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2211611 No.2211611 [Reply] [Original]

Even when Bitcoin is crashing cripple still can't get a day where it makes some gains against bitcoin nvm fiat.

What a joke.

In this thread, we talk about what a shit coin cripple is and how it ended up a suicide watch.

>> No.2211632

Literally almost every single altcoin is crashing along with bitcoin, you fucking retard.

Wait a week or so at least before you start getting your panties in a bunch.

>> No.2211647

how about instead we talk about you stupid shitlords bought at the top of a 50x bubble and now youre gonna call it cripple because its only 30x higher than it was 2 months ago. 110% pathetic, literal kys

>> No.2211720

>cripple devs shilling on a Slovenian sculpting forum instead of doing some work.

cashed out at 2200btc, got lots of gains so idc if it wasn't perfect.

I haven't owned any cripple in a while I just bought a little bit yesterday with the few BTC I had left on polo. It had already crashed so badly that I figured it would be a relatively safe haven.

But nope... just starts shitting the bed even worse.

If cripple is so good tell me why it can't escape its downtrend?

>> No.2211759


Also as I said, it is falling against both BTC and the USD. Still. That is why it is truly pathetic.

>> No.2211798
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Ripple never deserved those gains. I took profit from the banks at the end of the day and I'm glad I did. But fuck Ripple.

STR/XLM was the correct play friends, its up 4x since last month and has room to grow. It's going to be spreading liquidity by airdrop next month to (even) all the sorry XRP holders. Its going to be decentralized and expanded to the rest of the world by expanding the money supply and enable everyone with a cellphone to bypass banks entirely.

Oh and its Ripple RCL compatible natively. So if and when you want to change your XRP to XLM you can do so. Just because they're not assholes.

>> No.2211840

>Got 13x returns on XRP
>Didn't baghold like a cuck
Feels alright.

>> No.2211937


>Bringing up achievements from the past trends.
>Bringing up irrelevant personal information.

Everyone made gains and pls into reading comprehension. I am asking why cripple has moved into a sustained downtrend.

>> No.2211988


No one knows dude. Other than, no one is buying it.

My private theory is that the banks literally went $10 billion into the crypto market with the express purpose of pumping XRP to the moon just because they could. I mean, they own printing presses, right? They bought BTC and traded for XRP, the token they've been toying with implementing for years.

And now they are exiting the market before anyone even figures out they were manipulating it to begin with. Examine the evidence. Most of the market growth went to XRP for 2-3 weeks. Who has that kind of liquidity. I was watching it from 950 sats and literally billions of dollars buying and selling it up to 10x.

Now, who the fuck has that kind of money? All the regular people that happened to invest in crypto.

No, I think it is pretty naive to think the banks don't have significant hand in this market. I think they backed the fuck out because of potential liability if they were ever discovered.

I think it should be obvious to everyone by now that the blockchains are being examined and recorded by such entities as the NSA among others, and the Banks, although invisible as third party agents, aren't completely hidden if one looks hard enough.

tl;dr Ripple no bueno, dude.

>> No.2212011
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t. ripplecuck

>> No.2212021
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>> No.2212055
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Sell your bags then cucks...we love cheap XRP. When BTC took a dump over the past two days XRP was number one in volume on both polo and Bittrex

>> No.2212058
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>just bought about 538 XRP a few hours ago
>immediately sold all of it back after reading these posts

Thank god I got out of that shit before losing any sort of money on it.

Thanks for the heads up guys.

>> No.2212076

Bet on the Jews. We are not smarter than them...

>> No.2212106

thank you kind bagholder

>> No.2212124
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Yeah, its been doing great.

>> No.2212143


does volume include buying and selling?

>> No.2212179

Yep, most people here are only used to a bull market so don't realize that it can be a bad sign as well.

>> No.2212239

I warned people about Cripple's 100,000,000,000 supply and how its $8,000,000,000+ market cap (the fucking second highest in crypto) was already approaching a ceiling, but nobody was fucking having it.

>hurr market cap percentages are all that matter!
>muh banks!

Let Cripple serve as a warning to all the other idiots holding coins with similar goals and fundamentals such as Jew Economy Movement and Stellar Juden as well.

Dont invest into coins with retardedly high supply already valued at billions of dollars worth of market cap. With fundamentals like these, if its past a penny, youre too late to the fucking game to make any serious profit.

>> No.2212263

I'm gambling on Waves at over a buck

Granted, I'm in for peanuts compare to most folk.

>> No.2212301

Why is it always 2nd or 3rd in trading volume daily for the past 6 weeks?

>> No.2212314

Wont a coin this unstable be essentially useless for banks?

>> No.2212340

moving coins in a circle doesn't have to cost you money anon

>> No.2212353

>My private theory
My theory is xrp is a world war 3 type creation by the US/Israel government (China will be the ones very, very upset) to eliminate bitcoin and replace it with a more governed, more effecient, centralized digital asset as a test for the elimination of cash next decade. We are literally a fuxking lab rat but xrp was created for a reason and the billions of $ of market cap was just a way to get btc money off of the street. Seems to have worked and they are slowly taking btc every day. Watch, it will Spike soon and more btc will flow in to xrp further eliminating more btc from the market. Rinse, repeat until no more btc and then you have the groundwork for future world currency framework.

>> No.2212379
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>> No.2212567

The real flaw with this theory is that most of the banks getting involved aren't in the US or Israel, MUFG, the largest, was Japanese for instance

>> No.2212587
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But Ripple isn't crashing along with bitcoin. It isn't going up in relation to BTC either. It just doesn't give a fuck.
t. bought at 10 cents

>> No.2212717

Wrong. This means it's working. If you want to take over the world, got to go product abroad right? India check, Japan check, China next? Steller has Africa which would be a waste of xrp time and energy as they have no value.

>> No.2212737

The US/Jews did it with fiat and the US/Jews are already 10 steps ahead on the next cuck us all.

>> No.2212744


Let Cripple serve as a warning to all the other idiots holding coins with similar goals and fundamentals such as Jew Economy Movement and Stellar Juden as well.

Ignoring for the minute your stupid anti-jew talk, liquidity in the market is an absolute necessity if you are planning to scale globally. Inflationary currencies really have their place, for example see the USD, EUR, etc. used every day with trillion $ market caps.

You can't use a deflationary currency widely or minutely enough to replace the liquidity at the scale of the global economy. BTC and ETH/ETC are great for what they are, but they'll never buy a cup of coffee, or a 50# bag of it either. Stellar pretends to be nothing but money and their foundation's plan is airdropping it all over the globe. Yes, it is inflationary, but guess what? Its how you achieve a trillion dollar market cap with bazillions of transactions every day. XRP has the necessary liquidity- the question you have to ask is, in a world where there are deflationary currencies and inflationary currencies, do you want the inflationary currency for everyday economic choices to be "licensed by Ripple Labs" and controlled by the Banks? Or do you want to pay a Lumen for a cup of coffee and give it right to the seller without intermediaries?

I know it sounds like a solution in need of a problem, but inflationary currencies and fair distribution are the only way you create an economy that isn't a pyramid scheme.

>Dont invest into coins with retardedly high supply already valued at billions of dollars worth of market cap. With fundamentals like these, if its past a penny, youre too late to the fucking game to make any serious profit.

Thats silly and you know it. Coins go from pennies to whatever the market will bear.

>> No.2212768

You have to burn 20 Ripple to create an address. If Ripple was worth even a dollar, you'd be burning 20 bucks every address. The coin is so fucking worthless they are okay with throwing millions of them away. It will never be worth real money.

>> No.2212779

xrp went down 11 cents you fucking idiot, i know because I fucking have it

>> No.2212780

Ripple will beat btc and eth to get etf approval. Waddya think's gonna happen then senpai?

>> No.2212785


Not a flaw.

Check Group of 7


Thats the world's non-renminbi economy

>> No.2212825
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>Ripple will beat btc and eth to get etf approval. Waddya think's gonna happen then senpai?

Crypto is going to short the shit out of it one more time?

>> No.2212834
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Le Group of Seven

>> No.2212856

They can short all they want. They can pump is 5700% in 60 days. Crypto barely touches .01% of the market. If they can raise, a few million shorter will eventually get BTFO. It's nwo for finance and it's already begun. Just wait until xrp is ran on Ethereum. 60% of global gdp and 45% purchasing power will be combined. Squeezing Asia while Stellar feeds Africa.

>> No.2212880

yeah really, the first thing I look at is market cap. Ripple went from 0.006 to 0.3, and is at 7bn market cap, I mean what more do you want, ofc the ride is over, it doesn't mean it's a mess or whatever, it was a great ride. But obviously you have to get on at the start not when its over you dummies

>> No.2212935

I went a lot higher. Main goal - it spread. It's a lab rat experiment and I can assure you if they are buying back (is 100% obvious on every exchange that it's being manipulated) for the eventual next pump, which they can, as they have major banks and governments on board (when you add ethereum in which xrp will join eventually). We are looking at short term. It pumped now they are taking back. The tech behind xrp could run all financial systems easily. And I have 4,333 xrp only that I can't wait to get rid of. But, denying the enviable is idiocracy at its purest so maybe I'll hold my 1% bag a few more.

>> No.2212974


Yes, I know it portends darkly, but again, its unknown how transparently they can accomplish this.

The bottom line is I think XRP will be adopted. The banks main focus is to maintain control and profitability, both of which are assured. They don't have to take out crypto.

There also really isn't a business model that can achieve what Stellar is trying to do. For example, they have to make a profit. Giving money away to create a second-hand economy just isn't a justifiable business goal- they would get sued by shareholders.

Imagine you are Venezuela. Banks won't touch you with a 10 foot pole and your domestic currency is toast. You can't beg or buy deflationary let alone inflationary crypto from the market to restore a functional economy. You aren't in a position to take on more debt. You're fucked.

Along comes Helicopter Jed McCaleb and the Stellar foundation to give you the tools and liquidity you need. Wash rinse and repeat Bolivia, El Salvador, Guatemala, maybe even Columbia, Brazil or Mexico. Then its on to Africa's billions, places like Ghana and Kenya (already on E-currencies), South Africa, for instance, freshly downgraded and going sideways.

There is tremendous opportunity to add to the productive economy of the world here,- just not in the banks economic model. They're more into selling debt instruments and saving tons on their fixed costs by using XRP and continuing to sell their common stock at a premium because their earnings will be going up. In the meantime they are going to be counting on your Group of Seven to keep serving you fiat straight from the printing presses.

>> No.2212998

I mean fuck. Look at fucking fidget spinners. What does is look like? Already prepping the 6 - 12 demographic with visual association for global currency. 10 years max and no more untraceable transactions with fiat.

>> No.2213008
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I thought this earlier today, and now my spooky sense is tingling.

>> No.2213011

>Giving money away to create a second-hand economy
What every established nation does to Africa. STR is about 1/10 th xrp which is higher than the quality of life Africans have versus everyone Western. Everybody gives to the poor in some way.

>> No.2213026

>fiat straight from the printing presses.
Fiat is ineffeceint and they know this now. Will be a cashless world in 10.

>> No.2213124

>>Giving money away to create a second-hand economy
>What every established nation does to Africa.

Except I think now everyone knows it doesn't work. First, the banks will never be allowed to control the money supply, only the debt supply. Look at the World Bank failures in bailouts over last few decades. It doesn't work to "fix" an economy by giving it unpayable amounts of debt. On the other hand, they can't just hand money over because of the profit principle and "bad".

Banks cannot be allowed to be in control of the money itself, otherwise you get what we have which is austerity for countries that stay permanently crippled. There has to be some third party that steps in and that party is most likely a inflationary crypto run by a foundation, not a corporation.

The concept is, if you get economy on its feet with something like stellars, there is a better chance you'll get your debt obligations back because with increased economic stability it will attract foreign investment and trade which will result in a secondary market for the Stellars themselves and eventually these countries could produce enough wealth to actually pay back their debts, keeping the banks from allowing states to default on their loans (prevented by shareholder interest requirements) or forgiving those debts (also prevented by same and propagation of moral hazard to their entire business model.

The G7 and world bank economies need these innovations now because they are realizing what a huge liability it is to have failing political economies in vast geographic and strategic space.

>> No.2213143

> Will be a cashless world

It already is to a large degree, I just meant their interest is sustaining the national currencies in their present form. So the US will have dollar and England Pound, but Venezuela can just as soon replace the Real or whatever it is just because nothing of any worth is or should be denominated in it.

The legacy economies can afford quite a bit of inefficiencies. They'll keep legacy systems in place as long as they work, just like we keep the Copper wire telephone lines in place and use it for sub-normal Internet traffic speeds.

>> No.2213423

>It already is to a large degree, I just meant their interest is sustaining the national currencies in their present form.

New money globalism will reset our current concept of money which should benefit most people on this planet. It will be more of a mix between old and new. Maybe society 2.0?

So the US will have dollar and England Pound, but Venezuela can just as soon replace the Real or whatever it is just because nothing of any worth is or should be denominated in it.

Global resets should take care of one's who ingested the labor making it possible. I do believe if it happens, which it will, some national baisism must be expected. Plus old $ is always there - new has to take to survive.

>The legacy economies can afford quite a bit of inefficiencies.

Automation and effeciency is the neutering of humankind.

They'll keep legacy systems in place as long as they work, just like we keep the Copper wire telephone lines in place and use it for sub-normal Internet traffic speeds.

History never ends.

>Post a Reply

>> No.2213712
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Now that's a conspiracy thoery

>> No.2213720

>Global resets should take care of one's who ingested the labor making it possible. >I do believe if it happens, which it will, some national baisism must be expected. >Plus old $ is always there - new has to take to survive.

Countries historically have had to develop internal barriers to foreign capital and exo-national currencies because otherwise you couldn't maintain value in a currency that might get swamped by some other more valuable currency, especially with such a large differential.

Imagine China becoming the economy it is without centralized control over the renminbi, without taking all those dollars and other foreign currencies they trade for and locking it up in warehouses. Its no wonder atm they are throttling bitcoin- they have blatant plans to develop a national electronic money system. Chinas kind of a different breed of industrial nation though, they outright own and run all the dominant companies in their domestic industries.

I'm not saying that national currencies are totally necessary, but it is easy to see that once a country's currency is destroyed its sovereignty is soon questioned. At the same time you need a stable unit of account that is recognized across borders. In the end, banks will appear to serve new non-national currency concerns.

I think that in place of national currencies, in places where its clearly a burden to have them, something more democratic could be optioned. At any rate some country will have to be the guinea pig. Right now my bet is on Venezuela, and maybe Nigeria.

>> No.2213735


Banks aren't using it, they are using some of the technology. You have been lied to by shitcoin pumpers. Learn to profit from them rather then believe the lies.

>> No.2213750
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History would say otherwise, Juden

>> No.2213855
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Anyone interested in learning more about the future of Ripple and XRP check out https://www.xrpchat.com.. If these guys can replace SWIFT or even tap into that kind of market it's going to be profitable in the long run. With all the ups and down recently the volumes on the exchanges are doing well percentage wise compared to other top market cap crypto. If it is such a shit coin then how could it remain where it is...