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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21907490 No.21907490 [Reply] [Original]

I heard you like PRQ hopium

>> No.21907565

What the fuck does Parsiq even do, redpill me

>> No.21907622

They made the lowest effort, centralized, non-crypto site they could to justify their scam token. Basically all it does is balance alerts.. but I heard even that doesn't work.

>> No.21907665

Quality fud in early. Checked.

>> No.21907694

Was just watching this formation myself. I guess we will see.

>> No.21907699

i feel like this is true. can anyone debunk this?

>> No.21907715

Matt Groening's newest WIP

>> No.21907748

Yes, anyone who holds it because they DTOR would be able to refute this easily.

>> No.21907761

Start a free trial and use the app

>> No.21907775

How is it FUD? It's completely true. Have you seen the pathetic excuse for a "product" they are offering?

>> No.21907806

I DMOR and DON'`T hold it because the site is a joke and why do I need a token to get balance alerts? Blockfolio does ths for free.

>> No.21907897
File: 73 KB, 598x466, Screenshot_2020-08-25 Home Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for large commercial enterprise you twat. It can frontrun the blockchain, think aboout that and what it means? They just announced a new security endeavour which should see mass adoption and is also an all white, all male team. I could give you so much more but I don't have time for spoonfeeding fudders.

>> No.21908015

rn it's mostly about transaction alerts, not balance alerts...

>> No.21908641

right.. that's what they call fake vaporware to shill a scamcoin.. good luck anon

>> No.21908711

I bought in at a cent. I make my own luck with research and due diligence. Holding long term. Comfy as fuck.

>> No.21908824
File: 796 KB, 1280x720, 1560112412761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surely it cant go up anymore
first it needs to correct

>> No.21908836
File: 26 KB, 617x349, parsiq ann3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all this weak ass fud,you're just salty you sold at 20. Parsiq is unironically a game changer.

>> No.21908859
File: 49 KB, 615x580, parsiq ann2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This thing is going to the moon.

>> No.21909230
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>> No.21909276

It's not an oracle, it's not trustless, therefore it's not usable by large corporate enterprises for spot fuck all beyond wallet transfers.

>> No.21909400

oh wow.. it can look at a mempool.. groundbreaking. fuck its easy to scam technically retarded moonbois

>> No.21909434

>fuck its easy
prove it right NOW or all of your posts get disregarded

>> No.21909463

it's actually nothing. Any teenager can write a script to monitor mempool txns in minutes. The entire product is a technobabble larp to scam plebs and it's working. Noone cares that you can write a webapp to sniff the mempool.. noone cares about your opinion on how things should be monitored. you are not a standards organization or even respected developers. The entire project is a horseshit scam and they dumped on u the first day.. the exit scam will be funny but they don't deserve your money.

>> No.21909521

if (!error) {
// add the to the db
// notify based on user monitor map
it's really that ez

>> No.21909569

>to scam plebs
yeah, they surly scammed the ceo of coinmetro

>> No.21909744

conehead scammer shills fake shitcoin on sketchy estonian exchange.. more at 11

>> No.21909873


>> No.21910003

It'll be a shitcoin that bleeds out now that the crypto influencers dumped and the whale has been letting go of his bags. When Ivan and co. grabbed onto it immediately and 5x posts/hr hit here for cm and prq I knew exactly what was going on. Nobody on their telegram even has a clue what 'trustless' means, nor do they know what a json parser is.

>> No.21910030

that's how we started. I did. The platform is fake and does nothing. Token is nothing but a coupon. but actually the "product" is nothing but an excuse to sell you a shitcoin that isn't even used in the system. It literally has no function except to take your money.

>> No.21910156

Yesterday it was going up and /biz/ says it's going to ten dollars. Now it's going down and it's worthless.

>> No.21910217

you just said cm is a shady scam exchange
how the fuck do you sit down here and try to tell me that you know what your talking about if you can't even figure out what cm is

>> No.21910268

US company founded in Estonia? Coin Metro is a shit exchange and everyone knows it. They are both bottom feeding desperate projects so they teamed up to scam you and it worked. Good morning retard.

>> No.21910303

CM is a struggling CEX in a DEX world with established CEX players already. You all bank on draconian regulation forcing people to use it but nobody in crypto wants to play those games. It has needed multiple bailouts and their security offerings are simply a way for Kevin to cash out of that into a hopefully profitable 5 bedroom ski lodge. Cope.

>> No.21910342

what the fuck an I even doing... I should be creating meme fud together with you
but you had to include cm in your fud

I need the price down
so please in the next thread I'll help you with you goal

what's our plan? say it's easy to do and The coin is useless
but how do we get people to sell?

>> No.21910414

just tell them to actually look at the product. they will sell immediately when they see how useless and simple it is and how the token isn't even technically used.

>> No.21910488
File: 208 KB, 2028x1348, Screen Shot 2020-08-26 at 8.43.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem okay. They are called cons because it is a confidence game. You are supposed to trust them.

>> No.21910777
File: 45 KB, 1295x539, prq breaking out yet again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your fud isn't working, it's breaking out again

>> No.21910881

We're talking about CM, smoothbrain.

>> No.21910962

I love using smooth brain as an insult.