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22014507 No.22014507 [Reply] [Original]

Uniswap is hot fucking garbage. Why don't we still have a functioning 2nd layer solution?

>> No.22014521

Governance on SUSHI can vote for L2 - eventually

>> No.22014520

>not using 1inch

>> No.22014909

We will soon, and it's called Falconswap FSW

>> No.22015034
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>he doesn't know
You made this post in order to bait me, aren't you. Silly anon.

>> No.22015232

is 1 inch exchange better than this? I know it's an aggregate but haven't used it

>> No.22015432

Good luck figuring out what L2 solution they are using. This shit's vapourware until they release some code

>> No.22015471
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based retard


>> No.22015488

Can you use metamask /ledger in 1inch?

>> No.22015724

This is why crypto will never take off.

It is for nerd programmers.

Even if you write a billion lines of code, you are still a nerd who lacks a prefrontal cortex to simulate how actual human beings think and what they would need.

Why wouldn't you imlement a system where one send money to an eth address to swap coins rather than linking three shitty wallets?

Fuck, I have spent half an hour to buy xmm, can't add my eth wallet to neither of those supported wallets with private key, on mobile wallet.io option doesn't open the app.

Programmers are stupid fucks that need Steve Jobs' to tell them waht to do.

>> No.22015764

Ah, good. I can answer this one. At present, there are two kinds of L2 ""solutions"". One kind is uncollateralized but difficult to make (eg. plasma, raiden). The other is easy to make, but collateralized (eg. xDai).

The problem with designs for collateralized L2s is the expectation that big LPs will buy enough of a volatile shitcoin to provide adequate collateral. A better design would allow collateralization with Dai or ETH or BTC, for example, then incentivise this with whatever shitcoin...

The situation is similar to the one that made Uniswap popular in the first place. Bancor came up with the idea for AMMs, but people were reluctant to buy their shitcoin. Uniswap did AMMs with ETH and everyone flocked there. It's the same with collateralized L2s. When somebody comes up with a Dai/ETH/BTC-backed one, people will use it. You're welcome.

>> No.22015774

you're a fuckin idiot, mainstream adoption is right around the corner, all these solutions and interfaces being created, you'd better figure out how to follow simple instructions before you're priced out

>> No.22015793

based. plasma/state channels are big fat meme though.

>> No.22015908

Isn't xdai effectively collateralized against dai as the bridge swaps xdai for dai 1 for 1? Or am I missing something?

>> No.22015969

Nope. It's collateralized with STAKE but fees are paid in xDai. It's the right way round to collect money for the devs, but the wrong way encourage collateralization from LPs.

>> No.22016211

Simple instructions says the guy without humanlike thinking capabilities.

Your e-soda caps are never being adopted. Your people lack intiution.

>> No.22016429

what's funny is that interfaces in general have come a long way, while crypto interfaces are still stuck in the 80s/90s. But back in the 80s/90s normies happily used absolute shit like teletext on TVs because they didn't have anything better.

>> No.22016556

Is Falconswap actually worth me paying attention to/actually buying in to?