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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22227697 No.22227697 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw other boomer restaurant owners are getting cucked into paying 30-40% commission fees to Grubhub and Uber Eats because they don't know how to google search how to make an online ordering website and use API's to push your orders into Postmates DaaS or DoorDash Drive for 0% commission fees.

>Kek they just hand over control of their ordering to third parties and get raped to the tune of tens of thousands - hundred thousands, but don't realize it because it's not "upfront".

>Kek they don't think it's odd that the delivery company makes the price of the order their business, instead of just charging by weight or by distance like an actual delivery company who's business is delivery.

>Kek they hand over 100% of the tip to the driver, who did the easiest job out of everyone involved.

>Kek UberEats is being openly discriminatory and waiving fees only for "Black-Owned" businesses.

>Kek they fall for "advertising" on groupon, who discounts them by 50% and then takes half of the half as commission.

>Kek some of them virtued signalled during shut downs about "staying open as a non-profit to help out their workers" when the most generous thing you could have done at the time was lay off fucking everyone for as long as possible like I did since I have enough savings to cover rent for years, and let them collect their Unemployment + $600 a week bonus for as long as possible. But they're horrible with numbers and common sense, or they just wanted to get the PPP, and virtue signal on the news while they're at it.

>> No.22227818
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Most of these neets haven’t worked foh or boh so it’s wasted but cheers to you anon. Fucking ass fuck boomers and their shift restaurant management. Garbage. But hilarious in this day and age.

>> No.22227859

I have a online ordering and app system which I pay a flat monthly fee for, avoided 3rd party ordering apps from the start.

What do you mean by using APIs to push orders? How does that work/benefit you?

>> No.22227928

can we just have the blockchain uber already ft. chainlink map/payments/id2020 reputation and kleros vetting/hiring/dispute resolution
you would have competitive fees rather than this monopoly jewry and you could plug an uber chainlink adapter right into it to drain its network effect
why does this not exist already? is it just the gas fees? the lack of on-chain identity/payment options?

>> No.22227988

No niggas gonna use fuckin crypto and the goddamn blockchain to order dey mufuggan popeyes on they sail foam.

>> No.22228098

For Delivery. Now everyone expects delivery because of retard19. That's actually the unprofitable part of all these companies, 100% subsidized by retarded billionaire VC investors. Gouging 15% for a takeout order or restaurant fulfilled delivery? That's the golden part of their business. But little known fact you CAN use postmates as just their delivery fleet. They just kind of hide it away because they know if everyone does it they'll collapse right away.

Anyway, if I control the delivery orders I can redirect them to my employees if Leeroy over there looks like he's got a moment, or if I don't have anyone I can have it fulfilled by postmates. They don't even ask what the price or the content of the order is. kek. so you can tip their driver whatever you want. Actually you don't even have to use an API, they have a dashboard to push orders. That's how retarded people are to not realize you don't need to let them be in charge of ordering.

>> No.22228107

Kek and people wonder why small businesses are dying

>> No.22228151

why not create a service business that helps them rectify these mistakes, and charge a fee for doing so. this just screams opportunity to me(if you know what your doing, which it sounds like you do)

dont laugh at people who dont know what they're doing, profit by doing it for them.

>> No.22228170

People already have.... like uhhh.. chownow, gloriafood, there's hundreds of them.

>> No.22228230

I swear all this online ordering shit is copy and pasted code too. They ALL look identical lmao. Even the "Grubhub / Seamless, DoorDash, UberEats" ones. Take a good look at them.

Here's something absolutely hilarious. Restaurant owner I know, advertised his GRUBHUB page on facebook. So he was happy about the fact that he spent money to send people to a third party website and GRUBHUB charged him 15% "marketing fee" for TAKEOUT ORDERS. Meanwhile his page looks like a cookie cutter auto-generated piece of shit. lmao. all the pictures cut off when you click on them and shit. too funny.

>> No.22228472

Wow stop bullying

>> No.22228833

so nigger charge 20% and get that money

>> No.22228960


>> No.22229222

Surprised a p2p system hasnt taken over these systems.
T. Got my 50k LINK delivering UberEats

>> No.22230259

No it's funny. Restaurant owners have no ability to project numbers in the future. I bet they pp'd the ppp money down the urinal by now.

Let's look at the news for a sec.
>John Pepper used a PPP loan to pay employees and reopen four of his eight Boloco restaurants when Massachusetts lifted its shutdown order in early May. But with the money spent and business at the restaurants down as much as 70%, Pepper had to again close two locations.

Bet you this guy got over $150k possibly over a million. Down the drain. What a retard.

>Autumn of 2016 saw major changes. Boloco closed numerous locations, including the one in Vermont and all the ones in Maryland. By November 2016, they were down to only ten locations in Massachusetts, one in Rhode Island and one in Hanover, NH.

Boloco became a certified B Corp in 2016.[5] The Harvard Square location closed in July 2017, after 19 and a half years of operation.

These burrito bowl copy and paste QSR places are like shitcoins. It was probably on the verge of shutting down with or without corona.

>Restaurants generally have a low profit margin, between 5% and 6%, and they achieve that only if they have a full house virtually every day, says Sean Kennedy, executive vice president for the trade group National Restaurant Association. They also tend to have only about two weeks of cash on hand, making them highly vulnerable when their sales are down.

Yeah that's because they're not run by businessmen, they're typically run as retardedly as the average American runs their personal finances.

>> No.22230374

>"With the PPP money we received, we were able to pay 48 employees but that has run out now, so we are left with very few alternatives” for funding, Cea says. He’s hoping for more help from the government, even if it’s a loan that must be repaid." In the meantime, Cea says, “the only reason we are pretty much surviving is because we own the building,” he says.

Stop surviving then, dumbass. Why the hell would you "survive" and LOSE MONEY for the hell of it. You would have at least preserved money by doing nothing. Why are all these retards rushing to be open while all their numbers say that the revenues don't even make a dent in their payrolls and they just plow through borrowed money. For what? Creating busy work for everyone. Just shut down and rethink your whole business. Reinvest that pp into automation and making your business not such an inefficient piece of shit.

>> No.22230417

what crypto projects are you investing on

>> No.22230820


>> No.22230842

biz, behold the new fags. you know what’s coming next (hint: big ass fucking crash)

>> No.22230854

but at the same time if my local italian bistro closed down I’d be absolutely shaken to the core :( there has to be a happy medium here

>> No.22231020
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By Kek if you ignore this man's post you will suffer the wrath of frogs

>> No.22231657

What is the coin you are shilling nigger?

>> No.22231689

Traditional restaurants do everything in such stupid and outdated ways. There's a reason why they're making 5-6% profit margins. "Modernizing" can be a bit of a trap tho because the industry is inundated with a lot of useless ipad apps these days. I don't you'll see an ipad back of house in mcdonalds.

>> No.22232243

Yeah, because everyone has the time to manage a restaurant and be a web developer, or you'll set it up for free.

>> No.22232820

why do you need blockchain in the first place?
everything is easier without it

>> No.22232855

I have. Bussing is fucking aids.

>> No.22232966
File: 3.05 MB, 500x281, RecklessLonelyHalcyon-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These burrito bowl copy and paste QSR places are like shitcoins.

>> No.22232993


>> No.22233015

Almost every single business owner is fucking retarded and just got lucky. I thought you'd know that by now

>> No.22233401

You don't have to be a web developer. There's hundreds of Shopify equivalents for food ordering.

>> No.22233645

By the way biz, You could probably make money off of your local boomer restaurants that just have grubhub and the other big delivery apps as online order sites. Look up stuff like "Whitelabel Online order platform, reseller" on google. Put your own brand on the platform, then sell it to the boomer restaurant owner, just set up everything for them, put their pictures, prices, and menu on there. They'll think you're a "tech genius" and charge them like $99 - $199 a month. Most of them literally get the order from one of 4 different tablets and manually re-enter it into their POS systems. If you can hook it up to auto-print in their kitchen they'll think you're a wizard. And some of these online order platforms allow you to resell their web apps because they know some restaurant owners are legitimately too stupid to set up on their own through the portal so therefore you're "adding value".