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22226259 No.22226259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Broke up with my girlfriend today. I was anticipating it for a few weeks now. I wanted to have kids and she wants to go to college and still have "fun." Really heart broken and just want to have a big family. The only silver lining here is she never knew about my eth and link stack but I dont see the point of making it if I cant have a family. Any frens here gone through this yet? Im 22 if that helps.

>> No.22226322

You're a fucking baby still. You'll find a girl worthy of your fortune. That girl was at least honest good for her

>> No.22226323

just so you know lots of couples would break up right before college so the girls can ho around and get dicked.

this is a tale as old as college itself. focus on yourself not worth the time. if anything you've realized she wasn't good for you long term

>> No.22226451
File: 98 KB, 1024x788, 1597808548287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think thats the real reason she wanted to go to college? Was it inevitable? She broke up with me because she wanted other men at college? I dont understand what happiness that brings her in the long term. Cant believe I wasted a year and a half on her for it to end like this.

>> No.22226498

I know. Its just that shes so innocent and I want to protect her. I want her to be happy and I feel shes going to end up regretting this decision. It hurts.

>> No.22226520

be thankful you actually had a romantic partner in your teens unlike some of us *cough cough*

anyway its kind of an unspoken thing that most girls (and guys) go to big colleges for the parties and endless hedonism. the colleges sell the "experience" not a degree

its inevitable for 99.5% of the girls living in the west. im not gonna tell u what to do, but for me im past the point of even wasting time because its not worth it for me

>> No.22226565


This post >>22226498 was meant for you.

>that happiness that brings her in the long term
that's the thing I realized, w*men are literally AI that are hardwired for "fun" like you said. very short time preference, literally the nigs of our species. they dont think long term, or usually get lucky long term because so many men are wimps nowadays. thanks for reading my blog

>> No.22226573

you will forget about her in a couple of months, try hooking up with someone else, nothing you can do, just thinking about it doesnt help.

>> No.22226623

She was my first girlfriend so I never really experienced any relationships in my teens. I met her at a summer job and never thought she would be the type to end up at college (19 act and barely got out of highschool working as a waitress). I hope I get another opportunity soon.

>> No.22226698

You are lying to yourself. Sorry, but it's true.

Happiness isn't in being protected, it is out in the world of experiences. She will be better off, ultimately, by going through hearthbreak, puppy love, and heartbreak all over again. After all, is it not the hard times in life when we grow the most?

You are still young and have a lot to learn, but remember that life is like a drama or a play. If no "bad" things ever happened, the plot would not develop, and neither would you.

Good luck!

>> No.22226717

So is there no hope anymore? Is it still possible to have 4 or 5 kids and a wife that loves you unconditionally? How is the human race going to continue if women refuse to have kids?

>> No.22227171

it’s not worth it anon it’s really not that bad being alone
there’s other ways of leaving a legacy behind

>> No.22227191

God dayum nigga love me white bitches

>> No.22227296 [DELETED] 

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>> No.22227350

Well I'm 25 and have a wife, a baby son, and now a career. Obviously you did the right thing by not telling her about your gains. I achieved this by traveling to Asia and finding a woman there who like me wanted to start a family. Maybe this isn't the advice you wanted to hear, but in case you hadn't considered the option, it IS an option. We live together in the USA again now.

>> No.22227374
File: 221 KB, 600x400, TheRationaleMale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how to be a high value male which women won't ever want to leave if you want kids and how to recognize toxic women with no future.
Be prepared for your relationship to end at any time and to replace her if needed.


>> No.22227379

I traveled to a different country to love with a virl once only to have her leave me out on the streets in her country after a month. You're gonna be fine.

>> No.22227420

Way to depressing to live alone
How do you do it? Do you just go to bars there and start chatting with women?

>> No.22227439

Whatever you do, don't go back/take her back. What's done is done. There are plenty out there lad. Good time to get back to church if you aren't already, you'll find a worthy woman there in good time

>> No.22227447

>already wanting a child with the woman you live
23 yo here with a committed gf of 4 1/2 years, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.22227458

All modern women have to ride the cock carousel. They won't be happy if you deny then if it, but they will always regret it later in life. There's no winning against a rigged system.

Marriage is the single most important financial decision a man can make in his life. Nothing will fuck up your happiness and wealth worse than picking the wrong partner.

No hymen no diamond non negotiable. Don't let a woman abuse you by being a feminist ho and then expect you to marry her in a chapel.

>> No.22227474

fuck you spamming pajeet

>> No.22227482

brother as long as you have a hobby you’ll be fine (preferably not crypto)
don’t stress about women, if it’s on the table take it but otherwise your time is better spent elsewhere

>> No.22227483

start lifting if you aren't already and keep hodling bro, you're gonna make it and have a qt trad gf one day. you're only 22 and still have your whole life ahead of you. soon you'll look back and laugh at the fact that you cared so much about this girl.

>> No.22227502

We need to bring back all female finishing colleges that teach women how to be good moms and you can only date them if you go to their formal dances

>> No.22227505
File: 1.35 MB, 1022x671, 1598102676265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a young lady with no college or desire to attend college.

>> No.22227541

I grew up going to church and the biggest whores I have ever met were christians. Would never marry a christian.

>> No.22227548

As long as you have a make it stack in Link that's all you need.