

>> No.22375256

So LHC makes RLC obsolete, got it.

>> No.22375258

>gay ass "exciting opportunity" that wont bring any rlc

>> No.22375288

WLCG* fuck
”Subsequently hundreds of thousands of computers from around the world come into action: harnessed in a distributed computing service, they form the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), which provides the resources to store, distribute, and process the LHC data. WLCG combines the power of more than 170 collaborating centres in 36 countries around the world, which are linked to CERN. Every day WLCG processes more than 1.5 million ‘jobs’, corresponding to a single computer running for more than 600 years.”

>> No.22375315

Funny how Giles wrote a paper for them many years ago. nDA's are bitches yo.

>> No.22375408

NDAs are the only way late buyers like me can make any money kek

>> No.22375475


>> No.22375529

Be Giles, work for CERN
CERN: Giles we need a secure protocol which would enable a Decantralized secure grid computing so we can process the emmence amount of data we are going to collect. These are the pre requisites go and make it happen. When complete, we will buy a chunk of the processing power so we have the biggest descentralised data center in the world
Many many years later.....
Giles: CERN: protocol ready. Total world domination now possible. Let's continue to crack the God particle. Muhhhawwww

>> No.22375550

because team always develops shit that does not increase rlc demand and then claim that this open channels for some exciting opportunities in the future

>> No.22375657

World domination in progress

>> No.22375836

>world domination
can someone photoshop a monocle on gilles?

>> No.22375890

>When complete, we will buy a chunk of the processing power

processing power =/= the token

>> No.22375905

>because team always develops shit
nah.. it's at v5 team delivers

>> No.22376018

ye ye right

>> No.22376031

Super bullish

>> No.22376133

> total sexual domination of ze trannies
Ok.. so tranny rumors do seem to be true.

>> No.22376155

>. Just imagine the crash when the team inevitably fails to meet expectations
when is supposed to find place this event?

>> No.22376193

autism is bullish
look at sergey

>> No.22376254

who the fuck made that
these people are supposed to be professionals
reading 'world domination' just makes me think ive bought a jeet pnd like pnk or something

>> No.22376401

kek at world domination, glad I sold this shit ages ago, run by a bunch of incompetent children who don't deliver

>> No.22376525


>> No.22376551

You need the token to access the power retard

>> No.22376941

>You need the token to access the power
I can buy with usd

>> No.22377036

god damn i miss mechwarrior... and armored core.

>> No.22377273
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are we doing this version Gilles
>the same thing we do every night, anon. TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD

>> No.22377619

I've probably held RLC a lot longer than you cunt
I don't suck off the teams every move,get over it

>> No.22377895

seeing "season 2" made me sell
this is not fortnite

>> No.22377939

armored core was kino

>> No.22377951

Sirs, the V5 season 2 episode 1 is very very huge sirs, with the total world domination coming for sure, so buy now sirs and pls don't ask why we still haven't had a single user.

>> No.22378027

SiRS we DOminate the Wrold now?? Why not Dominate Pakistan Frist they deserve Pakistan domination vhere we can talk Blair about this? ADMIN???? SIR PAKISTAN DOMINATION FRIST YES???

>> No.22378058

lmao is this real? holy fuck that's some scammy looking attempts at advertising
remember faggots

>> No.22378205

Sir this time different sir you don't get it OK??

>> No.22378380
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>> No.22378803
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how much for a suicide stack?

>> No.22379083

Suicide stack is 2k.

>> No.22379236

Biggest shitcoin to ever be shilled on /biz/

>> No.22379835

Yes it does. That’s literally the entire point of RLC.