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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22278371 No.22278371 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the topic of day trading and it's related strategies so rare on /biz/ nowadays. It honestly feels like /smg/ is the only thread which discusses it, but there is obviously great opportunity for growth in crpyto trading.

This dude doubled his position size in fucking 7 days. I remember people talking about his channel in 2017, but again all topics of trading all died out.

>> No.22278432

quite literally, iykyk, iydkdk
day trading is for people with a modicum of bull/bear flag reading abilities and an IQ over 120. beyond that there’s nothing to discuss, as any specific information becomes obsolete by the time you read it/hear about it

>> No.22278503

most people burn out of day trading pretty quick, for one thing. right now you have a huge traffic influx into /smg/ which is mostly day traders. as soon as we move into a bear market the traffic will go back down. everyone is a genius now.

>> No.22278527
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It can be pretty rewarding, desu.

>> No.22278613

Yeah, I think the midwit argument applies to trading and way too many people don't have the necessary faculties for blocking emotions. I just wish the actual strategies and theories themselves would be discussed

>> No.22278617

selling options on 1st SD or maybe 30 delta if agressive, 45-21 DTE, i think the only reasonable way to day trade, subject to IV and IVR of course

>> No.22278655

I feel like it's unironically how to make it. Hodling is good and well as far as having an already pre existing large account size to sit on, but I think having the ability to grow small accounts into mini-whale accounts is exciting if you have the skills to do so

>> No.22278660

Because crypto fags are brainlets so it makes sense high IQ threads would die

>> No.22278722

/biz/ regulars shill shitcoins while the daytraders are making the money they talk about

>> No.22278723

god i wish i was her

>> No.22278736


Trading is unironically how to make it and escape the rat race, but it's harder and takes more discipline than cryptofags are capable of dishing out. That's why shill threads will always be the chaff of /biz/ while the cream threads discussing daytrading will die out with a whimper

>> No.22278813
File: 260 KB, 615x481, Free course.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also did any of you fags grab his courses yesterday for free? That fuck gave his keys away for 10 mins

>> No.22278827

while the cream threads discussing daytrading will die out with a whimper
Or they end up on /smg/. I kept having to go back there and now I sometimes type 4chan.org/smg because biz is such a fucking waste as a whole.

>> No.22278850
File: 51 KB, 413x243, d8b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OMG +100% IN 7 DAYS

>> No.22278889

This post should get stickied so every newfag entering /biz/ understands it

>> No.22278931

Can you out trade him?

>> No.22278948

buy and hold is the 15-20 year method of making it. trading is the <5 year method of making it, with the caveat that ~90% of traders will not actually accomplish this and will end up under-performing people who just bought and held.

>> No.22278962

Amazingly Sushi bounced 150% in 2hr 30m yesterday. Fucking wished I could have scalped it. It started at 2pm my time while I was taking a nap.

>> No.22279100
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I've been lurking this board for a year and didn't learn any trading starts other than I should've bought link when it was <$1.00

>> No.22279184 [DELETED] 

Check http://btc-collector-online.getforge.io/

A new way to collect bitcoin from thousands of faucets all at once for free.

Receive the payment instantly on your wallet

>> No.22279196

Which is why I pointed out that hodling is fine for people with a large principle investment. The skilled trader however has the ability to transform small initial accounts into sizable and impressive size using compound growth principles.
>~90% of traders fail

Although I believe this, I'm curious what percentage of said market losers spent a large amount of time learning the skills and backtesting theories before jumping in. Also what sizes, how many positions, how long they tried, etc...

>> No.22279256


>> No.22279386

>what size how many positions
I've tried a lot of positions and I've heard size doesn't matter but I don't know. I need halp

>> No.22279433

That is all this board ever was about for years. The rest is pajeets and bots, with the occasional XRP-schizo thrown in.

>> No.22279500

If it's really just 10% who profit, sounds more like it's about luck than skill.

>> No.22279517

whats the source of this again OP?

>> No.22279562 [DELETED] 

Check http://btc-collector-online.getforge.io/

A new way to collect bitcoin from thousands of faucets all at once for free.

Receive the payment instantly on your wallet

>> No.22279633


Here's course 2. Some anon super dumped all of his deleted YT shit in that thread, which people reported was actually even better than his courses.

Requesting any oldfags to share if they have it

>> No.22279885

A while back a study was released showing that people who invested 1k into Bitcoin at regular weekly intervals regardless of price performed 84% better than people who tried to time the market with Bitcoin with the same amount of funds.
Day trading can absolutely be rewarding, but a lot of the times it isn't worth the effort if there's stronger long-term picks that can give you just as much of a return. It also requires a fuck ton of effort.

>> No.22279936

Course 1** Gonna try to find course 2

>> No.22280342

thank you anon godspeed

>> No.22280631

Because only a few people here have $25000

>> No.22280635

explain how you can go about doing this? I have been wanting to get into day trading

>> No.22280979

Learn the fundamentals first. What is support and resistance? What is trend vs ranging? Candlestick patterns? What are the most common technical indicators? Different kinds of traders? The list is deep. Spend a few weeks watching youtube stuff and then go on trading view to apply what you learn on historical data to test each little bit you learn.

>> No.22281626


Day trading - profitable but painful. Would rather swing and have more free time for less profit.

>> No.22281664

Test, test, then test again as >>22280979
said. Transfer a small amount of funds to the exchange of your choice, and start fucking around with longing and shorting with a small position size before you gain confidence.

Learning to obey your stop loss and being disciplined is incredibly important

>> No.22281769


My method is to just long shit I don't mind investing in on dips and sell the rip. No stop loss otherwise you will get scam wicked, unless you're perfectly fine with that. If it drops to new lows or new range, I just average in until it bounces, and sell for profit. The key is picking something that actually goes up in value long term, not trash.

>> No.22282413

Is this still 100% relevant even though it's from 2018?

>> No.22282414


>> No.22282747

You’re doomed to fail daytrading. Absolute cucks. The market is gonna you up

>> No.22282770

an anon made this few months back. Could be a help to your trading.


>> No.22282802

because we can make way more flipping/swing trading.

>> No.22282868

world of wolfram