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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.72 MB, 1005x1024, cinnpie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22228300 No.22228300 [Reply] [Original]

how many link for a gf like this

>> No.22228309

You're too old for her bro

>> No.22228331

how does 3 cents sound

>> No.22228336

That's a man.

>> No.22228344

1000 pesos sir

>> No.22228363
File: 384 KB, 599x400, 0000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too old for pic related also

>> No.22228373

this bitch is so cringey i remember her

>> No.22228374

Who is she?

>> No.22228378

that is definitely a man.

>> No.22228400


>> No.22228402 [DELETED] 

a low market cap twitch thot

>> No.22228421

fuck. >>22228402 was for >>22228374

>> No.22228435
File: 216 KB, 383x499, 1597096349571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22228460

aint this the guy who tried to get with a 12 yo kid?

>> No.22228808

Uh like 2 tops

>> No.22228854

uhh that's a man

>> No.22228901

Any /biz/ bros on here play competitive smash? I used to be a die hard Melee player going to nationals and shit. But I lost the drive when I realized that playing 9 hours a day to be the best in the world wasn't for me.
I got into ultimate as a casual competitive but it just wasn't as god tier as melee. Still an amazing game though.
LOL at D1 and all those top players getting SJW cucked by the smash scene. It is full of cucked liberals.
I am permanently banned from entering tournaments in NYC and all of New England because I shit posted an ugly girlfriend tier list of all the top players.

>> No.22228912


>> No.22229059
File: 43 KB, 434x528, colonize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not your blog newfag

>> No.22229280

Play a real fighting game like Tekken SF or MK. Smash is for fags.

>> No.22229313

based as fuck

>> No.22229539

I tried them out but they weren't as complex as melee. Melee is an infinite sandbox fighting game with insanely more options than traditional fighting games. The only other fighting games on par with melee is like Tekken, DBZFighters and the anime fighting games like guilty gear

>> No.22229553

there is no saving you

>> No.22229958

Lol. Melee players can place top 16 in your nationals with minimal practice but you couldn't even get top 128 in a smash tourney

>> No.22230056

imagine getting this babe and then having a mental breakdown because society has conditioned you to believe a bunch of bullshit, the absolute state of modern men. Some guys would have reveled in that chance and pumped her up by 16 but no.. muh abuse and muh etc.. I need to ruin this opportunity and cry online. They've successfully turned the sexes against eachother

>> No.22230120

Agreed the kid was a big cuckold I would have impregnated her if I was 16

>> No.22230133


>> No.22230214

Marvel vs Capcom 2 chad reporting in. Keep playing your pokemon game, kid.

>> No.22230247

can you translate this into simple english?

>> No.22230350

women cannot rape men unless they are irredeemably ugly

>> No.22230612

lol i still don’t get it. apart from the shitty hair color the girl is decent looking. what’s this society conditioning he’s talking about? im out of the loop what’s trendy for quite some time. is what she displays trendy? it looks like some teeny stuff

t. boomer

>> No.22230674

this looks so much like my old gf in Vietnam i had to doublecheck it wasn't her. she worked in wine importation and she would bring me over $50+ bottles and blow me as i uncorked it. ah, better days.

>> No.22230706

>ugly girlfriend tier list of all the top players.
post it or youre a larping pedo.

>> No.22230746

Take. A. Shower.

>> No.22230813

This is an ape

>> No.22231109

Idk like two and half maybe?

>> No.22231113

you need about 1000 0x_MR

>> No.22231384

Any sauce on her?

>> No.22231457

0xmonero is trash.
anyone shilling it is a fool and/or a liar.

>> No.22231468

Free if you're shota

>> No.22231740
File: 1.29 MB, 246x206, RDke8hw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many link for a gf like this

To buy or rent?

>> No.22232044
File: 388 KB, 1417x1075, 1597834226908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them brown too anon but you can do better....

>> No.22232063

Who did you main in melee?