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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22134058 No.22134058 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin will never go back to 20k. Never will go to 100k or 500k.
The people who got burned in 2017 are still paying their credit card debt and forget about those who motgaged their house to buy bitcoin. There will never be again that kind of influx of normie money.
Bitcoin will permanently swing between 8400 and 12500 and the profits will always be on timing those swings.
Change my mind.

>> No.22134068

That’s unironically a biological woman

>> No.22134138

Source: https://instagram.com/melina.goransson?igshid=1nduja2pbnwcl

>> No.22134154

Cope harder, I lost 60k from 2018-19 and I just got back in 2 weeks ago

>> No.22134161

No visible tattoos, no need for trash just yet.

>> No.22134185

Man her boyfriend is fucking ugly

>> No.22134187

the standard

>> No.22134209

kek don't post steven bonnell's succubus here you cucklord

she is polyamourous will probably suck your dick btw

>> No.22134224

A literal manlet

>> No.22134242

Yeah there's people who are unimaginably wealthy who hold a bunch of Bitcoin who can pay pajeets to make a thousand websites to write shit like "BTC undervalued by a million billion" but you can't put air in a punctured tire it's literally all ogre

>> No.22134243
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a soiboy cucks all of /biz/

>> No.22134270

only boomers hold bitcoin now. its proven itself and therefore not much value is left in holding it over the long term. most of us have moved on to projects predicated on bitcoin surviving, which is a 100% guarantee now. ETH, LINK, XTZ, ADA, etc, pick your horse.

>> No.22134370

/biz/ is actually being double cucked: first by the nu-male she’s leeching off of and second by the guy the nu-male pays to fuck her while he watches

>> No.22134397
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>> No.22134399
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>tfw taller and better looking then this guy but, still can pull pussy

Being autistic sucks

>> No.22134402

thats a female male

>> No.22134510
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I believe you are right

And as you can see, you has zero impact. We need a lot of people to come in with fress cash and thats whats not going to happen anymore.

You are correct, I think, but not here to see the boyfriend

My dude

Yeah but bitcoin has the sniffles and everything else get corona so at least for now and the foreseeable future we are following the path bitcoin makes.

>> No.22134790

She is just an ugly shwedish girl, next time pick a norwegian one.
They dont have horseheads and free running niggers in there garden.

>> No.22134796

swallow the red pill and stop wasting time retard, good looks have it easy as fuck

>> No.22134863

Love norwegians but unironically dont know any.
Any Instathot recommendations?

>> No.22134864

I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.22134871

pretty sure hes in an """open relationship""" my dude

>> No.22134957

I was in school and too poor to really jump into the market in 2016/2017 so I sat it out. Started dipping my toes in 2019 and then went all in after the corona crash. Plenty of fresh money is pouring into crypto. I personally know a lot of people who don't even know how to use an exchange that moved their 401k money into ETFs and funds that give them exposure to BTC on the stock market.

I supposed how right or wrong you are depends on how stupid the new money is and if they will go for alts instead of buying boomercoin.

>> No.22135006
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He's not cucking anyone, he's cucking himself. Imagine having a girlfriend who posts nudes on Instagram for everyone to see lmao

>> No.22135030


It will go to 20k just because the usd will lose value, never mind any fundamentals

>> No.22135093

Pick a thot for yourself.
I dont use social media, so I dont know any names myself.

>> No.22135350

imagine throwing free money into the trash because you think this is a problem in any way

>> No.22135420


>> No.22135439
File: 359 KB, 1536x2048, EGuhqOoU8AA_f8V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Destiny is doing pic related while you ugly incels shitpost on /biz/ about internet tokens

>> No.22135472

I think Bitcoin was really just a project to see how blockchain with crypto incentives would work out. I'm believing the Sergey/Ari theory on where smartcontracts where the main goal rather than crypto "currency" being the main goal. I don't think Bitcoin as a currency, even if the scalability is solved through some layer 1 scaling solutions or more likely layer 2 scaling solutions, that people would be using Bitcoin to transact. More likely it's going to be stablecoins like USDC, DAI or maybe even ETH which is backed by its smartcontract platform or LINK which would be backed by its decentralised oracle network. Bitcoin however isn't really backed by anything that can't be copied if you believe the Ethereum network is secure enough compared to the Bitcoin network. You can't however copy a whole ecosystem of Ethereum or Chainlink. So in conclusion yes Bitcoin most likely won't be reaching those crazy targets since the focus is slowly shifting from crypto "currency" to smartcontracts and the usecases associated with them(DeFi for example).

>> No.22135539

Wow, that's some motivation.

If he can do it. I mean, I should be fucking super models. Is he really that short or just bending over?

>> No.22135619

Ok fair pont. But isn't the name bitcoin already burned to may people.
I mean, maybe not everybody went in in 2017 and a lot of people could still go in because they didnt lose anything back then. But a lot of people, sepcially those whit money to invest, hear or watched on TV or read the stories about all those who lost everything or at least lots on the crash.
So even if not everybody lost money already, most heard about people losing money, and sometimes that enough.

>> No.22135717

your correct, until your not. one day it will go up. when that is? who knows

>> No.22135722


>> No.22135741

2017 was the year where bitcoin dominance was only ~35%, when eth2 hits mainnet I think alts would be tested again. Such scenario would still pump BTC, because of all this DeFi shit like CRV
if eth2 fail to meet expectations, there's polkadot.

>> No.22135747
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>> No.22135763

is that destiny

>> No.22135790

The viable crypto services should detach themselves from bitcoin to take their own utility and value. But there has been 10 years and still bitcoin runs the show and leads the way.

>> No.22135810

he literally sucks cock while 'his' gf watches lol

>> No.22135815
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your destiny is being cucked by him

>> No.22135827

Thanks for your insight dude

>> No.22135843

I don't get it. He's not that rich. He's not attractive. Doesn't have a huge dick. All he has is a little bit of internet fame. Why are there always thots orbiting him?

>> No.22135849
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>> No.22135869

Holy fuck just realized thats DESTINY AHhahahhaahahahahah

>> No.22135900
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he has a high test beard

>> No.22135931

somehow this is even more hilarious than the tigerlily/naniwa cuckoldry saga. good for him

>> No.22135938

Eth2 will probably not be hitting mainnet any time soon. BTC might pump because people lock in profits from their shitcoins thinking BTC is "safe", although I think more people are stacking ETH and LINK rather than boomer Bitcoin and then depositing that into yield earning protocols like Aave or YFI. I also doubt polkadot will take over since the first mover advantage seems too big now. I think more and more pointless "alts" like NEO or VET or TRON will just wither away while this space grows more DeFi focused.

>> No.22135943

Jokes on him she's ugly my gf is way more attractive lmao manlets never learn

>> No.22135963

his mom lets him have two sloots?

>> No.22135965

what's there to cope when it's true? lol
melina said it on stream

>> No.22135992
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Destiny gets to sniff, lick and cum inside this young swedish body every night. You masturbate to meme internet tokens, incel.

>> No.22136013

Thats a man.

>> No.22136015

if destiny wants to deepthroat cocks I say let him, let’s not judge

>> No.22136042
File: 158 KB, 1125x1755, melina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k fag

>> No.22136074

The Bitcoin brand is definitely not burned to normies. Actually most of my normie friends I know who hold any amount of crypto hold mostly Bitcoin.
You are also not thinking about the fact that everyone is scared about the state of the international economy and the US dollar right now. Gold and Bitcoin are likely going to do very well in the next year because they're seen as safe havens/hedges. The 2017 crash is ancient history for most low information retail investors.

>> No.22136097

Omg I wonder what it would be like to spend a night with her cuddling naked

>> No.22136107

I don't think that's really a good argument in a space that is just 10 years old. Heck, Ethereum itself is just like 5 years old. Chainlink is a bit over 1 year into its mainnet while not even running the 1.0 version. So yea I think that argument gives people like a false sense of security that Bitcoin will just keep on going because it has so in the past. Meanwhile in reality so much is changing that just betting on that argument doesn't seem very safe to me.

>> No.22136176

People who got burned in 2017 will be back for the bull run after this bull run

>> No.22136189
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pic related knows

>> No.22136327

Ok. Then I think thats the real issue. How many of the potential investors are 'low information investors'.
I may think that most of the investing people at least watches CNBC or some thing like that and are aware of the massive crash so crypto may be tainted for all those. And I may think also that most of those who dont even watch cnbc prefer to invest in stocks because muh 200bn jef bezoz and muh memelord elon muzk.
How wrong am I?

>> No.22136504

Yeah and in 2015 people said BTC will never reach $1000 again

>> No.22136542

But the world is different now. Bytedance is 8 years old. Juul is 3 or 4 years old I think. Palantir and SpaceX are less than 20 years old. With what ruler do we measure the timeline of bitcoin/blockchain? With the startup one thay are ancient and have had marginal impact on the world and on technology. Or with the one of the really big things like the WWW or the stocks trading and we have to give them like 50 years to see their effects?

>> No.22136577

What a fucking cope

>> No.22136662

But bitcoin never got the amount of buzz that it got in 2017/18. Growth need new people, and there is a finite amount of new people to get in. My dad is a 60 year old man who works with wood and lives in a 30k people town in a shithole country and barely sends a whatsapp and he knows bitcoin went to the moon and then crashed.
At some point there is no new money coming in and thats when the grow stops. For price to go up somebody must be willing to buy at a higher price, and I think we are running out of those people.

>> No.22136667

Pornhub allows it for payments, now more will follow suit and the dollar weakens daily. Moon mission soon, you can't stop it

>> No.22136846

No, porn industry didn't make that vhs succeeded and beta failed. Porn is overvalued as a technology effect force. Will you pay for pornhub with bitcoin? Do you know someone who will? Or that pays for porn in any way? I mean obviously someone does, it is a big industry with large revenue, but is marginal at best.
Second, I don't want it to stop. I have bags. But I have to be rational about it.

>> No.22136869

>There will never be again that kind of influx of normie money.
retard alert
it is way easier to get into bitcoin now and plenty of new people have come online since 2017. normies will be here again when the tv tells them bitcoin is surging and they don't want to miss out. people do all kind of stupid shit for the chance of fast easy money, they will for sure buy bitcoin again

>> No.22136994

She has child face, guy's a pedo AND soi
Crisis averted

>> No.22137008

Most of the investors will be low information, especially towards the end of this bull run. And the majority aren't watching CNBC, they're watching Dave Portnoy stream on Twitter and crypto retards on Youtube. You underestimate how dumb this money is.
I do think that some institutional money will come in like in 2017, but that bigger shift is going to be more gradual and probably take at least 5 more years to fully occur. You can already see some billionaires saying they will put 1-5% of their wealth into Bitcoin as a hedge. That's a long term play that will last beyond this bull run.

>> No.22137046

steven is a chad

>> No.22137049

thats a man

>> No.22137090

Lol, you sound more like you're in fear instead of having arguments supporting your view.

>> No.22137101


Negro the USD is about to get torched by the Fed in an attempt to stop Trump, together with the Euro, the Yuan and the Yen.

>> No.22137114
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>> No.22137140


Wow he can afford TWO prostitutes by lying on the internet?

>> No.22137166

If the finance TV starts telling them to buy bitcoin maybe they will, but it's not going to happen because there is a gap in the demand of the price, me and you and many other will buy bitcoin at 5k 10k and maybe 15k, and normies will buy it at 25k or 30k once cnbc tells them to. But who drives the price from 15k to 30k? People who know won't buy that price and people who doesnt know wont buy that price.
>it is way easier to get into bitcoin now and plenty of new people have come online since 2017
true and i can turn literal physical cash into bitcoin in minutes, but is has been like that for well over a year. Where are all those people and their effect on price. Those who have com in since 2017 already got burned at 13k and wont buy again at that price, hence Who drives the price past 13k up to 30k to bring in new normies?

>> No.22137167

> He thinks normies are the ones who push markets.

>> No.22137200

Who is destiny?

>> No.22137218

Tell me your arguments then. Please. I literally said Change my mind.

>> No.22137247

Well he’s white, that feature alone probably mogs 80% of this board.

>> No.22137261

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.

Who is this guy and are those real ethots or just random hookers?

I thought hookers tended to avoid taking pictures though.

>> No.22137285


mods are sleeping, come on anons

>> No.22137353


Is this him? A 30 year old boomer who made 2000 bucks?

>> No.22137403

Normies think they missed out and that it's too late to buy bitcoin because they can't buy a whole one.

They'll start buying when sats are 1 cent and biz memes them into thinking sats will be 1 dollar.

>> No.22137441

You overlook a simple point: Bitcoin will rally because it's considered as legit wealth storage by normies nowadays in times of zero interest rates and endless qe. The technological features are not important for the causes of the coming rallye. It's about who got the market cap, no one puts his savings in a coin that could be replaced by some other token in years. 50 year old colleagues from work are discussing investing in corn atm, 21 million fixed amount is boomer knowledge, wait till the funding comes in, it'll be a massive rallye fuelled by currency devaluation. If you want a small example of what can happen, look at Venezuela, people move to btc. The technology or defi applicability is completely secondary, apart from that corn technology isn't even that bad. Even after nuclear ww3 you'll have some full nodes left with the complete chain on them.

>> No.22137464

The tech sector has been around for some time, so is the aerospace sector. Blockchain sector really started with Bitcoin. SpaceX might have only been 10 years old 10 years ago, but the whole aerospace sector is a lot older than that. E cigarettes were a thing since 2010. First things that kick start a sector/space usually don't end up lasting much since the ones entering in a bit later can see the problems that the first ones had and improve on that.

>> No.22137557

no one wants that cake faced small floppy titted roastie.

>> No.22137561

He’s destiny a twitch streamer with over half a mil followers.
Thots orbit him so he can include them in his photos and his fanbase makes these thots famous.
It’s literally a way to gain fame, nothing much.

>> No.22137665

Yes, but how longer until normies will discover ETH? LINK? Buying Bitcoin just because one day normies might be buying it to hedge against inflation doesn't seem like a good risk/roi bet even if it might push BTC's price to $100k. Much better off just buying LINK. Also the USD going into some sort of hyperinflation scenario any time soon seems very unlikely. They'll do their finance schemes like they have always done to drag everything out.

>> No.22137686

Ok thats a good point, Bitcoin projects a different image now that a few years ago. Now its not just a gambling internet thing but a legit financial asset. Thanks ill take that. But there is still the problem that I see that for the price to rise there must be someone to buy at higher price and I dont see many people already in the crypto world willing to buy above 15k and outside the crypto world willing to buy below 20-25k because cnbc wont tell them to until new ATH.
Where does that money comes then? Institutional investing? I have heard that before...

>> No.22137735

you think link can make the kinds of gains it has and normies haven't noticed? think again.

>> No.22137771

Also this. DeFi and smart contracts may be the future, but everybody know bitcoin and nobody know any other things, outside the crypto world. Normies will want bitcoin so all the crypto space is attached to it, regardles of anything.

>> No.22137835

> history with mental health
> high maintenance
> double digit body count at age 21
> mentally unstable

nobody with self respect would gf that up

>> No.22137863

>the USD going into some sort of hyperinflation scenario any time soon seems very unlikely
More likely than you think

People are dumping treasuries

Dalio is strongly hinting at the possibility of a usd devaluation and US decline as a world power if you read his free Changing World Order book.

>> No.22137915

I need to start streaming, holy shit

>> No.22137919

Inflation hedging is not happening one day anon, this is happening right now and in the months ahead, look at general asset inflation, google money velocity, funding is pouring and will find it's way. You don't necessarily need hyperinflation for that.
>they'll just do their finance schemes
And that's why you shouldn't be in fiat
>link has better risk/roi than btc
Questionable for the above reason. The factor isn't technology, it's reputation imo.

>> No.22138007

I hate it when these kikes get near white women.

>> No.22138011

I refuse to believe women exist.

>> No.22138056

You're right, in the last weeks you could always feel the ceiling at 15k.
But i take it as bullish that major exchanges around the world offer semi regulated crypto investments. In germany we got now an exchange offering btc investment to normies without needing to have a wallet and with an insurance against getting hacked. Give it some months and major chart resistances will be broken.

>> No.22138216

The bullrun to 20k was largely orchestrated by a few whales who worked together.
I don't expect them to have peacefully retired since then, or to have forgotten how to play the game.
First they'll create some volatility around 15k, liquidate some shorts, some longs, get everybody guessing, then rapidly pump the price beyond 23k with bots.
Always be aware how manipulated these markets all are.
Then again, now they have the option to just futures by blatant price manipulation. In 2017 they had to pump BTC to increase the value of their bags. So I'm not saying they'll pump BTC to 25k, I'm saying they can if they want to.

>> No.22138258

Bitcoin is starting to lose its reputation if it isn't really needed. Normies think it has reputation because the main thing the media has told them about cryptos is Bitcoin. Now if the media flips and starts shilling smartcontracts and Ethereum and Chainlink, then the same braindead normies will likely flip as well trying to be "early" on the next big thing. Yes maybe if dollar went tits up tomorrow, money will flow to Bitcoin since currently Ethereum and Chainlink aren't really fully developed. However, 2 years from now where will the smartcontract space be? How big will the value be that Chainlink's feeds will be securing? Will off chain layer 2 scaling like Arbitrum be working properly? If normies will flow into Bitcoin, then a lot of those same normies will also start looking at other cryptos shilled to them. LINK going from $5bn cap to $50bn cap while Bitcoin would be at $1t is not something unimaginable. It's quite likely as we have seen XRP going from like $10bn to $120bn just from the hype alone in a couple of weeks. I just don't see the reason to buy Bitcoin which is basically just this false sense of security aimed at normies when you can invest in the smartcontracts infrastructure since even if bitcoin goes to $100k, that money will be flowing into alts so LINK will just pump on speculation at the worst case.

>> No.22138313

People are happy to buy parts of a Bitcoin now. My friend's Eastern European mom who barely uses the internet owns half a BTC.

>> No.22138386

Ok so basically the thing is that now bitcoin is being treated by everyone including institutions more and more like a financial asset and less like an obscure internet thing that will make you rich quickly. I guess that will bring more mainstream investing but maybe will make the growth more slow but steady. Ill take that.
Thanks for the only legit argument that I heard in the thread.

>> No.22138437


All institutional money has infrastructure for is BTC

>> No.22138564


>convince me
Nah you go be poor man

>> No.22138617

>the profits will be on timing these swings
ok ill be poor thanks

>> No.22138649

All they have to do is build infra for eth and they'll have access to most alts

>> No.22138722

I doubt your theory a lot. No one will flip the market caps. Flipping would mean taking away wealth storage function from crypto space. People don't put their money in something where they don't know if some other slightly more technically advanced token made their investment worthless. Flipping market caps would mean the end for the investments i described and reduce the crypto space to a pure speculation game where people put money on one of several comparable tokens on basis of twitter grade shilled information about partnerships in the hope that someday their token would be used as collateral or node operator incentive for on chain usage. This may indeed happen with some coins, but that's not where the funding is going to as it's no investment case for the broader market.

>> No.22138811

He is way, way. way better looking than me.

>> No.22138876

Yes. What happened after 2017 wasn't a complete dump, i think it can be considered as a correction and maybe end of mania phase, but also the start of sth more substantial. But i'm with what the anon above describes, price finding and market transparency is still lacking and there are certainly whales playing games. But imo the opportunity costs of missing out could be a lot higher.

>> No.22138971

Is that Destiny?

>> No.22139023


You can't explain most alts to normies. You can explain BTC as a store of value, the traditional gold argument. You can explain ETH as owning computing power for distributed computing. Most alts though? "Why? Borrow from a bank."

>> No.22139080

The crypto space is just 10 years old. 10 years. For 5 of those it was just about using the blockchain to update Bitcoin balances aka crypto "currency". Then Ethereum came and the focus started to shift a bit towards smartcontracts. Then the ICO token craze full of scams and bs promises. Then Chainlink finally managed to create oracles with reliable enough data feeds to kick start DeFi. You can't really seriously talk about "wealth storage" in a space so young. Yes, nobody will flip Bitcoin's mcap just on speculation alone. If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen from real demand for that crypto. The whole reason I personally think it will be LINK is because IF the Chainlink network will really be securing multiple billions of dollars with node operators buying more LINK to stake more LINK so they could get more jobs which will just keep increasing the buy pressure on LINK, then it might very well overtake Bitcoin. This of course depends a lot on smartcontract adoption in general, but my point remains that if you could choose a crypto that is actually needed for something to store your money, then why wouldn't you do that? Why would I pick Bitcoin if my LINKs are earning idk like 5% a year in staking pools that aren't just getting freshly minted cryptos, but are actually getting paid for jobs by smartcontracts? This argument for Bitcoin that it's gonna be a "store of wealth" is very flawed. So many whales from just China alone can absolutely dictate your store of wealth.

>> No.22139095

who cares faggot just buy link

>> No.22139150

bitcoin got a sniffle and link got corona
you should care

>> No.22139156

Again: if crypto investments develop to be interchangeable tokens losing and gaining value on technological features without normies being able to rely that their chosen token wasn't replaced by some other token and made their investment worthless, this would be a dead end for crypto as storage of wealth. And that's where the big money is flowing, not bets on technology.

>> No.22139302

Don't see my arguments as being against chainlink. I see link as legit project, i got my stack. But it's a bet on technology. Bitcoin is considered digital gold. Of course your scenario isn't impossible, but i say if corn is flipped, it would be a backlash for crypto in general. People wouldn't put their money in for storing wealth, it would be reduced to a place for betting on market cap gains against other tokens. Btw the ideal scenario central banks are pushing, divide and conquer.

>> No.22139635

Well I guess that's where we disagree then since I don't see Bitcoin as a storage of wealth being sustainable or that the hype for that will be big enough to sustain a $100k+ price(not calculating in inflation). I also think a lot of the btc whales have been converting their BTC into LINK since the weird "coincidences" that I have seen since 2018 with LINK and BTC movements show that something is going on there. It will be interesting to watch what will happen.

>> No.22139741

Yes, let's see. But try to look beyond link a bit, it seems you' spend lots of time in link's echo chamber. The mcaps for each coins got reasons.

>> No.22139767

how does that make him a cuck tho

>> No.22139806

they're his fans. I'm shocked leftists haven't cancelled him for fucking his fans

>> No.22139861

Imagine dating a whore lmao

>> No.22140068

no one has to " change your mind" you autistic retard. you are entitled to nothing so keep making retarded guesses out of thin air

>> No.22140099

Yal doodoo stink than everybody else doodoo bitch, bitch you stinkier than a motherfucka
Bitch quit tryna act like you the baddest bitch on earth
All yall hoes man, fuck yall hoes man, ion give a shit man
Pussy is yall only power man, straight up foo ya ass all that
Bitch if it wasn't for that, you wouldn't be shit
You know what im sayin' ?

>> No.22140100

Kek those grandma legs. I am not into the thicc meme but man those legs are ridiculous.

>> No.22140122

>"it's like a token made by an anonomoys person who only exists in a telegram group, this time they won't rug pull though I'm sure"

>> No.22140765
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her titts look like sad empty coin pouches.

>> No.22140887

I'd pay her to peg me