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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22116304 No.22116304 [Reply] [Original]

>Lost job due to covid
>Found another one as a night stacker in a supermarket
>Everyone gets paid the same
>Literally 10% of the people are doing 90% of the work
>Women literally standing around talking half the night, get all the easy jobs, take extra smoke breaks. Nobody says a thing.
>Bustin my balls all night doing a 3 man job on my own just because that's the way I am.
>The harder you work the more you get told to do
>No thanks or appreciation
>Again, everyone gets paid the same.
>Take a week off to look for new jobs
>Manager calls me asking me if I can come back because they're struggling and need 2-3 people to fill my aisle that I was doing on my own every night

I'll never wagecuck for anybody else again. Thinking about starting a business. At least then I'm busting my ass for myself.

>> No.22116324

You are going to make it.

>> No.22116322

dude just get trumpbux and don't work and stake SUTER

>> No.22116331
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Bro everyone knows if you work minimum wage you are supposed to do the least work possible without getting fired, are you autistic or something?

>> No.22116330

I've been rangebanned by fucking janniggers and indian mods because i invented the fatoshi betrayoto meme

Can please some anon open a complaining thread petition to get me unbanned? Finance world is not the same without the shitposting.
I miss you so much and i want to come back

>> No.22116344

Oh wagie, you came and saw the shelves needed stacking.
Oh wagie, and so forth.

Get an education retard and work your way up the scale like the rest of us idiots

>> No.22116355

Godspeed anon. Leave the wage cucking to women.

>> No.22116365

What will your business be

>> No.22116366

When your manager called i gooe you basically told them it was bullshit and you do everything.
Maybe try to get another job and hop on over
Also this

>> No.22116380

yeah man hourly wage is a fucking scam and should be illegal imo. every job should be paid per whatever u actually do. workload is never fairly distributed wherever u go. im a hardworker who likes to get shit done and all you ever get is more work and taken advantage of.

>> No.22116384
File: 13 KB, 587x208, longtermfugetaboutitholds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about these ratios for long term holds?

>> No.22116420

this, for wage cucking you do just enough for them not to say anything. show that you are obviously worth keeping but thats it

>> No.22116476

I used to work a minwage job where I basically just had to stand still for hours at a time and I would show up so baked I couldnt speak
Good times

>> No.22116479
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>Bro everyone knows if you work minimum wage you are supposed to do the least work possible without getting fired, are you autistic or something?

Some people aren't satisfied with half assing their way through a quarter of their adult life.

>> No.22116578

>Bustin my balls all night doing a 3 man job on my own just because that's the way I am.
>The harder you work the more you get told to do
>No thanks or appreciation
That's wage slavery for you. The best wage slaves are the one's who do just enough work to get things done, but not too much.
Here's waiting for the bull run.

>> No.22116623

>>Women literally standing around talking half the night, get all the easy jobs, take extra smoke breaks. Nobody says a thing.
That’s why they’re forcing a female quota

>> No.22116629

If you keep your literal back straight and eat s shit ton of food you will get strong af. Stop whining

>> No.22116638

>working minwage past the age of 20
What the fuck? You dont actually do this right

>> No.22116649

Some of us had parents that really sucked

>> No.22116663

i worked in a warehouse seasonal job for the winter, they often said i walk slow so they eventually moved me to doing stationary shit

>> No.22116681

why are you pulling more than your own weight lol? you're being cucked. limp around/go slow, make them fire you, then get unemployment.

>> No.22116698

Best decision you could ever make anon.

>> No.22116704

Can confirm, women who work retail are the worst generally. The more attractive, the worse they are.

>> No.22116755

>Get an education retard and work your way up the scale like the rest of us idiots

Went back to school for the "learn to code meme" when I was 29 after failing out of college when I was younger and an addict. Nearly a perfect GPA at a community college. Worked full time while studying.
Got rejected at 100% of 4 year public universities that I could afford. I make my money trading now and have more than I could have made as a code monkey.

>> No.22116800

lose Chainlink and XRP. Try to pick up BZRX when it dumps next. It's having huge up and down swings right now and is actually a decent coin.

>> No.22116877
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Read marx

>> No.22116906

I went off on this one lazy girl at my old job and she hated my guts for it. I had to leave that place there was just too much laziness based on who was willing to kiss the boss’s ass and laugh at his jokes. That bitchs whole strategy was kiss manager ass so you don’t have to work.

>> No.22117019

>That bitchs whole strategy was kiss manager ass so you don’t have to work.
yep. That's real. So many people do that.

>> No.22117134

Nectar (NEC) can help you not be poor in 2021. Buy some.

>> No.22117156

>quarter of their adult life
>minimum wage
Are you a minority by chance?

>> No.22117292
File: 112 KB, 600x598, 8B3DBDA5-BFF4-40A2-B6C4-E93FC3BB875D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was probably blowing him too..

>> No.22117302

You went to community college you fucking subhuman
Go to a real college that’s top 10 in country and top 20 worldwide

>> No.22117509

get social media management contract work for a bunch of wankers, there's always something available

>> No.22117911


Where did I imply that I work or have ever worked a min wage job? The mindset of half assing because you dont get paid enough is prevalent everywhere; even more so in comfy non minimum wage jobs.

Also, I could have very well been 18 and made that post. Or I could be some middle manager who has to put up with that shit. You two are retards who assume way too much.

>> No.22118590

tell him your the only one who actually works there and demand a manager position and double pay or fuck off.