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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2193756 No.2193756 [Reply] [Original]

today my normie friend reached out to me about possibly buying some of his own

another one that knew i was in it asked me how im doing in the market

have normies started randonly mentioning it to any of you? is the normie bubble about to begin?

>> No.2193763

I had 4 people ask me to invest for them today because they heard i made 5k this week. News is getting out, media attention is starting. Our days are numbered.

>> No.2193764

My wife's son's father recently accosted me and demanded I give him my BTC after my wife told him how much I made.

>> No.2193767

yes an older guy at the cigar bar I know said he read about bitcoin in the news the other day
normies are coming HODL

>> No.2193770

I fucking hate when that happens.

>> No.2193773

Two of my friends purchased yesterday.

>> No.2193776

The proper term is normalfags. Leave your reddit terms back on the site you came from.

>> No.2193778

We can slow it down if you kikes would just keep them gains to yourselves

>> No.2193786

i told them about my gains and also told them about crypto for over 2 years now. anyone that asks me for help here on out gets told to fuck off lahey

>> No.2193789

suck my dick nigger
go shill posw or bean or whatever then kys

>> No.2194060
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This is blashphemy of the highest order you fucking uncultured retard. norman may be reffered to as the normalfag asshole that his is or a normie when traveling with a brood of normies following Chad and Stacy around. The great crypto bull will raise neets around the world in the impending beta uprising.

>> No.2194080

is neet a coin?
I'm confused

>> No.2194098
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Normie friend then:
>"sounds like a ponzi"
>likes every article of bitcoin plummeting or anything else negative
>links me an article on how bitcoin is a bad investment

Normie friend now:
>links if you invested $100 hurf durff worth $27gorillion now hurf durff
>links normie created videos of how "bitcoin is huge, but ether is the next big thing!"
>posted an eth article on fartbook

Also have heard of uber drivers randomly mentioning bitcoin.
Note: Uber Drivers are the new shoe shine boys

Gettin' real close boys, one to three years TOPS

>> No.2194104

Normies literally don't know that a coin other than bitcoin exists.

>> No.2194133

Lol FUCK no. My girlfriend is about to graduate with a finance degree and she plans on focusing in fucking BONDS despite me literally showing her my crypto gains daily.
>"that's just gambling anon"
>"yeah but what if there is electricity"
>"i don't see why people would take this over cash"

She currently works for a bank too under a CFA, and he doesn't even know what the fuck bitcoin is she said.

Normies are still looking for "muh nest egg"

Meanwhile, I am a financial analyst and pour every dollar I can into crypto and am making staxxx

>> No.2194141

What is your relationship like? I couldn't imagine being in a relationship with another finance minded person.

>> No.2194144
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I need more time to accumulate

I personally have not heard of any normies that have heard of crypto, other than Bitcoin and because of 2013

Steer these faggot normies awaaaay!
With all the growth we've seen just from mostly these third worlders trying to escape their devaluing fiats, imagine what might happen when rich first world normos get in on this

We need more time! Spread word about the huge fucking ponzi that is BTC!!

>> No.2194161

Uppity newfag shitlord trying to lord his two hours worth of lurking into ebin oldfag meme speak knowledge.

>> No.2194184

Good. We are both finance/econ people, conservative, net-savers, etc. Plus she's a Christian which is a huge positive for me and she's only had sex with one guy (so she claims). I just like that she said, "I hope they don't build Lee's Chicken here because that attracts dark people."

Like I said though, because she hasn't "read a book or studied it," she is risk adverse. Same all econ/finance professors. Their understanding of this market is unknown or lacking. It goes back to this old adage
>who is the better writer? someone who reads about writing for 10 hours or someone who actually writes for 10 hours?

I put skin in the game a year ago to incentivize me to learn as much as I can about this world. Yet my gf and friends refuse to even buy one LTC because "its too hard to understand" as if it will get fucking easier later on? I did my masters thesis defense on Ethereum and literally got asked the most stupid shit from the supposed "knowledgeable" phd professors like, "why not just buy gold or another commodity?" "its not tangible therefore RIP"

Stupid fucks. The world is about to change with blockchain and even after I mention Deloitte, Samsung, Microsoft, etc. all in the EEA, they just give me zombie stares.

Normies are fucking retarded.

>> No.2194394

>she's only had sex with other one guy


>> No.2194450

Yes some idiot asked me about and it was almost as if wasn't sure how to even pronounce it.

>> No.2194496

>Note: Uber Drivers are the new shoe shine boys
This is implying the btc crash will be like a great depression. I hope and pray that we have one more great BTC crash and normies disperse for at least a year but I am not sure that will happen. My instinct tells me it wont.

If there is another 2008 jew exit scam crypto will blow up inversely proportional to the crash. And few exchanges will be able to keep up with the demand.

>> No.2194535

are you me?

I already sent 1.2k€ worth of bitcoin around in exchange for cash. Reluctantly I may add,

>> No.2194576

Yep, my younger brother saw I was trading it when over one day and was interested. Some of his normiebook friends have been advertising one of those BTC mining group ponzi schemes.

Thing is, he's stereotypical normie. Mortgage, wife, newborn kid, in debt etc. I didn't want him getting sucked in, scraping together his few hundred bucks to put into coins that could evaporate. So I setup a coinbase account for him that I send some of the profits from my margin trades into. Whenever a close a good trade, I send a few LTC, ETH and a tiny bit of BTC to get him started.

About $1k all up. Hopefully it continues to work out for both of us.

>> No.2194596

Told my friend that I was going back into mining again (last time was during the btc knc gold rush), hes been bugging me all day about wanting to "get in on it". He knows nothing about crypto.

>> No.2194648

my daddy always said, that if theres easy money to be made, it wont be long before everyone wants a part of the action. do NOT help people. pretend you know nothing! we need to milk these sweet gains for as long as possible

>> No.2194670

This is crypto, the more people come to it, the more money is in it, the more my coins are worth.

We are taking their money faggot. tell everyone.

>> No.2194736

I screencapped this desu senpai

>> No.2194764

at least ur waifu is pure

>> No.2194847

We will take their money AFTER we've accumulated enough to become millionaires

>> No.2194955

week ago i met this guy who had made shitload of money cuz he buyed some bitcoin years ago

>> No.2195045

You can accumulate enough if enough new money comes in otherwise we're just trying to fuck each other and take each others money.

>> No.2195073

Told my dad about recent profits. He said he's looked into it but couldn't figure out where to start.
He's now giving me money to fuck around (guilt free) in crypto.
The boomers know. They just can't work the technological side of it.

>> No.2195107

Can we get a squiz at that thesis? Or where else is a non-bullshit place to learn about coins from an econ/finance perspective? I wanna learn about the chinks messing with the value of the coins etc (finance major)

>> No.2195138

>otherwise we're just trying to fuck each other and take each others money.
Welcome to /biz/.

>> No.2195237

Which is counter productive as fuck and I'm saying this despite getting more than 10x gains in a market that only doubled since I started.
We want as much new money in as possible, that's what's going to make us rich, get the market cap to a couple of fucking trillion dollars, buy a yacht a mansion and a lambo with your gains.

>> No.2195274

Man most of you guys are idiots. More normies = more idiots and therefore more pump and dump from hype, it's gonna be too fucking easy if normies join, we absolutely need to welcome idiots blowing money on this.

>> No.2195352

Anons I'm sorry I didn't get in soon enough! Hold off on the normiegeddon just long enough for this broke fuck to scrape together a few coins. /biz/ I'm a believer, but shit sucks being a recent grad with no job and no money.

>> No.2195376

I've got two male cousins. As normie as it gets but they are nice lads. both pretty hard into ''making money'' and hustling. I told them about bitcoin and altcoins a few weeks ago while having some drinks. They sort of brushed it off as something ''those other strange dudes do'' but after I showed them that i made 800$ easy in a week they got curious. now they are constantly messaging me with questions about coinbase bittrex etc. More money for all of us !

>> No.2195395

My grandmother wanted me to help her invest $100 into BTC

>> No.2195425

A got a grill saying she will buy some because of the new ath. Didn't reply to her to I had talked some months ago about it. Anyhow she had also claimed someone gave her a bitcoin a while ago but she wasn't sure where it was, so she had already been familiar with it for a while.

I say 1/2 yrs and the normies crash it

>> No.2195811

Can someone explain how the influx of a lot of new users will crash the price?

>> No.2195834

When everyone starts trading crypto it will become inherently less valuable.

Think about the first 100ppl who bought $100 worth of bitcoin....

>> No.2195975

more volatility= less stability
legitimate cryptos are going to need stability in order to function

Imagine the value of USD fluctuating by unknown amounts every hour
10/20/50% jumps. folks would be afraid to buy anything with it. oh that car for
20k is now worth 16k in the time it took to test drive. the xmr dump was a
dick move but at least it shook some greedy hysteria away from the coin in
order to create a stable and functioning currency. solid cryptos will find use
and inevitably find worth but this pump and dump get rich quick is unhealthy
and unsustainable

but yes possible pump and dump ease

>> No.2195983
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>My wifes son

hello /pol/

>> No.2195992

An older friend of mine just texted me saying a group of older professionals were interested in investing in bitcoin

I plan on consulting out to them at $1k an hour. AKa tell them how to setup coinbase account and then how to transfer the coins to polo and bittrex to get alts.

>> No.2195994

>yfw they are Federal agents

>> No.2196002

this is retarded even by /biz/ standards. Your comparison literally disproves what you're saying.

>> No.2196010

I'm not taking their money.

But I've been legit asked by people for me to invest for them. I alway decline. I think the highest a person asked me to invest for them was mid six figures, lol.

>> No.2196106

New users buy up crypto, crypto price rises, starts falling later, new users that have weak hands panic and start selling, chain reaction begins with more and more people panicking, price plummets. Real question is where we are on that timeline.

>> No.2196117

Only person I'm investing for is my mom and I just threw her money in with mine. Her money is about 2% of my stack so I just give her 2% of anything I cashout. She's been pretty happy with it.

>> No.2196129



Makes a lot of sense but

>starts falling later


Also how do we assume they have weak hands?

>> No.2196141

It's because all you smug sperg's brag to your parents about how much you've made from crypto despite being a NEET.

Just keep that shit on the down-low, arrogance never helps anyone and only helps your hands get weaker.

>> No.2196147

Look at the Chinese stock market two years ago. The entire country was buying up stocks and at the first dip wanted to cash out immediately.

>> No.2196151

lol what the fuck is this shit

>> No.2196156

How the hell are you guys interacting with this many normies?

>> No.2196239

I just bought my first ETH

We're coming.

>> No.2196274

Good man

>> No.2196280

Barely heard anyone talk about it tbqh. Although I'm aware that it's not as popular in the UK

>> No.2196286

You're a good guy.

>> No.2196312

Sold 0.05BTC each to a couple of colleagues yesterday...

>> No.2196367
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Holy fuck can't remember the last time I laughed at a Pepe image like that.

>> No.2196440

The only downside to normies entering the cryptoshpere I can see is they'll cry for Federal regulations when they lose.

>> No.2196610

>normie tries into coinage
>omg this is too complicated
>too many ppl are getting rich
>y not me
>not fair
>the gubment should tax these ppl more to pay for my welfare
>EBTcoin is created

This is what'll happen in the next 10 years.

>> No.2196618

Normies would sell very quick when they get a small profit, because they would be afraid of a looming crash. This would keep the price growth down. The more normies (in percentage of holders), the cheaper your coin.

>> No.2196757

>implying normies have fucking brains.
This isn't the stock market. What do you think would happen to their petty minds the first time they wake up and see a 100% rise in the crypto they're invested in? Only complete and utter retardation could ensue after that followed by disastrous consequences and government intervention. Normies are in over their heads, much more than NEETs are. I think we've seen too much normie stupidity in 2016-2017, much more than in recent years, so preparing for anything other than the worst-case scenario would be pretty idealistic.I hope they don't fuck everything up though.

>> No.2196814

>Only complete and utter retardation could ensue after that followed by disastrous consequences
Actually you might be right. I can imagine they would just act chaotically, probably doing what someone else tells them to do. Since it seems like they usually prefer holding someone else responsible, and following authority, like how today they follow media advice.

>> No.2196835

I was the same anon as >>2196618

>> No.2196871

Speaking as a normie: how do I go about getting better/educating myself? This shit's clear as mud to me.

>> No.2196874

I am so hyped for the correction which will most likely happen in June. It's going to be 2013-2014 all over again.

>> No.2196891

The whole Trump debacle really showcased how dumb, how completely fucking idiotic, how easily they can be manipulated like fucking sheep. Still though, if /pol/ got Trump elected, then we can use our strings to control normies as well.
Just Google. Plenty of resources. Make sure to use a variety so you don't get biased information and use your own judgment.

>> No.2196912


>> No.2196934

The market was ALOT thinner back then. As soon as people start dumping now some Jap snaps it up or some Korean pays double the price for it.

>> No.2196942

Trump is the narcissistic asshole the U.S. needed. You're just to indoctrinated to see it.

>> No.2196957

The best advice I ever got about learning and understanding new things is that you should only move forward after you understood everything on a given level. Start somewhere, and make sure you understood everything correctly, and only then move on to the next piece of information. (In relation to crypto I would set up an empty wallet and make sure I understand how it actually works.)

>> No.2196967

you really think there won't be a correction? Can't wait for the Chinese gov't to make a few calls and tank the price down to 1800 on that alone

>> No.2196989

I was talking about how easily they turned against Trump when buzzfeed told them to despite everyone loving him prior to him announcing his presidency, you dumb fuckhead. And using the word "indoctrinated" doesn't make you smart when you have the reading comprehension of a fucking infant.

>> No.2197139

my fucking manager keeps asking me to teach him how to trade

"ill just copy you!"

fuck off that's literally just me doing it for you

>> No.2197203

>new shoe shine boys
This is what famously heralded the great depression in that anecdote about the investor realizing the bubble when his shoe shine boy gave him advice

>> No.2197212
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>that pic
I still can't believe this one was real.

>> No.2197226

Normie bubble next bubble

>> No.2197278

Correct if I'm wrong but isn't something like this?
>People get into coins and start hyping the prices up cause "LITERALLY FREE MONEY"
>Coins become overvalued
>Once the smarter people realize this they start selling
>Other people see the price dropping and start to panic sell
>The coin is now dipping HARD
on and on

>> No.2197320

I was at the Consensus Event this past week. You'd be surprised at the crazy amount of multi-millionaire investors walking around literally pleading with experienced traders or other industry types on how they could get in on the action.

>> No.2197430

Aw shit this, but I'm sure you'd learn just as much from electrical engineers studying the efficiency/scale of mining and how that's fueled the growth as much as the economic impact of chinks adopting btc as an alternative to fiat.

China has a real love/hate relationship with crypto, I'd like to learn how their government is handling the cultural revolution that's accompanying their economic awakening.

>> No.2197485

Take his money to build rigs and give him 1% and say that's all it does

>> No.2197507

Yep. Be greedy when others are fearful, fearful when others are greedy.

With zero price controls in place, crypto is extremely volatile, and is prone to large swings and momentum trading. Imagine what that's like for someone who just spent a couple grand on something they literally know nothing about and don't understand at all.

>> No.2197530

I want BTC to crash and then the volatility will scare them off.

BTC will be branded as dangerous and scare people away because of its volatility.

That's the last defense here.
You need to brand this stuff as criminal, volatile, akin to gambling, etc.

>> No.2197540

This is solved to some degree as scale enters the market. It's volatile now because a single investor can drive significant price change. As more money enters the market, that volatility drops since one investor has less impact overall.

>> No.2197547

I know but as traders we fucking need this volatility.

Too much liquidity means volatility will die. As normies enter, they will kill the market and you won't be able to make more than with stocks. That's a problem.

>> No.2197648

Currently finishing my master degree in Finance and I'm investing in crypto. A couple of friends bought eth but did not move past coinbase.
A couple of other have been "eyeing it" for the past 6 months, lel

>> No.2197765

>realize this
But how do the realize it?

>> No.2197787

>Wife's son's father
...so literally you?

>> No.2197812

There are always going to be small, illiquid markets. The stock market is normie territory but you still have highly volatile micro-cap stocks.

>> No.2197813

Nice stuff anon. Good to see people still support family these days.

>> No.2197871

The coins are already overvalued.
Crash is coming

>> No.2198223

I explained crypto to my mom and it took several repeated explanations for her to get it, but she explained it to her friend pretty accurately afterwards.
My dad wanted to get in on it when I told him how much I've made, but I told him now isn't the time to buy.
I also told some people at work including one based guy who invests in stocks. He didn't sound too interested though.

So far I've only been able to get one friend in on it, and his weak hands lost him money on ETH and LTC so he just gave up. He was too lazy to get rid of his GNT, then when he checked the price a week later it was high enough to make up for his losses lol

>> No.2198296

Why don't we close this board now, anyone else's needing to join after this needs to make an anon id type thing, could just be a series of random letters.
Then new normies joining we would know who they are and we could pump and dump them.

>> No.2198361

>More normies = more idiots and therefore more pump and dump from hype, it's gonna be too fucking easy if normies join, we absolutely need to welcome idiots blowing money on this.
>but bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme

>> No.2198406

There is a difference between a Ponzi scheme and idiocy

>> No.2198441

This won't be the last such article:


>> No.2198445

The ponzi scheme is the entire system while the idiocy is the subset of late adopters within the system who earn the rest profit?

>> No.2198459

There is no pyramid structure, it's not a ponzi.

Anyone can come in at any stage and have the same chance as anyone.

>> No.2198615

Yeah, so long as they're in the pump and dump group.

Cryptocurrency essentially only exists so people can perform pump and dump without being caught.

>> No.2198910

Shit. Dan bilzerian mentioned it as well. We got at most hopefully 1 year. lets enjoy the gains then get out. And then re enter

>> No.2198958
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My only concern regarding normies is how to steal their BTC. These druggie faggots are going on some shady ass drug-sites and trying to order normie drugs to their fucking house. Literally asking to be scammed. The thing is, I'm not good with all that darknet homo-bullshit. If anyone helps me devise a decent plan on how to scam them out of their coin I will share the profits or, if anyone is already doing it, I'm willing to help !

>> No.2199573

Are you retarded or something? Darnet drug markets have made bitcoin what it is today

>> No.2199593

This is a good way to end up maimed or dead

>> No.2199627
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It's beginning to happen :')