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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22014575 No.22014575 [Reply] [Original]

>every single pajeet is priced out of making transactions on ETH because they would lose half their investment
based vitalik

>> No.22014635

no this is not good . I have written to mr buterin on twitter about this

>> No.22014671

pleas sirs do the needful and send eth for transfer

>> No.22014725
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>> No.22014869

how tf is ETH even a thing rn with those gas prices

any competitors upcoming? brainlet here

Could Polkadot take a part of the movement?

>> No.22014873
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>> No.22014884

Ethereum is literally unusable as a currency at this point, sending a 1kg package overseas is literally cheaper than buying it locally with eth.

Eth is like products delivered with horse carriages. Back to the 1800s.

>> No.22014887

I'm out of the loop, what's current gas price like?

>> No.22014930

I paid $15 yesterday. Saw others paying over $50.

>> No.22014945

lmfao no fucking way
is eth dying?

>> No.22015043

I can't even get to ETH Gas station right now, people must be hammering the piss out of that site right now lol

>> No.22015079


>> No.22015107

how will we make the the cashing out of the kleros now sirs?

>> No.22015161

>it costs a Chinese person $1 to send a package across the entire world to me via literal mail
>an entirely digital transaction with literally no labor involved costs $13

we're all going to be posting pink wojaks soon, aren't we?

>> No.22015196
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>Couldn't there be a token funding a project aiming to solve these issues? Nah, there's no way.

You will regret missing out, /biz/.

>> No.22015427

If you trade in an exchange/DEX you dont pay gas, right?
Except to add and remove funds, that is.

>> No.22015531

im not even gonna complain about gas anymore. He will fix it in Eth 2.0.

>>oh no I have to pay 9 dollars to transact on the largest decentralized supercomputer in 10 seconds

>> No.22015549

Considering that ETH fees are totally free market and based on demand, no. We will be posting green wojaks for months.

>> No.22015690

xDai is going to fix this.

>> No.22015731

>how tf is ETH even a thing rn with those gas prices
gas prices are PAID NOT CHARGED
so if you still don't understand, high fees are bullish -- people value making txns

>> No.22015739

It gets better when you remember ETH is a fraction of it's ATH and the fees would multiply if the price of ETH went back up.

>> No.22015811

Ok I’m feeling this

>> No.22015995


>> No.22016095

the opposite, it's fucking back.

>> No.22016109
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>> No.22016143


paying nine dollars to send money, something I can do for free with any bank of my choice.

Why would anyone use ETH?

>> No.22016180

No one is sending money via ETH
It's worth it to trade uni scams though
LTC is actually a great transacting coin

>> No.22016193

Because you can't mail money to your favorite pajeet scam contract

If you want to send money use literally any other coin designed for that

>> No.22016221

Just don't sell your VRA. Easy.

>> No.22016227

$15? I've been paying $30 for fast under 1 min transactions for weeks now.

>> No.22016262

Because currently paying $30 fees to make a couple of thousands is worth it.

>> No.22016265
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paid $170 just today, but I don't care since I made bank

>> No.22016268

Dies your bank also pay you over 1,000% on your money as interest?

>> No.22016292
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Yeah I did not say July

>> No.22016303

what in the actual FUCK

>> No.22016410

it's all because homo vitalik is too busy arguing about the merits of child pornography on twitter than whip his code monkeys to roll out eth 2.0 faster

>> No.22016486

Lamden https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/lamden/

Mainnet is going to be launched in 17 days.