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22107375 No.22107375 [Reply] [Original]

What do you Zoomers think about us Millennials?

>> No.22107989


>> No.22108078


>> No.22108117

Lazy annoying faggots who don't shut the fuck up about gay retarded shit that I don't care about

Also most millennial women are now approaching 30s with no kids and are especially cuntful. Fuck your generation.

>> No.22108118


>> No.22108128


>> No.22108177

yeah sounds about right, I’ve already accepted that my generation will be forever gay

>> No.22108203


>> No.22108267

Literally worse than boomers

>> No.22108353
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Millennial here. I actually like zoomers more because they have more realistic expectations out of life where as millennial's lived arguably in the greatest time in the U.S and then got smacked with reality when the housing market crashed and are bitter about it hence the proclivity twords socialism. Zoomer women are also not as hipster and overtly leftist either.

>> No.22108354


>> No.22108396

I'm a man, I don't care what anybody thinks. And I'll say what's on my mind regardless of how that might make you feel. Now promptly fuck off faggot!!!

>> No.22108406

I separate millennials into 2-3 types:

Faggot millenialls with 80s and 90s tastes
True millennials with sleek Matrix N'Sync Backstreet Boys 2000s tastes
Zoomer-millenials redditors who can only talk in memes and who's entire humour and tastes are based around 2007 internet memes. 2010s are foreveer known as the talentless youtube poop generation which will eat shit made in a garage if it's "indie, retro, funny, the opposite of evolved and talented"

>> No.22108453
File: 61 KB, 599x468, Screen-Shot-2018-06-24-at-12.12.56-PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Backstreet Boys

That made me chuckle but I do understand what you mean. The cut off for being a 90's kids really should be 1990.

>> No.22108591

Do you think he used Mane 'n Tail

>> No.22108650

if im a 95fag which one am i

>> No.22108689

>cating what zoom niggers think
Gen X was trash and anybody raised by Gen X will be trash

>> No.22108934

Zoomers need to watch PCU and understand who their parents really are