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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 906 KB, 2544x4000, 1584837001140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22344010 No.22344010 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> Go on pirate bay
> Download shitloads of tokens
> Over 100k downloaded for free
> Transfer to binance
> Market sell
> Post about it on /biz/
> Anons absolutely seething
> Huhuhu imagine buying from exchanges like a pleb
> Imagine trading
> JUST imagine

>> No.22344028

Has anyone ever tried this before? Seems profitable

>> No.22344039

wtf I thought blockchain made the tokens unpirtable and non diplicatbly

>> No.22344054

i use soulseek to download my coins

>> No.22344075

Turns out with a token cracker you can pirt the blocks and dediplicate the tokens from the holders accounts, pretty scary, they say they haven't cracked all the blocktains but it's only a matter of time, just shows how unsafe crypto really is

>> No.22344079

Would you download the mall?

>> No.22344106

Don't leak dipshit. They will block it if too many people start doing it.

>> No.22344111

Oh wow, if this starts working on the majority of blockchains and makes mainstream media attention it might kill Cryptocurrency overnight.

>> No.22344122

>what is vTorrent, the world's first decentralized crypto-currency client with built-in access to the 150 million to 250 million monthly crypto-currency user network

>> No.22344129

a token just flew over my house!

>> No.22344133

Just another reason to sell my LINK. Enjoy holding my bags, bulls. And enjoy the keygens people will be making to hack your buttcorns

>> No.22344156

You'll get caught.

>> No.22344159

Myspace is better for this

>> No.22344161

Fuck that, man, the script kiddies already have it, there's a load of spirters on the internet now, man

>> No.22344164

i really started to doubt and googled token cracker

>> No.22344177

I know right, I've already transferred my money to a high yield savings account at my bank, getting that sweet 0.02% interest annually!

>> No.22344187

That's right, it's why the smart money went into TSLA

>> No.22344200



pretty sure you can bypass all tracing by d/l tokens via private irc servers. some people say you can still use the proxy settings on old chat applications like ICQ and messenger. but you need to find really old versions from 2003 etc. really it seems like a bit of work so i cbf.

>> No.22344215
File: 31 KB, 639x534, image0 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: retards who dont understand the basics of the blockchain protocol

>> No.22344217


>> No.22344226

Holy shit a pirate ship just flew over my house!

>> No.22344243
File: 252 KB, 1035x502, Screenshot_20200909-030351~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22344318

does the fbi give a fuck about crypto currency?

>> No.22344322
File: 42 KB, 800x532, robber-runs-away-carrying-full-bag-money-night-running-62763833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit lads funs over

>> No.22344438

No tabs, sad.

>> No.22344478


>> No.22345134


>> No.22345164

I know OP is prob just meming, but if you post your private key itt I'll dupe some LINK and send them your way

>> No.22345399

>Be me
>Download 50 gb of RAM
>Download hacker.exe from piratebay
>Use it to find the IP of everyone who posted in this thread
>Download all their virtual money
>Still poor
Wtf you poorfags, 5k is all you could muster?

>> No.22345497


found the fucking larper. you can only download ram in 24gb lots and that was with 32bit win7 only!

>> No.22346475

OP this is not possible

>> No.22346520

At least seed the torrents you piece of shit

>> No.22346567

wtf is this thread

>> No.22346628

>Token cracker
The future of whites in the media once ((they)) get their way

>> No.22346681

Thanks for the tip. So these google ads were right about making $2000 per day easily

>> No.22346922

Cope, you just never learned how to use TOR to download more RAM.

>> No.22346986
File: 22 KB, 2238x107, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retards on /biz/ losing their money gambling on shitcoins
>mfw I'm a little gazillionaire with unlimited bitcoin

>> No.22347032

>Unlimited bitcoin
>Not a gorillionaire yet
Fake, you probably got duped into buying unlimited ETH

>> No.22347045


>> No.22347197

a reddit style cirqle jelq

>> No.22347226

what are the odds this lands neets in jail?

>> No.22347243
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, however.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ctrl + C
Ctrl + V

>> No.22347357

yes goy, go to thepiratebay, download software related to crypto.
>nothing could go wrong

>> No.22347408

Where download bitcoin?

>> No.22347600

>Where download

>> No.22347642


Dude so are you

>> No.22347942

You're gonna make it OP.

>> No.22348596
File: 40 KB, 780x439, 1590448285240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22349306

The original rug pull

>> No.22349679


>> No.22349809

i download torrents through bittorrent, if you don't know, bt gives you 0.1%/mb tokens if you connect a wallet when downloading. i've downloaded over 90TB at this point. I just keep cycling through hard drives. not sold any yet, i've still got plenty of time left before it pumps. but i aim to have over 600million tokens when the token prices reaches $1 during the golden bullrun