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File: 38 KB, 1200x628, Polkadot_OG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21888789 No.21888789 [Reply] [Original]

This floor broker last night was shilling it pretty heavily.

First I'm hearing of it.

Says it's competition for ETH.

10k suicide stack?

>> No.21888842

Yes I heard a lot people all out eth and all in dot 1 week ago

>> No.21888893

we are passing $6 by end of the day, expect a steady climb for the next 2 weeks.

>feeling blessed gotin at $3.

>> No.21888917

and still not on coinbase

>> No.21889032

eth 2.0 will be build on top of dot using its own relay chain
you heard it here first

>> No.21889087

Top3 coin in the next month, $20 by eoy

>> No.21889113

Its competition for BTC. ETH is still hardstuck in 2015. And even when ETH2 is finally out in 2023 it'll still be inferior to Polkadot1 (and by that time Polkadot2 will be out).


Read that article, especially this part "Hierarchical scaling in Polkadot v2, where a relay chain connects to another relay chain, providing infinite scalability." Make sure you understand the price implications of that sentence. Base chain of web3, base token of web3.

As I said like a week ago, any DOT under $10 is free money for 2020.

Smart money isn't betting on Eth anymore.

Disclaimer: Went all in on Eth sub $10 @2015~ due to tech potential (even though it was a barren wasteland back then). Made it. Invested in DOT's 2017 public sale. Made it again. Still hold whale levels of Eth, mostly because ageing reduces my risk tolerance so now I diversify like a simp instead of picking the clear winner (you don't know what you don't know yada yada).

>> No.21889144

Still not on cmc frontpage either, nor on reddit.

>> No.21889154

what’s your dot target in next bull market simp

>> No.21889173

>first I’m hearing of it
Now let me be straight with you you motherfucking dog cunt, this is NOT the first you’ve heard of it. You’re here to talk shit and you will get hit. So shut your fucking mouth cunt and stop lying.
That said it’s a great project and literally the future of the internet. I hold KSM though. Not DOT.

>> No.21889188

You must be at least 18 years old to post

>> No.21889192

Unironically buying at $5 is still early, barely anyone is talking about it’s potential yet, this will be on cuckbase and mex, reddit aren’t even all over this one yet either, they’ll start screaming about it at $20

>> No.21889200

well played anon. i will follow in thy footsteps.

I was told to wait two days and buy a dip @ 4.5

Think it's going to continue scaling from here?

>> No.21889218

Meh, market cap is huge. This will top out at $15

>> No.21889262

Great founder, obviously. Won’t be the foundation of the new internet, that role has already been taken by Quant Network Overledger OS. Both will work well together, so that’s not a criticism.

>> No.21889303

Gave it a miss at 3 waiting for a dip on the advice of other anons. Good on me. One day I'll learn.

>> No.21889307

If buying DOT at 5 bucks is a deal, buying QNT at a fraction of the market cap is too big to pass on

>> No.21889314

>infinite scalability
We already know blockchains scale like shit, but the polkadot solution to scaling is to just add more blockchains? This is just technobabble meant to confuse people. Same shit with eth 2.0 sharding, all they are really doing is making it harder to verify when it is already too hard. The entire point of a blockchain is difficulty l auditability. They trade in trustless and decentralized for "scaling" and act like they solved something. Might as well just use an sql database at that point, but you don't get hundreds of millions of VC dollars for that approach

>> No.21889401

This is just technobabble meant to confuse people.

"Smart contracts are technobabble meant to confuse people. Vitalik is just a scammer."

- you, 2015.

What I love about crypto is that the big brains make it big at an accelerated rate. Its almost eugenics.

>> No.21889402

Someone who gets it. Polkadot, although cool, cant scale as Quant Network has been proven to. They don’t add yet another blockchain in the mix, they take an entirely different approach to interoperability without the bottlenecks

>> No.21889558

Did I say anything about not buying it? I have eth too, but long term neither coin is viable. If you just shove as much shit as you can into a blockchain you will centralize the fuck out of your coin. At that point there is no difference than just using a normal database. Neither of these can actually scale properly while still maintaining decentralization but that doesn't mean they won't pump in a bull cycle. The key to all this shit is to get in then get out again. Someday we will have actual true scaling, this isn't it

>> No.21889564
File: 7 KB, 246x205, 5475474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psst. hey you, yes you there.
You want an unshilled coin that's gonna be on DOT?
Read this:

>> No.21889588

shilbert already exit scammed long ago kid, move on

>> No.21889665

"If you just shove as much shit as you can into a blockchain you will centralize the fuck out of your coin."

Doesn't compute. Base relay chain vs amount or ability of parachains has no impact on DOT "centralization".

"The entire point of a blockchain is difficulty l auditability."

Also no, not even close. Monero maybe, but the words blockchain and monero have different meanings.

Sorry bud, if you confuse entry level blockchain lingo you shouldn't be investing here. Else you're just floating, waiting to see where luck takes you.

>> No.21890027

i was in that thread
i had never heard of it either

>> No.21890037
File: 512 KB, 1062x1080, 1579802033697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thnx for shill i will dyor on it

>> No.21890145
File: 549 KB, 1024x818, pepe-snorts-hopium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it E******* ?

>> No.21890229

Wtf are you talking about? Do you even know what a blockchain is or why to use it? They intrinsically don't scale because of their properties, you can't just add even more inefficiency and call it scaling. When you do that you just sacrifice the trustless part which is the real reason to use one. How many people do you think actually run full archival nodes to validate eth for example? Ok no imagine breaking the network into 1024 shards, each one as difficult to verify as the original chain. How many people per chain now validate? Whatever the original number is divided by 1024. So you've made the network more susceptible to attack by a factor of however many shards there are. This is not scaling in the true sense of the word, it is making tradeoffs of the trustless and decentralization properties and hiding it behind a bunch of buzzwords and technobabble

>> No.21890308

How do you store it?

Is it still an IOU thing?

>> No.21890339

polkadot wallet, it’s not an erc shite token

>> No.21890381

This is omg all over again. The reason is hasn't dumped is only insiders own and they're holding/buying. Once a sufficient number of bagholders buy in, they'll dump and you'll be stick with it.

>> No.21890396 [DELETED] 

I don't see a wallet for it ... so still IOU from centralized exchanges...

Requires keeping the "token" there... HUGE RISK

>> No.21890408

this is way bigger than chinkshit coin you mentioned retard

>> No.21890489

Prepare to lose your net worth of $100 or whatever on this shitcoin.

>> No.21890586

"They intrinsically don't scale because of their properties

Because of their current designs, not because of their properties. Big difference.

"you can't just add even more inefficiency and call it scaling."

What makes you think Polkadot is adding inefficiencies though?

"When you do that you just sacrifice the trustless part which is the real reason to use one."

Both Polkadot v1 and Polkadot v2 are trustless and permissionless.

"How many people do you think actually run full archival nodes to validate eth for example?"

Yada yada. Do you know how much eth pays to miners every single day? That money just gets redirected to nodes / stakers. Still decentralized. Still trustless.

"So you've made the network more susceptible to attack by a factor of however many shards there are."

No. Cosmos works that way. Not Polkadot, not Ethereum v2. Look into slashing for Ethereum and fishermen for Polkadot.

"This is not scaling in the true sense of the word"

It is though. I'd go deeper into it but you're not worth my time. Do you think the Ethereum Foundation would have spent that many millions of USD if it weren't?

"hiding it behind a bunch of buzzwords and technobabble" (aka anything I don't understand is technobabble)

You're just way over your head kid. And that's alright, you're a follower. Most people are, and I'm glad the world is that way, or I wouldn't have my cryptobux. I make money by understanding things before the crowd of mediocres (you) do. So keep being you, kid. Buy quant.

>> No.21890605

shilling MIX?

>> No.21890666

QNT will rise.

DOT has huge backing and financing, a bit like EOS did, but it's not actually going to "do" anything.

Why do we need another blockchain? It's all so tiresome.

>> No.21890801

I don't see any polkadot mention on their website nor their whitepaper desu.

>> No.21890942

DOT got a massive paid industry behind it, that is responsible for shilling it on all channels. It might be better than ETH at this point, tech wise, but it has yet to prove its longterm adoption in terms of real business usecases. Theres always the risk involved that it could follow the same path as NEO or Iota, which were also hyped af in 2017, pumped extremely high, and then started bleeding out.

Buy Quant if you want a future proof tech with already proven business adoption, that is independent of any scalability issues.

>> No.21891091 [DELETED] 


>> No.21891135

Kraken, buy it and stake it for like 12%. Also fuck glowbase.

>> No.21891145

I shall say no more. Too many jeets on this board.

>> No.21891203

where do you guys store your DOT?

>> No.21891310

dot is a shadow compared to qnt
qnr = true any:any interopersbility

>> No.21891329
File: 36 KB, 410x598, 1594325188185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO this shit will finally get real world adoption. Ethereum struggles. Other projects look like complete shit compared to Polka.
That's what matters and if it will it will be the biggest crypto project by far.

>> No.21891343

A floor broker you say. That’s a fancy job. You must be one of those guys with suits and cigars. Big stuff. We larping bout floor traders today.

>> No.21891352

What's the best wallet to use for this?

>> No.21891372

Based and de-jeet-pilled

>> No.21891415

someone give me the quick run down.

>> No.21891758

ALGO has real opportunities, but will take a second to develop. It's holding steady, although it has backing by mit and a lot of legitimacy -- it would best to start buying this as trends develop. Otherwise you're just holding cash in it right now. dot on the other hand is a better investment for the moment.

>> No.21891782

Can I use kraken without KYC?

>> No.21891909


ALGO = gov't spyware on you

DOT = not so much.. more freedom .. moving between chains

>> No.21892116

Most secure solution is probably:
Generate a random account using subkey (github.com/paritytech/subkey/releases) - Take the output of this, store it on a piece of paper and lock it the fuck up.
Install parity-signer on an old phone you keep offline (This will function as a hardware wallet of sorts) and import the generated account using the mnemonic.
Run your own polkadot node if you want
Go to https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/accounts or download the polkadot JS app and run it yourself
Connect to the node you're running yourself (or connect to the parity or w3f ones)
Add via QR

badabing badaboom

>> No.21892126

wait sorry, paritytech/substrate/releases

>> No.21892161

Holy fucking shit.

>> No.21892184

Fren, Quant Network already has real world adoption. Polkadot may do well, but it will have to settle for second place behind Quant.

>> No.21892523

First time leaving reddit and trying to troll on 4chan huh?

>> No.21892683 [DELETED] 

You see his formatting and yet you ask.

>> No.21892745

Do you even know what whoaverse was? newfag

>> No.21892816

I was going to buy some but the price kept going up and I said screw it for now. I'm not sure how DOT is going to play out. We know the JP Morgan deal with Consensys is going to be a winner and that's all ETH based. LINK will win also with it's ties to Consensys. I don't know where to put my additional funds. Maybe I'll just get some additional LINK.

>> No.21892885

I think you can, but you can't deposit fiat therefore can't buy crypto

>> No.21893059

yea, just don't go over the withdrawal limit of $5,000 in a 24 hour time frame, that includes staking, so don't get tricked by staking $5k at once

>> No.21893627

>staking on a centralized service without kyc
I too like to live dangerously

>> No.21894015

Only fucking rarts didnt get on the DOT train

>> No.21894107

But have you heard about quant anon? <- half the morons here.

Meanwhile dot gets to #6, hitting $6.

>> No.21894108

when retracement?

>> No.21894137

I love it! Great Future!

>> No.21894160


Noice Anon !! Thanks for this

>> No.21894355

$6.10 as we speak

>> No.21894421
File: 94 KB, 254x245, 1504368157544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOT has allowed me to increase my earnings by 30% since the beginning of the week.
It will surely dump one day but for now it's just going up.

>> No.21894425

>Gave it a miss at 3 waiting for a dip on the advice of other anons. Good on me. One day I'll learn.
all of biz said not to buy it. and now it's 2x'd. biz are fucking morons

>> No.21894574

it's made by gavin fucking wood. Biz oldfags had their moneys locked in it for years, no intention to sell now, we all indoctrinated into polka , whole supply demographic is hardcore maximalists DYOR and read old biz archives from 2017 to realize what polka is for this place and overall for crypto, its best minds of crypto space working on it if that's not something to look forward to, i dunno what is.
Compared to vapor we hype this shit is real deal and real hype, the moment normies notice it it will go parabolic
Once again, supply is non existing :)