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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22068759 No.22068759 [Reply] [Original]

$8 fucking dollars for a transaction, and it wont go trough, remind me again why we put up with this russian trash network?

fuck vitalik

>> No.22068839

Because the demand is so high people are willing to pay $8 to trade shitcoins

>> No.22068894

Eth has been known to be extremely congested nowadays with the explosion of DeFi. Just wait for Radix or AVAX to be fully functional and they will definitely overtake eth

>> No.22069049


i failed one with $20, disgusting

there was some insane arbitrage oportunities in some pairs on dex/uniswamp, but the gas to make it was $30+, no fucking way i'm risking $30 to maybe not get a pending transaction

>> No.22069171

Paid $8 for a failed txn fuck this shit.

>> No.22069220

Fees are paid not charged. Its a free market and you are free to put whatever fee you want, even 0. But others arent as poor and put higher fees so miners take them instead.

>> No.22069260
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Buy anything that advertise itself as a solution for DeFi related inconveniences

>> No.22069303

fuck off vitalik, your garbage code is fucking up my trades

>> No.22069366

>muh shitcoin is gonna replace eth

>> No.22069480

Over $100 of failed transaction here.Fast Gas with 5% slippage then up gas limit is the way I roll now...I'll pay the extra 1.75 to save my $20 transaction from bricking.

Where is my ET killer? Guys! Gas token? Chi? Or is it Sushi-B𝚲® ?

>> No.22069736

XRP flare will kill ETH

>> No.22070137

What's the deal with that? Did the air drop happen? When?

>> No.22070555

12th of december is the snapshot and 6months time period to claim read their twitter for full details

>> No.22070739

Why does tezos fucking suck, it could be the chain all this is happening on and nothing. Why

>> No.22070764

So what you are saying is after defi is dead?

>> No.22071008

Use fucking OMG Network you retard. Not only will you save on fees and time but holding a few OMG N tokens that will appreciate in value will maximise your fee efficiency

>> No.22071323

Thank you. I have a vintage bag, even though everyone has been funding this since day 1.

The corporate aspect is what kills me. Fuck those fucking fucks and their wars. I want peace and love as does the rest of the human population. These corporate kiddos don't need more toys...we need to take their toys away till they play nice. Together we have more power than we know, and they know that. Ya know?

Kek praise the ethos of ampl, sushi, and based. The DeFi Revolution will not be Privatized.

But what is the sushi of ETH, classic? I have no fucking idea. Ampl's E-Fi?

>> No.22071376

I probably spent $300 in transaction fees today. I made profits, but god damn....remember when we used to complain about .05% fees on centralized exchanges?