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22330022 No.22330022 [Reply] [Original]

Do boomers even care all their children are either prostituting themselves online, overdosing, or defrauding people on the internet for money?

>> No.22330066

no lol, its their fault this is happening in the first place

>> No.22330069

In Germany they encourage it. Because "children know" and are thus bombarded with sexuality everywhere, often by order of the state.

>> No.22330210

My dad has over 8 million dollars in equities alone and he won't even let trust distributions (like 15k every 6 months) that my grandma set up go through to me (CRE broker who hasn't made a sale since March) and my brother (professional photographer... 's assistant).

>remember son, trust distributions are optional, don't rely on them!
>uh, ok dad, but if there was any year we should get full distributions, wouldn't this be it?
>*writes me out of the will for being too greedy*

>> No.22330240

Your dad will probably blow all the money before he dies just to make absolutely sure you get none of it.

>> No.22330275
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what's the problem? that's the free market at work. and don't give me that morality crap. God is dead. haven't you read any Nietzsche?

>> No.22330299

I've just started writing these people out of my life. I won't be at that grandparent's funeral.

If they don't want to share with their family, fuck em. Build a new, better one.

Unbelievable that your father won't distribute 15k to you guys lol

>> No.22330301
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So it's ok if I start carding people? God don't be mad?

>> No.22330414


t. 80 IQ NEET loser

>> No.22330466


>> No.22330479

They’re not morally obligated to, ill just hate them for it. I’m not morally obligated to care for my parents as they age.

>> No.22330597

>80 IQ NEET loser

Tfw pulling 170k remote (in an industry that expands during recessions), haven't even seen mom's basement in years, own 2 motorcycles + convertible, 30 year old boomer lifestyle in my 20s

What makes cutting greedy boomers out of your life low IQ? My grandfather lives surrounded by golf courses in Florida and only gives resources to my deadbeat uncle who is still looking to get into a career in his late 40s. Also supports that dude's pregnant, deadbeat daughter + pitbull.

He doesn't know what I do, have the capacity to understand, or apparently give a shit, so I won't give a shit when he dies.

>> No.22330814

Boomers only care about themselves and their money. Its funny how they claim their children are selfish and entitled but where could they have learned this from?

This is the boomer mentality. Which will get you rich but not suitable for ensuring a strong future lineage.

>> No.22330866

>This is the boomer mentality
What, precisely, is "this"? Be specific

Note that I have the capacity to care about other people, just not verified boomers.

>> No.22331019

You are mad that your grandfather supports your cousins pregnancy? you dont need the money obviously you selfish cunt.

>> No.22331114

Boomer fucking rug pulled us

>> No.22331163

>fuck you, I got mine
The boomer mentality that crosses all political, racial, and economic lines

>> No.22331221

>You are mad that your grandfather supports your cousins pregnancy? you dont need the money obviously you selfish cunt.

If the reality of the situation were as you presented it and she was just pregnant in a vacuum, I would have zero issue, but that isn't the case.

My issue is when 2 generations of idiots (uncle and cousin) are sharing a bedroom in my grandfather's condo and fleecing family wealth to fuel their degeneracy.

My uncle is late 40s or early 50s and his latest story was that he failed a test to become a surveyor. He hid in his room when I last visited, followed by claiming his car was out of gas on the way back from the failed surveyor test.

In the past, he pretended he was a realtor and needed work clothes, car, and other stuff. He received everything he "needed". My grandfather called the firm and asked for my uncle and they said they'd never heard of the guy. LOL

This dude is a liar and there will soon be a 3rd generation of slag to continue the cycle.

>> No.22331269
File: 64 KB, 570x712, 7B0A2AAE-9592-491A-A8F4-645C29F62D93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve personally killed 3 boomers by infecting myself with corona and coughing in them. All 3 were guys I knew and I confirmed their causes of death. 3 dead boomers is a small consolation but it’ll keep me satisfied until the great boomer purge.

>> No.22331283

Oh and they didnt' even attend my graduation from a top 10 university (with $30k student loans). I thought I was doing what was valued in the family.

Turns out I would have gotten more support by begging.

>> No.22331299

>I’ve personally killed 3 boomers by infecting myself with corona and coughing in them. All 3 were guys I knew and I confirmed their causes of death. 3 dead boomers is a small consolation but it’ll keep me satisfied until the great boomer purge.

Thank you for contributing to Boomer Rapture

>> No.22331331
File: 44 KB, 657x527, 1597942739119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do boomers even care
Yeah... Only about themselves

>> No.22331435


>> No.22331440
File: 79 KB, 618x411, 55_plus_community_in_florida_where_retirees_search_for_homs_for_sale_in_the_villages_fl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah... Only about themselves
Yep. They went and made their own secluded community called "The Villages" where they have daily senile orgies.

Just wanted to make sure everyone knew that, in case some are holding out thinking that boomers are sitting around with all their free time pondering how to make this mess better.

Naw. They're having orgies to Jimmy Buffet in Florida