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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22346548 No.22346548 [Reply] [Original]


I've been living with my parents for 2 years now, it was manageable before covid but now its hell. I haven't had a good night's sleep since god knows when. My original plan was to buy a house this year but that's on hold now until the crash of 2021 earliest.

My gf currently rents a shitty 1 bedroom bungalow on the outskirts of the city (not London, Norf), we're looking at a 2 Bedroom flats in a nicer area of the city to be able to use a spare room as an office/workout area.

I did the maths and I would be able to still save around £1400/Month after expenses, is there anything wrong with my plan?

>> No.22346622

No you should rent a new gf

>> No.22346662

yeah sure why not

>> No.22346691

Yeah. My gf moved in with me since the quarantine. It's pretty comfy:

>she cooks
>she cleans
>she wants to fuck all the time

>> No.22346752
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>> No.22346782

Go for it, you can always move back in with your parents after a year if it all goes tits up

Enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.22346787


How solid are you and the GF? How long have you been going out for?

Financially, it's a sound choice to make, which is why I guess you're asking on /biz/ rather than /adv/. Although keep in mind that living with your gf, your overheads may go up as you do more things with her to break the monotony, especially once covid ends. That is unless she's financially on the same page as you. Bills etc pop up when living out of home, plus you'll need/want to furnish the place.

Relationship wise, it can be heaven or hell and when it's heaven it can shift to hell extremely quickly in ways you weren't expecting.

>> No.22346800

What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.22346811


If you live in a major city and own your home, you've already made it and there's no point posting here.

>> No.22346812

based - but like op said market crash pending

>> No.22346815

If living with your gf would make you happy then sure why not.

You don't have to sacrifice all your enjoyment in the name of saving as much as possible.

>> No.22346978

You will get less sexy time soon, but you will have kids then.

>> No.22347004

Honestly that's what I thought, but she wants to fuck so much, more than I do. We have sex at least once every day.
But yeah, if she behaves well for the next couple years I'll put a ring on her and start a family

>> No.22347179

we're pretty good, no real arguments or red flags on her side, been together nearly a year next month. She's well educated but has realised that University was a complete lie and I've been slowly redpilling her.

Yeah I've begun to realise this now i need to start enjoying life a bit more, I've saved a lot and I'm financially comfortable. I haven't made it yet but I'm comfortable.

That's true too, but I'm worried that safety net will stop me from pushing myself, fear can be a good motivator when used correctly.

>> No.22347574

UK anon here. Where in Norf?

£1.4k is healthy. Say margin of error/surprises of 10% means ~£15k saved a year to pump into crypto or index funds. I take this is after your pension contribution.

What are your savings per month in your current situation? Also doubt you're going to see a housing market crash of any significance.

>> No.22347606

It's like market buying NEC and immediately sending it to a burn address

>> No.22348089


Yeah I'll probably move a chunk of it into more index funds. And yeah it is after pension contributions.

Currently about 1700/month (pay parents £200 rent) do you really not see a crash happening? Furloughed ends for 9.6m in October and the banks will stop mortgage holidays, people will default

>> No.22348342

£300 a month sounds like a nice trade-off to not live your parents.

You're right about defaults, but I think the change in prices will be in cities, specifically London.

350k+ people coming into the country each year is keeping demand high, supply has dropped off because of COVID and interest rates are at all time low right now, albeit mortgage providers have tightened lending.If these things continue then I dont see a crash.

>> No.22348418


>> No.22348567

whereaboot and what sort of capital do you have now? You can get cheap shitboxes in glasgow or edinburgh if you're prepared to take the junkie express for an hour a day. Not sure what it's like up north. If you've made it-made it, and your gf can work remote, you could always buy some place rural.

>> No.22348587

how much is the rent?

>> No.22348754

How can 350k migration continue with covid? And there's significantly less jobs vacancies now.

I've got like 70k

I'm not going a rough area to save a couple 100 quid.

If I go somewhere out of the city it'll be back to my hometown, not far from Glasgow and it's cheaper.

>> No.22349654
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>rent w gf
just save yourself the trouble

>> No.22349751

>Crash of 2021

What? Sorry, not happening. Money printer online in UK too.

>> No.22349753
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>I've been living with my parents for 2 years now
I'm so sorry you had to live alone, your childhood must have been very dark.

>> No.22349849

> Wants to fuck all the time
It's a trap. She wants a quarantine baby.

>> No.22349878


>> No.22350469
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I’m moving in with gf next month. Feeling cozy af especially since fall vibes are coming. You should move in with yours anon.

>> No.22350601

What's wrong with your plan is why do you think you can save £1400 a month of her money?

>> No.22350630

I needed those happy lols
Good job!