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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2202620 No.2202620 [Reply] [Original]

> bought ETH on Coinbase with bank account
> price has tanked
> transaction still hasn't cleared
> pull all money out of bank before transaction clears
> transaction gets declined for insufficient funds

is this a solid strategy?

>> No.2202630

You're going to get banned from Coinbase.

>> No.2202634

They know where you live.

>> No.2202636

who gives a shit? Coinbase sucks jew cock anyway

>> No.2202649

So basically you bought at ATH like an idiot and now you're acting like a dumb nigger.

>> No.2202665


Honestly, just leave /biz/ out of this shit, you filthy degenerate.

>> No.2202666

I'm asking for opinions on the legitimacy of my plan faggot

>> No.2202679

Coinbase or (((they)))) ?

>> No.2202693

Do it OP, it is a great idea!

>> No.2202726

well I'm looking for the downsides, aside from getting banned on Coinbase and nobody has given me any.

I don't really want to do it, but I'm trying to GTFO outta Coinbase and into Gemini

>> No.2202730

all you are going to get is a permabanned account op

also, you'll most likely be banned from gdax aswell, as they own that site too

>> No.2202742

>How to get banned from Coinbase 101

great lesson OP keep 'em up

>> No.2202755


>> No.2202762

>banned from coinbase
>bank fee for a overdraft
>bank adds that you're a nigger to your banking record
great plan

>> No.2202774

I hope he ends up on some sort of blacklist to prevent him from jewing any more exchanges. Really doubt it, but it's exactly what he deserves if he pulls this shit.

>> No.2202799

I don't think 1 overdraft in 30 years is gonna have much of an impact haha

>> No.2202803

Same thing.

>> No.2202806

Just call your bank and tell them to block the transaction

>> No.2202814

won't they dig into it and investigate why I want to do that?

dunno if I can claim "hackers" convincingly

>> No.2202831
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>feeling sorry for the exchanges

Oh poor them, serves them right for getting "ddosed" and "hacked" and taking users money.

You are doing the right thing OP, go for it.

>> No.2202851

no shit right? all the fire and brimstone about hating der Juden and Coinbase...I wanna fuck them out of like 200 bucks and the drooling retards on /biz/ suddenly become white knights for """"them""""

>> No.2202858

Really it's for you to decide if you care. For some it is probably better to take the ban than eat the loss. If anything I think you should do it, getting banned would bar you from getting into crypto, which I think would simply end badly for you.
I wish you the best, good luck.

>> No.2202889

This is over 200 bucks? Is it that fucking hard to hold? Your hands are THAT weak?

>> No.2202964

shit is crashing mate, I'd rather throw it in ETFs instead of some pipedream to fucking Lamboland get-rich-quick scheme bullshit

>> No.2202973

this, just leave it behind than move on to Gemini or kraken. Idk much about kraken but it has to be better than motherfucking COINBASE. loool

>> No.2203009

That's my plan. I just really don't want """Them""" to come after me and Seth Rich my ass.

Also don't want to piss off my bank and get interrogated.

>> No.2203023

You'd rather throw that measly $200 into an ETF instead of waiting it out and diversifying with other investments? Are you a NEET, poorfag, or both?

>> No.2203038

dude ETH is never gonna get above $200 again

>> No.2203043

How many and how much did you buy in for?

ETH isn't crashing permanently so it may not be a good strategy

>> No.2203054

Did you just learn about crypto one week ago?

>> No.2203065

1 ETH for $171
2 ETH for $189

>> No.2203079
File: 32 KB, 424x353, 1472942692239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently so... this guy is willing to risk fucking himself in the ass in order to avoid taking a short term hit for a long term gain.

Weak money, smdhtbhfam

>> No.2203089

>fucking himself in the ass

still nobody has explained to me how this would happen

>> No.2203092

>bought in at £150

don't care tbqh 1 year+ hold

>> No.2203094

So you bought in for an average of $183... and you want to fuck over coinbase, yourself, and your future gains in order to avoid panic selling for a 30 dollar hit.

You are either extremely stupid, extremely poor, or both.

>> No.2203108

> fuck over coinbase
absolutely don't give a shit about Jewbase

> fucking over yourself

> fucking over your future gains
very unlikely those gains would ever come

>> No.2203113

It's just extremely petty especially for that tiny amount of loss. It's already been slowly recovering for hours now.

You aren't cut out for this. Keep your day job at Subway, kid.

>> No.2203121

>very unlikely those gains would ever come

So you are saying ETH will never in future raise again?

>> No.2203130
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OP im gonna let you in on a secret okay

you cant lose with crypto

all you gotta do is hold until it reaches a new all time high

which is always does

>> No.2203165

This, you people worried about a week or a month from now are laughable.

>> No.2203170

I'm just extremely miserly with my shit. It's how I got to the financial station I'm at in life.

This was play money to dip my toe in but this looks like a huge fucking bullshit scam to me so I want out.

>> No.2203229

You're a retard. 200 bucks isn't enough to slap your faggot face, much less "seth rich" you. Why don't you just deal with the fact that you bought in at the ATH and you have to hold until you gain some value.

>> No.2203241

Actually do some fucking research first before you do anything stupid or start shitting up /biz/ again.

>> No.2203285


If ETH is at $165 with sell orders up to $175= $40,000 ,

If I buy all sell orders up to $175 will the price jump from 165 to 175$?

>> No.2203351

a perfect example of someone who doesn't deserve to have money. Money is used as liquidity for sparking business in the US, if you just sit on it you never make any. You need to take risks to come away on top.

>> No.2203355

yes thats how markets work