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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 400x400, rari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22336770 No.22336770 [Reply] [Original]

I have made about 3 of these threads in the last 24 hours. I am honestly trying to help you guys because I have made so much money through biz since 2017.
This shit is so low cap, I told you about andre shilling it, I told you he wants to build for them, I told you about how big this can be as the central marketplace for NFTs, combined with DeFi.
>Pajeet scam
>Nice try
>Telegram pump and dump
>I'm not buying because it went up 100% already
Yes it has gone up a lot in the past few days but it has gone up from a 1M cap, 100% gain is still only 2M cap. A fake website and anon team can reach 10M cap, this has everything all up and running and the team haven't even tried to shill, there isn't even a trading telegram for it. This will go to 100M cap minimum, and if it pulls off it could well be a 1B cap which sound ridiculous but not for off if it can become the amazon of NFTs

>> No.22336799

It is 6M cap now

>> No.22336943

fully diluted 125M cap

>> No.22336977

nobody cares about fully diluted

>> No.22337044

Congratulations you will never make it, the supply is slowly released into the ecosystem, someone in another thread calculated it would take about 8 years to fully dillute

>> No.22337198

they have one of the best working products, people calling this a scam shows that they have no idea what they are talking about.
Rari in a bull market could be wild...

>> No.22337241


>> No.22338706

Yes Anon because you totally care about my financial well being. Fucking faggot.

>> No.22338754

>why didnt you listen
>why didnt you buy my bags just before that scam flashwick up, before a 66% drop


>> No.22338758

Actually, fully diluted 25m
Weak fud.

>> No.22338784

are you angry and retarded, or just angry? Have you read the medium posts? The tweets? The PSWAP token sale?

>> No.22338799

I have read them all and have followed your threads these last days, you convinced a bunch of newfags to buy before todays massive dump FUCK YOU

>> No.22338860

This isn't a simple pump and dump. This is King Cronje's new chosen project.

>> No.22338861

anyone who bought in the past 2 days is u p[a metric fuckton you poor nigger

>> No.22338866

low marketcap. if we buy up all the circulating supply and hold the price will go in a straight line up. it could reach $100 by the end of the month.

>> No.22338911

Anyone who bought since this shill thread is fucking JUSTED FUCK YOU SCAMMERS

>> No.22339032

$5 nigger

>> No.22339063

This thread was made at 21:03 GMT-3. The price back then was $4.86. It is now $4.98.


So, in other words you're not just angry...

>> No.22339083


Phantasma does everything this does and more.

It's also blockchain agnostic so it can play with ERC-20 and NEP5, with more interoperability coming.

>> No.22339087

actually it's $5.14 now, I had a brain fart

>> No.22339251

Lmao Phantasma. Literal pajeet team that evem Balina found too scammy.

>> No.22339349

already 10x'd. it's over pajeet.

>> No.22339545


>> No.22339581

all in. dont scam me anon

>> No.22339718

>all in. dont scam me anon
we are all holding to $100 with diamond hands

>> No.22339755

how long? considering monday comes and more inflation gets released. do we sell sunday bfor the release then buy again after monday dump

>> No.22339817

/biz/ has been such shit lately. RARI is obviously a strong buy on the andre cronje shilling alone. idk why i even come here anymore, twitter is infinitely better

>> No.22339835

>how long? considering monday comes and more inflation gets released. do we sell sunday bfor the release then buy again after monday dump
$100 by the end of the month

>> No.22339879
File: 56 KB, 500x363, Rari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andre Cronjes new album "My rekt romance" is launching on RARI soon.

>> No.22339906

why $100?

>> No.22340036

>its $5
>after we ran it up to$15.84 and pulled the rug


>> No.22340055

Basically feel the same. The Uniswap rush has been great, but the rug pulls have turned peoples brains to mush so they cant recognize a great project when they see it

>> No.22340253

biz has become numb to gems

>> No.22340355

Lmao nobody "ran it up to 15.84" you fucking imbecile. Someone bought a huge amount, that's all, that "pump" happened in 1 minute on uniswap and nowhere else. Low IQ idiot.

>> No.22340403

>we ran it up to$15.84
i seen an anon comment that it went to $15. did i rush to sell? no. i didn't even check the chart. i am holding to $100 with diamond hands.

>> No.22340466

if this goes down within 24hours im going to be very sad. i bought here around 6$
listening to biz.
this is my last chance to make it. if i dont make it with this then ill be financially ruined for life. this is my last chance. please pump this shit asap i need to see gains so i can go to sleep comfy

>> No.22340471

>someone bought millions and millions to run it up to $15
>minutes later it crashed to $5 for no reason
Do you even understand that prices go down when whales DUMP?
>I saw it go to $15 but I didnt sell im a good bot and bought more as it was crashing


>> No.22340549

Millions? LOLLL shut the fuck up retard. That was probably a tiny order, <$20k worth.

>> No.22340600

They're Australian. Partnerships with SteelSeries and AMD and they're on one of the main platforms in PAX this year.

It's dipping rn so good chance to buy in, but you do you bro

>> No.22340608

It was an example of how wales run up prices of scams. Are you telling me it only takes a few thousands to manipulate the price upwards before a massive 66% dump?

>> No.22340769 [DELETED] 

some people weren't meant to make it

>> No.22341427

JFC you idiots.

From their website:

"RARI is not an investment and should be earned by active participation on the platform. 75,000 tokens are issued every week, with 50% reserved for buyers, and 50% for sellers."

It's just governance. You won't make any money off this shit.

>> No.22342442
File: 322 KB, 1600x1600, 20200829_144246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. If you want exposure to the coming NFT boom, look at Soul/Phantasma

100% minted already but 47% staked by HODLERs at 18% APY.

Works accross multiple block chains, way after than ERC20, decentralized storage and email also coming

It's like Eth, RARI, Sia, Enjin combined and it's only 8m market cap rn.

I've literally liquidated all my altcoins into Tether in preparation of the coming stonks dump EXCEPT for my SOUL bag.

That's how bullish I am

>> No.22342466

Way faster than ERC20*

>> No.22342581

This is exactly what was said for YFI, not falling for it.
When all tokens are distributed and the marketplace is fully governed by holders, you'll essentially be an owner of the marketplace and have a right to its fees, next features, etc.

>> No.22342675

It's the NFT answer to YFI. It even has Andre.

>> No.22343089

This. Get in here /biz/. We're going to buy the supply and govern it to become an Indian food- and rug streetmarket.

>> No.22343513

So fucking comfy

>> No.22343528

Ethereum said the same thing too during their ICO, “this is not an investment, no expectation of value, blah blah blah”

>> No.22343628 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 492x492, F2E18042-15A0-42FD-AA7A-2747E428A7AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rarible is going to spearhead the NFT narrative

Andre Cronje from YFI is building Insurance NFT’s with Rarible

NFT collateralized lending is coming

This might be bigger than DeFi


>> No.22343709

this will be biz next coin, only super low iq or super high iq will know what this is.
im part of the sub 80 iq
80-120 iq wont understand

>> No.22344014


>> No.22344053

is what your mother said when you were born

>> No.22344113


>> No.22344168

I'm gonna put up some of my art on it
They do make it dead easy to create nfts

>> No.22344250

Does Phantasma have a working product? I can immediately use Rarible's app right now

>> No.22344578

i bought 1K at the absolute top of this pump at $5.2 man
fuck me

>> No.22345056

Who cares

>> No.22345086

Yeah, Ghostmarket and pavilion are operational already

NFT market and Steam-link for blockchain based games

>> No.22345244

u gonna make it

>> No.22346092


>> No.22346124


>> No.22346534

It goes up in a flash since someone wants to enter fast with a large sum and the spread is too high. You're unironically NGMI

>> No.22346592

wow you're retarded

>> No.22346638

shilling aside can someone give me their honest opinion about this project

>> No.22346758

the product is cool, NFTs *are* the future, it's also fun to use so on that side nothing to say much. the token in itself should accrue value as the marketplace gets more traction. it's essentially a DAO + NFT exchange. so we can pass proposals to have weekly burns, and have token holders receive some of the fees.

>> No.22346883

sorry friend

>> No.22347001

This shit has me on overdrive,
I kind of want it to pump because I have a decent stack, and I kind of want it to dump because I would by more.
Penis confused

>> No.22348013

At least explain

>> No.22348118
File: 127 KB, 793x543, raririri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I buy rari expensive pixels

>> No.22348223

It's the future. Not just pixels...

>100 PSWAP tokens (usable on https://polkaswap.io after the Polkaswap launch) will be given to the owner of this NFT upon SORA v2 network launch (must be claimed on the SORA v2 network). www.sora.org


>> No.22348277


Where is the source from the link you posted, did SORA made any ANN to begin with? Scam alert

>> No.22348658

explain to me what this means, wtf is pswap

>> No.22348682

Absolute low IQ state of /biz, there are literally tons of pajeet scams on biz every day, for you low IQ fags, here is how you differentiate, notice how a lot of unrelated people smarter than you all see this as a great opportunity, most notably Cronje himself. Notice that after a couple of days this coin is all the top threads of biz, note how a lot of people are fuding because they still haven't loaded their bags.
>It's already gone up 3x, no thanks I'll pass
That's why a time like now is the perfect buy as the price has found it's new base and hasn't dumped, hence the term 'leg up', as more and more find out about this it will just gain marketcap like a snowball. Actually just google Rarible or type it in on youtube and you will see people are already using this shit and it is already growing

>> No.22349143

Make it stack?

>> No.22349352

Based on the short term assumption that this is going to 200M cap and that suicide is to make 100k and make it is 1M

at current rates
Suicide 600 Rari =$3k
Make it 6000 Rari =$30k

If you leave it too late by Friday most on here will start to get priced out

>> No.22349429

the fact that the price has dumped after both pumps is bullish desusempaifamalamdingdong

>> No.22349514
File: 410 KB, 1627x1132, RARI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

see >>22349247

>> No.22349710

Ever wondered why anons who you don't even know are so passionate about making you sell a coin? when there are literal rug pulls posted here on the daily such as hotdog that nobody cares to warn you about? Maybe it's because they missed the early boat and want to get back in before it fucking takes off

>> No.22349712

all in rari, what mcap do you guys think we'll reach

>> No.22349755

Short term IE when youtubers pick it up etc 100M cap, then with favourable conditions it will slowly rise to 200-300, and then if they can continue adding new features and achieving their vision it could potentially reach 1B

>> No.22349774

so safe 100m mcap right?

>> No.22349829

Because you follow some guy on twitter and pump his bags to dump on anons FUCK YOU SCAMMERS this thread is so fucking unorganic kys

>> No.22349860

The price has formed a base around $5 at 6M market cap, there is literally no reason for anyone to sell, Who the fuck cares about minuscule marketcap changes, you need to detatch your mind from the percentages and look at the marketcap increase. There is a huge difference between Eth going 100% with billions in extramarketcap Vs Rari going 100% of a 3M increase

>> No.22349931

Your FUD is inorganic, how the fuck can't you see the upside here, you are literally scared of free money just because the way everyone is going crazy on biz, you have to be an illiterate low IQ retard to not see it. Your are the same type of guy that would Fud ETH when it first came out because it is just a fake pump and dump bitcoin

>> No.22350082

Nope. It's because I'm salty seeing washtraders make bank and not having the courage to do it myself
So I felt like sabotaging their thing

>> No.22350126

Maybe dont make 20 threads an hour about this shitcoin, it makes you look suspicious.

>> No.22350140

Get the fuck outta my thread, this is for high IQ only, you don't fucking deserve the gains. Go fucking try wash trade and see if I care when I am up 200% by next week

>> No.22350285

Fuck you and the Portland commies who are involved in this shit project.
Imagine Andre, a white S. African getting involved with Portland scum who sympathize with Antifa and BLM.

>> No.22350345

>Go fucking try wash trade and see if I care
I mean, you claim to have made the original threads so it's pretty obvious you are one of the OG washtraders

>> No.22350518

I literally own a stack of 900 Rari, that's it and made a bullshit practice NFT to test the platform. I didn't make the original threads, I saw it from someone else on here, I researched it and found what a gem it was. You really think a project this sophisticated is just going to dump out tokens? the tokens are made and spread evenly to initially incentivise use of the marketplace to kickstart adoption, you think they are just going to give them all to own person who has been sending the same piece of art back and forth between his clearly traceable addresses?

>> No.22350607

bro, all you have to do literally is make two addresses and use monero to swap between them and there's nothing that can be traced.
If you are genuinely buying this because you believed the hype, then listen to what I'm telling you.

>> No.22350626

blah blah fud

>> No.22350808
File: 234 KB, 1518x998, Screenshot 2020-09-09 at 14.54.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22350904

Theres no hype to 'beleive' It is all right there, go on Andre's Twitter, Go on the website and see it is real, Go on the medium and read what they are doing and who has backed out. If you think that the main NFT marketplace that can also implement DeFi elements to NFTs has no value, not even 6M of value then don't invest

>> No.22350908

>see the upside please buy my bags

I see the upside in NFT what makes rari special in that regard? Nothing they are gonna dump so much on you every time they release tokens lol

>> No.22351124

1,219,028 circ supply out of 25M
23,780,972 left to release before max reached, not to mention this number will be reduced if any are held for team, etc
75k a week or 6% spread between active USERS who are also generating a fuck ton of fees to the Rarible platform
23,780,972 / 75k = 6 years to reach full supply

This shit will take 6 years to fully dilute and it is already priced in from the first couple days after the token release.
There we go, FUD officially dispelled and I am going to go paint the new staff room at my work, have a great day folks

>> No.22351231
File: 492 KB, 1920x1080, Ultimate Disappointment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based.

>> No.22351348
File: 19 KB, 480x304, lolllll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if you call every coin a scam then miss out on easy 2x - 5x

>> No.22351922
File: 62 KB, 720x960, smile fucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being so desperate. u shilled kimchi before they rug pulled. now youre trying to do the same with rari. we're on to your shit. fuck you teren.

>> No.22352298
File: 619 B, 200x200, Solid_black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.22352308
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>> No.22352327
File: 55 KB, 592x708, 6666656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

defi insurance will be a future trillion dollar industry. yfi + rari are creating NFT insurance. rari is undervalued at 5m marketcap.

>> No.22352348

Lol just like someone said earlier, from the two or three fuders on this thread I am starting to think these food coins have literally fried people's brains. There's no way you can be in the crypto space and not see this gift

>> No.22352431

With people like Andre and Vitalik, this is how developers are influenced, They don't tell anybody to do anything specifically like a boss, but they put out their voices to say what is needed and devs listen

>> No.22352438

They really have. I know of people who are holding Tendies till $100.

>> No.22352994


>> No.22353313

I sold my stack then rebought it after realizing what a retard I am

>> No.22353748

How does the art work?
Do you need eth and rari to sell art?

>> No.22353894

you pay eth to set up the listing and mint the NFT, its around $4

>> No.22353926

Art is the main use case at the moment to try out the platform, Basically you create the art or whatever you are creating, set if you want royalties, price, etc, then you use eth to mint and Rari gets a cut of sales and buys, also Rari will be the governance token for the whole platform becoming completely decentralised

>> No.22353962

once they move past the "art" phase and integrate this with some real commercial biz i think this is gonna blow up

>> No.22354015
File: 44 KB, 345x825, 6456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RARI right now is in a similar stage that Amazon was when it was just an online bookstore, IMO. Looking forward to watching the platform grow as more digital asset classes find their way to the Rarible NFT marketplace

>> No.22354234

200$ EOM I said

>> No.22354243

Why wouldnt you want royalties?

>> No.22354252

fuck off teren. eat shit and die u fat cuck.

>> No.22354281

Where do I buy this?

>> No.22354296

stay broke ya sad loser, why lurk biz if u just gonna call everything a scam
poor mentality

>> No.22354299


>> No.22354323

Holy shit

>> No.22354357

Thank you. Got the adress, fren?

>> No.22354370

given current market conditions I'd put 50m as certain

>> No.22354399

it comes up using the 1inch list

>> No.22354414
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>> No.22354530

I didnt like that list update

>> No.22354547

fuck off pajeets

>> No.22354554


>> No.22354640
File: 269 KB, 62x68, uwot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have fun being broke because you think everything's a scam

>> No.22354839

i think it will land on bitmax or binance soon. if it does we're heading to 100 mil

>> No.22355026
File: 351 KB, 1998x1192, 23452345234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know...........yall could just make a meme, mint it and see how it works and then actually make a less pajeet observation on the matter. Lol.

>> No.22355461

damn imagine this integrated with online games where rare collectable items are a thing i.e gun skins

>> No.22355516

This, I am done talking about RARI, I think everyone on biz who has an above-average IQ has had a good chance to buy in. It is a complete no brainer, it should be illeagal to have such a good product in crypto and not to already be in the top 100

>> No.22355662

We need to make a new /biz/ where you have to use metamask to show you have at least 1k LINK
I used to love this board but it is just so bad these days

>> No.22355687

In case it wasn’t clear I’m agreeing with you, RARI is obviously a stronghold buy

>> No.22355694

If you expect a thanks every time somebody reads your shit, OP..

>> No.22355737


>> No.22355839

shut up broke boy

>> No.22355955

Yeah this is sure bet just because the gaming nfts will be a big thing in the next year or two. Why create your own marketplace when you can use rarible.

>> No.22356014

havent really looked into NFTS before this desu but i could see nft platforms like rari being big and pretty useful if they could be used as a way to trade and securely license gaming collectables.
the more i look into nfts the more i realize so much can be done with them, right now rari just looks like a shitty art selling site but i think the possibilities are endless with the right directions being taken

or maybe itll crash and burn, who knows

>> No.22356023

so you idiots think that collecting and paying for gay little pictures and 'artwork' is the next big thing? this is the most retarded project i've ever seen in my life

>> No.22356058



>> No.22356057

dumb shitty artwork is just the beginning, nfts can be anything
do some research before you miss out

>> No.22356152

complete washtrading scam, this will never be worth .02 eth each
if you lucky to buy some on some huge dips, sell before .02 because thats where whales are distributing. .017 so far has been the spot they sell it back down.
doubt it will ever go higher then that
as more gets released it continues to have a lower and lower ceiling. have fun playing ponzi game that is wash traded.

btw the game is like this
you have a few ether accounts.
1 of them you create some art. on the others you buy the art.
so the first one that made the art gets the profit. now both the buyers and sellers get free airdrop on monday.
you get huge airdrop. dump the airdropped rari and repeat again next week. literally free money because noobs think this will moon. but it wont

>> No.22356194

oh boy. i can collect digital fuckin' cats and breed them. only simp beta cucks would buy into this shit. nobody gives a fuck about video games/or any of this weird lame shit. fuck your scam.

>> No.22356244

"nobody gives a fuck about video games" are you dumb? how big is the video game industry you sped?
the vid game digital item industry alone is worth around 50b you twat

>> No.22356285

Why would you want royalties?

>> No.22356354

You are an Idiot, and your FUD is weak, tokens are distributed among active users using an analytics company and bad actors get banned, the supply has already been dispelled, read this>>>22351124

>> No.22356433

scam company
hard pass

>> No.22356434

Have you ever heard of supply and demand?
Right now it can be profitable to buy/sell items to yourself in order to get some of the 75k weekly rewards by cheating. When enough retards figure this out, it won't be profitable anymore (each retard will get a small % of the 75k). Then it'll be a bit profitable. Then it won't. Rinse and repeat. "Fake" NFT trading volume will oscillate around the equilibrium point (where the rewards offset the costs of transacting). On top of this there's genuine volume.

Both will generate activity. Both will make the platform grow.

Criticizing wash trading as illegitimate is merely a moral exercise. In reality it's just arbitrage, and it will help bootstrap activity while real use cases and their genuine trading volume keep growing.

>> No.22356492

sure mate, sure

>> No.22356545


Andre is specifically looking to do something to bring music onto the blockchain via NFT's. PROBLEM: NFT marketplace is fairly complex to code from scratch.
SOLUTION: Just buy a majority share of the governance token of a smallcap NFT marketplace and use your new governance rights to redesign it to your liking.
WHY? The current marketplace for music/video producers is quite poor. Spotify/youtube etc constantly censor your shit and it is very difficult to negotiate fairly unless you are a huge artist. Andre will alter the token so it can be farmed by viewing/hosting content, I don't know how exactly. Small players will migrate to the platform for a fairer fee structure and less censorship = real use case.
Get in now or don't, I don't give a fuck, but don't say no one told you.

>> No.22356574

how many rari to make it in your opinion

>> No.22356616

$50-$100 end of year is pretty feasible imo so do the math on that

>> No.22356686

I have 2k rari, am I going to make it

>> No.22356805

I think with anything over 900 is going to make you mad money, but also for people who still don't get it, just a small bag at 10% of your portfolio with a 10x can double your whole stack

>> No.22357390

Please do yourself a favor and buy a fucking suicide stack and hold it for a few months. Can it fail? Sure. But it also has insane potential and could very well pump 100x in the long run.

>> No.22357459
File: 42 KB, 426x404, 354345345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

music on rari soon

>> No.22357484
File: 64 KB, 680x510, 8h08i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is how you sound like

>> No.22357514

Andre is the Vitalik of 2020

>> No.22357577

why the fuck this wasn't shilled a week ago when it would make sense before moon. oh right, op wants to dump his bags on you retards

>> No.22357583
File: 83 KB, 1908x1262, Why-youre-broke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related to u

>> No.22357638

It was shilled below 2 dollars. I think the pump is because most people are starting to realize that this is not just another shitcoin.

>> No.22357729

it was dummie, i seen it shilled here on tuesday when it was at $2.5 after pumping and it was being called a scam so i only got 10, now look where we at, still pumping

>> No.22357759

I am OP and I got in at $3 when it was first posted on here with a little yolo bag of 2 ETH, Then I bought more after the first leg up around 4.50, and I bought some more today, I will carry on buying little amounts on a more spread out basis. You have got to be fucking retarded If you think Anyone is going to dump this yet, maybe once we reach 50M cap some will start selling before we go up to 100M and so on

>> No.22357763

thank you for explain sirs
just bought 4 Rari

>> No.22357952

Can someone tell me how do i create an NFT that needs to be burned to unlock the content?

>> No.22358058

Based and Raripilled

>> No.22358216

List on Uniswap at 25% markup pre-sale this Saturday

Don't miss it!

discord gg bD92FMR

>> No.22358621

KYS Ranjesh

>> No.22359128

Pajeet coin

>> No.22359604
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>> No.22359627

Price is passing $6 as we speak, we are still super early.

>> No.22359676

Good luck waiting 6 years for the supply to 'Dump', the incentives are already priced in

>> No.22360230

It's funny, I find this true about many things. I believe they are called "midwits"

>> No.22360323

I would buy if it wouldn't be so extremely overshilled all of a sudden... Really turns me off. Kek.

>> No.22360355

It was. I swung some of my tiny stack into rari at $2 thanks to one of you homies. Now I'm putting some into bzrx. I recommend you peep the chart on it today. My two favorite bags right now honestly. This is fun, no clue why I wasted so much time on /ck/. New favorite board

>> No.22360441

All I can say is that if I found it now at $6 I would be afraid to buy. but this coin was going up quickly even during a crash and has had several famous people tweeting about it recently, as well as the mcap being kinda low still. Could honestly 2-3x still and I pretty much expect it to in the next month, but I'm far from an expert

>> No.22360453

The chart has no signs of stopping, just buy small amounts or wait for the charts to flatten if the the chart levels at 6$, we are so early, anons on here are worrying about 1-2$ variation crumbs whilst this is a cake

>> No.22360489
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>> No.22360491

Look at marketcap not percentage

>> No.22360562

It has gone up litterally 5m cap and you are shitting your pants, Ethereum went up Billions in cap in the same timeframe over the last week but that's different? just wait till we hit 50M cap and level out

>> No.22360589
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>> No.22360599

refresh page silly

>> No.22360762

The fact someone's on /biz desperately trying to shill this turd should clue you in that this isn't a 'low mcap gem'.

>> No.22361145

Andre Cronje and several white VC are shilling this "turd"

>> No.22361154

the fact you don't want to put the effort in to read this thread for a free 10x shows you are just another forever poor who will end up fomoing in next month

>> No.22361238

these kneejerk naysayers are such faggots, they don't deserve it

what do these midwits actually buy?

>> No.22361594

They fomo into projects like dot that have already gone up 3000x

>> No.22361692

No we buy BREEV

>> No.22361917 [DELETED] 

>famous people tweeting about it
follow the smart money

>> No.22361969

2009 satoshi
2015 vitalik
2020 andre cronje

>> No.22362241
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>> No.22362743


>> No.22362922
File: 16 KB, 402x278, Screenshot 2020-09-09 at 22.25.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought more at 5.45, why do you fudders keep missing accumulation points

>> No.22363066

none of us are selling until at least $100

>> No.22363241
File: 111 KB, 600x594, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22363423

Now get this: you can finally insurance your ETH and make money on /biz/rugpulls

>> No.22363782


>> No.22363847


>> No.22364616

Nope wont dump til $100

>> No.22364764

So what's the short term target for this bitch? 25 mill mcap?

>> No.22364805

What's stopping me from going on normie Tumblr, stealing a bunch of their original art, slap it onto RARI marketplace and sell for profit?

>> No.22364859

goddammit. I had 1 ETH ready to spend on this earlier when it was $2. I feel like buying now would be stupid.

>> No.22364864


$RARI gang whale here. I don't intend to sell any holdings until we strike Chainlink marketcap with a real product that might essentially be the biggest nft marketplace in the world. So there's that. Enjoy faggots.

>> No.22364939

Nothing is stopping you but I don't think people will buy your art. The real value in NFTs will be in insurance contract tokens.
beep boop posting more to throw off data collection robots. get ye gone.

>> No.22365027

Please spoonfeed more/link to spoonfeed. Sounds interesting

>> No.22365448

best i can do. im kinda new to this token

>> No.22365604


>> No.22366039

$20 each is a low ball estimate for the 3x from here

>> No.22366174
File: 241 KB, 280x427, 1597865269302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


never seen any token that gives me a cray hard-on like RARI. FUCK YOU FUDDERS, IM BALLS DEEP IN NOW

>> No.22366210

I think I'll be OK. Greed really consumes you faggots. End of the day I'll still have my money, shills

>> No.22366215

dumping on us , and he received free coins 40 days ago....check the transactions.

>> No.22366298

anothe dumper who received free coins 6 mins ago...


>> No.22366338

another one
he received for free 738.2496 coins 8 mins ago and dumped on us ........


>> No.22366372

shit, I wont be able to buy before next week

>> No.22366499

i just byed with all my rupees I every have and if this coin going to moon I going to the moon saying bye bye mumbai forever

>> No.22366512


Here's hoping we go sub $3. I need to buy moar.

>> No.22366523

Scammy coordinated pnd vibes

>> No.22366529

I'm selling a jpg on there. Am I doing it right?

>> No.22366584

yesterday there were 1600 holders
today we're over 2000
25% increase in 24hrs

it's not a pnd fren, real people are buying

>> No.22366601

look at this address ! he is sending coins for free every 3 mins


and each address is dumping on uniswap...
fucking russian

>> No.22366603

WHY why WhY did /biz/ have to shill this coin so fucking early I fucking HATE you pieces of shit, no one that browses /biz/ would be able to see this opportunity anyway and you killed my accumulation rate you fucking idiot shillfags

>> No.22366726

This is a lesson I’ve learned the hard way this week.
t. Drooling newfag who bought into YFII and held..

>> No.22366735
File: 14 KB, 255x247, pepe-loser-forehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how stupid are you?

That wallet is transfering around 75k per week. I wonder why.

>> No.22366792

Good luck waiting 6 years for the supply to reach max, by then this will be a billion cap

>> No.22366862

This is not a pump and dump,
A pump and dump is when everyone knows the coin, It pumps in attempt to sell on others fomoing and others in the pump

This is pumping because it just got released, as people see what kind of project it is, they want to hold, as more and more people find out they buy in and hence addresses increase and hence the marketcap increases but in a sustainable manner versus just one huge whale pumping a coin. There is not going to be any dips from this point unless stonks take a huge shit bringing everything down, which is unlikely now the fed have everything back in order and tesla is on the recovery

>> No.22367006

it's pumping because the market cap is stupidly low, even accounting for the new coins released. this is a 80M at least which is why the dumb newfags have been confused since yesterday
>omg anon it already did +80% surely it can't go much higher
that's how retarded these faggots are. they don't account for any other parameter other than daily increase. x2, x3 even x10 is nothing when you start from below 1M market cap.

>> No.22367081



Hard pass.

>> No.22367155

you decided to pass based on an outright lie. fully diluted is 25m. by EOY, circulating supply will be 3m.

>> No.22367324

Read this >>22351124
Good luck waiting 6 years

>> No.22368589


Thanks for saving people from going all in on this pnd , he dumped 738.2496 .

>> No.22368756

you absolute fucking retard. thats marketplace mining distribution.

>> No.22368879

NFT is the next big thing after DeFi. RARI will be like the Binance of NFT.

>> No.22369020

this project is bigger than any one person. not my concern if you pass on it at these prices. someone else will be there to buy what you didn't

>> No.22369349
File: 95 KB, 1080x585, 20200909_064655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real redpill: RARI is DEFI

>> No.22369366

What is this really long contract interaction before my collectible is available? It's been more than 2 hours.

>> No.22370137

Platform usage probably at all time highs.

>> No.22370459
File: 664 KB, 640x640, 66565464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, I told you to buy and hold YFI when it was low marketcap. Most of you didn't listen. Now Im telling you to buy and hold RARI. RARI is low marketcap and will be the Binance of NFTs. NFTs are going to be a future trillion dollar industry. Are you going to listen to me this time?

>> No.22370852

Which major exchange lists it first?

>> No.22371707

No. Quit this lazy bullshit

>> No.22371893

Broke above $7 now, absolutely based. This will be at $100, there is no doubt.

>> No.22372296

I could see $40+ by month end

>> No.22372379

Space suit ready !

>> No.22372415

all blockchain games are complete shit

>> No.22372562

not talking about blockchain games

>> No.22372875

I've played a couple decent ones. Also Decentraland isnt complete garbage.

>> No.22373467

whats the make it stack? 10k ?

>> No.22374046

$50 in a week screenshot this

>> No.22374195

you'll be fine, don't be so dramatic. this is going to at least $20, maybe not instantly but pretty quickly. if it corrects don't be a pussy. just hold it. a decent listing will push price up.

>> No.22374213
File: 20 KB, 690x690, 55E0541C-D377-4C69-807D-F09F01161E21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t believe you retards keep on buying this lmfao first of all, this is centralized. People are already getting banned for wash trading meaning this project is fucking garbage and is no different than if Steam started accepting Bitcoin/Ethereum for CS:GO skins.

If it really was decentralized you could sell child porn NFTs prove me wrong faggots.
>Hurr durr muh Andre

>> No.22374390

dudes mad he missed out on buying for $2... sad

>> No.22374399

imagine not knowking what a governance token is.

>> No.22374718

This isn’t targeted to you who’s making bank on retards buying this, it’s targeted towards the retards. I admit, I overestimated the intelligence of the crypto community, I now realize that it’s all just a bunch of degenerate gamblers who go on hype and FOMO and I’m one of the only sane ones who doesn’t make emotional decisions. I know this is a retarded project but I was too smart for my own good to understand that people would be jumping in it blindly just because of Andre and not because of the project itself.

>> No.22374774
File: 195 KB, 1188x1190, Andre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long till you faggots understand this is a gem that you grossly overlooked

>> No.22374921
File: 187 KB, 1242x1089, BCD8FF64-FD80-4098-B22E-A4E5673E06CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s grossly overshilled. It just reeks of greed and FOMO, it’s going to correct really fucking hard soon. You think this is sustainable? For a marketplace that there is no demand for and the only niche it has is insurance that can be bought quicker elsewhere?

>> No.22374950
File: 192 KB, 625x682, cc4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be mad you missed getting in early

>> No.22374999

have an imagination, this is crypto

>> No.22375021
File: 79 KB, 259x259, BE4BD8BB-613E-4B31-ADC2-25F94B9C6086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn’t know I own bags of microcaps that will reach 2-3 digit values in a few years that make me richer than this ever could

>> No.22375042

"I'm way too smart to make money" -the post
Kek, fucking kek. Keep being poor and delusional.

>> No.22375109

It may be overshilled, but look behind the shill, and you will understand why everyone is going so crazy about it, NFT is the next big thing, you can either deny truth or you can follow the trend

>> No.22375133

ok faggots I guess you're right. Where do I buy this rugpull?

>> No.22375232

”NFT only became the next big thing because Andre said so”
You do realize that this project was fucking dead before this, right? It’s all artificial.

>> No.22375253

Tell you what. I will unironically buy rari if you buy sta.

>> No.22375309

Fuck off. stop shilling your nigerian trannycoin in every rari thread you fucking moron. Not our fault you made a bad decision and are poor because of it. Also I dont give a fuck if you buy rari or not, stay poor holding shitera.

>> No.22375332

Yikes, you sound upset.

>> No.22375349

>If it really was decentralized you could sell child porn NFTs prove me wrong faggots.
not only is he mad he missed out but he seems to be mad you can't sell child porn on rarible.com

>> No.22375375

how desperate are you fucking STA shills? Whats the matter? Fake volume exchanges not lifting the price?

>> No.22375390

You obviously don’t understand crypto

>> No.22375413

Not really. I wanted to buy some rari and thought I would bring up another low mcap coin, but if you are not interested, I will shut up about statera :)

>> No.22375418

im sure you do tho hey big brain anon, im sure you know more than everyone

>> No.22375441
File: 2.28 MB, 1200x1200, sta king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you sold at 3c? Both?
lmao just get a new bag, we moonin' boys just got staking too

>> No.22375626


>> No.22375724


>> No.22375772

STAking on top of fees. Still early, but exciting.

>> No.22375789

I sold at 35 cents moron, you know, the same price you bought your bags at kek

>> No.22375797

Oh holy shit I can’t believe I missed out on these news, fucking tranny banned me from the TG. Have to grab more ASAP if true.

>> No.22375900

the brainlets waiting for a dip got BTFO