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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22023376 No.22023376 [Reply] [Original]

and if the schizos are correct, major price action should happen between tomorrow and EOY...

....but, nothing ever happens, r-right guys??

>> No.22023399

Tomorrow is not when the switch flips for XRP. No one has said that. No one has ever said that. Stop shitting up the board with XRP FUD.

>> No.22023458

i read multiple times it was August 31st..

>> No.22023545

Ripple CEO just proclaimed allegiance with black lives matter. It's over guys, sell your bags and buy more LINK

>> No.22023579


>> No.22023587

You read wrong

The cripple memedate is never today, or tomorrow, it is always at least a month out. Any memedate that isn't is automatically invalid and fake.

>> No.22023628

i also heard 31st august too

>> No.22023664
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The story of the Chinese bamboo tree.
There was once a man who felt discouraged. He took stock of the resolutions he made last year. Nothing in his life had changed. He was the same person with the same problems. He began to lose hope, so he went to speak to his mentor. The mentor asked.. "Do you know how long it takes for the giant bamboo to grow as tall as a building?"
"During the first year, the tiny plant is watered and fertilized.. and nothing happens.
It is watered and fertilized for another whole year.. And another.. And another.. And still nothing happens. Then on the fifth year, it shoots up to the sky. In six weeks the bamboo grows 90 feet. "So how long does it take for it to grow so high?"

"Six weeks" the man replied. "That's your mistake." said the mentor. "It takes five years."
"If the farmer stopped watering the plant at any point during those five years.. It would have died." What was happening during all those years.. Underneath the ground an enormous network of roots was developing to support the bamboo's sudden growth.
"Growth takes patience and perseverance." Every drop of water makes a difference. Every step you take makes an impact. You may not the see the change right away.. But growth is happening. Now ask yourself, what are you willing to do to make your dreams come true?
Are you will to do whatever it takes? Are you willing to take action? Are you willing to push past your fears and doubts? How much faith and believe are you willing to have? Decide. Act. Now!

>> No.22023761

well, it is wrong

if you haven't realised it by now, the memedate only works if it is in the future, preferably not too distant, but also not too close either. As soon as the date comes close to the memedate, you have to come up with a new one, push it out at least a month or so, so you can string gullible retards along for a couple of more weeks. Rinse and repeat, month in, month out, year in, year out.

When you follow crypto for more than a few months you'll get the gist of it. Cripple memedates are part of the crypto folklore now, with many years of keeping the tradition alive.

It's gonna be kept alive longer still for sure, the devs have over 55 billon XRP left to dump, so there will be plenty more memedates, possibly hundreds over the next couple of decades, which is how long it'll take them to dump it all at current pace.

>> No.22023784


>> No.22024025

Don't you think that the timing of the resurgence in xrp shill posts along with the Link network coming alive is suspicious?
My guess is people see the writing on the wall for which way the international banking industry is headed and they're trying to get out as fast as they can.

It's been what? Six years and xrp hasn't done a GODDAMNED THING.

>> No.22024067

its just to placate the jews....for now..

>> No.22024071

My mom just asked me if i knew about thrbnew QFS replacing the federal reserve tomorrow.

>> No.22024214

swift supposedly goes offline at the end of the 31st, that is the allegation