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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 201 KB, 696x361, chainlinkxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21820578 No.21820578 [Reply] [Original]

Today is the 24th of August 2020.
People are looking at Chainlink and decided not to buy, because they think it's a bad pick.

People sold Chainlink at $1 - at $4 and now at $15.5 with an ATH at $20.
The people who sold at $20 is very happy that they did.

SmartCon is in just a few days with industry leaders in DeFi speaking. This is Chainlinks first big event they host themselves.

Remember that there is people in crypto who is looking at Chainlink, today, and is 100% confident it's a bad pick, at the current price of $15.5 per link.
The ICO price was a little short of $0.1 and people still found that price bad.
Meanwhile, neets are selling their stacks to industry leaders who are stacking up.

I want you to screenshot this post and check it in 6 month/1 year and be reminded about this.
Next time you take advice from anons, remember that they may have been the people who sold at $4 and was happy.

>> No.21820694

didn't read not screenshotting

>> No.21820702

How many linkies to make it anon?

>> No.21820710

More value in a zero dollar stablecoin. Linkies think they are going to see magic cities and robot ninjas come Winter. Delusional.

>> No.21820736
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>> No.21820750


were there really threads about chainlink three years ago?

wish i could read them

>> No.21820753

We'll see what happens. To be honest I got into Link too late but didn't put much money on that anyway. I hope it works out for everyone else on this board. My crypto money is just play money on the side.
Oddly enough my ALGO gains are paying off big time, especially with the staking bonus.

>> No.21820809

Ask urself 2 questions. 1 Do the product works does what it says it would do? 2 is team delivering and releasing the stuff they say they would deliver? If answer for both question is yes then hold is wise. If answer is no then sell is wise.

>> No.21820852
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Based ESL poster

>> No.21820878

You are more than welcome to screencap this and prove me wrong in a year. I will swallow my pride and admit defeat in that case.

Yes. The ICO sold out in just a few minutes.
Articles about "Smart Contracts" (as an entity/company) was posted around the web on finance blogs and forums. Not much talk in the crypto space about it but it was widely known that they would attend SIBOS conference to showcase DECO (Denctralized Oracles) for use in financial systems. It was also known that they won an innovative competition hosted for SIBOS the prior year. And that "Smart Contract" had been working on a secure oracle since ~2014, years before Ethereum was even relevant.

>> No.21820910

Never buying. Checkem Theres always other ways than buying your developer bags you ruined biz.

>> No.21820919
File: 48 KB, 894x167, horsemommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't need to screenshot.
horsemommy of pol, and slavstinkwhore of biz told me i'm the best anon.

>> No.21820920

Every second thread was chainlink and that was 0.50 days

>> No.21820995

Go to warosu or yuki.la and start reading

>> No.21821002

Saved for future reference..

>> No.21821049

Check these. Out of my way plebeian

>> No.21821084

We all have a choice in this very moment. The train leaves the station very soon.

>> No.21821182

Ah yes another ominous post about how your manipulating the price up soon. Enjoy it link "dev"

>> No.21821199

You need to search AssBlasters tripcode on Warosu.
Here is a CL thread around SIBOS toilet conference 2017: >>/biz/thread/S3950019

>> No.21821239

I didn't read this but I want to to know that I am never selling.

>> No.21821240
File: 307 KB, 798x672, MENOTSTINK_ME_LINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright anon, i'll make one, just for you.

legendary thread. put me in the screencap.
i want to see what link is in the future.
it is $15.48 right now.

>> No.21821372
File: 386 KB, 754x1158, 1551020158297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i g2g. have good day. never sell.
see you in february, or next summer.

>> No.21821387

Yes and just about every night for years there were threads claiming "tonight's the night", I think that's partly why I sold early. I expected shit to happen sooner than it did. It's okay though I'm comfy and I'm genuinely hoping link kicks shit off soon so the real bull run can begin. The hype with link will benefit the whole market.

>> No.21821437


>SmartCon is in just a few days with industry leaders in DeFi speaking

The best part is that this is literally the first SmartCon ever

Surely, not the last

The event is going to get bigger year by year, eventually even businessmen like Donald Trump as ex-President of United States will attend it in the year 2030

In 10 years the Smart Con will be the largest crypto enterprise meeting in the whole world with hundreds of industry leaders and bankers around the world

>> No.21821444

So you did read?

>> No.21821592

LINK literally has one developer who was a film student in Guangzhou City who wrote a thesis on the post-war Polish cinema of the 1980's. He was obsessed with the film A Short Film About Love (1988) and watched it dozens of times, feeling a kindred connection with the shy, obsessive, and out-of-sorts protagonist. Much of his life at the time reflected the protagonist's own experience as he fell in love with a woman living in the apartment building across from his own.

The developer would spy upon her through a pair of binoculars every evening as she would carouse with her partner. He found a way to open the lock on her door using a kitchen fork and would frequently enter her apartment to learn some aspects of her life, as in the Cantonese film Chungking Express. He found on her partner's computer that he was heavily invested in cryptocurrencies and through extension of this became interested himself. His evenings were consumed with learning how to code the coins, taking breaks only to gaze upon the beautiful woman from across the way.

Eventually he gained enough knowledge to begin his own cryptocurrency ChainLINK which became wildly popular. In this time the woman got married to her partner and the developer attempted suicide (as in the Polish film). After leaving the hospital he came upon the news that her partner had disappeared mysteriously. Apparently he had borrowed money which he couldn't pay back and now he was gone without a trace. The developer felt a new vigor for life and coding. He rebranded LINK and gave it the moniker 'the Oracle solution.' To this day he is developing the coin in the hopes of attracted the woman he's been spying on for years.

>> No.21821752

>n-never buying
imagine being this proud of being priced out
this is the biz equivalent of a retard pissing his pants and trying to show it off to everyone else

>> No.21821908
File: 1.59 MB, 320x251, John-Cleese.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3rd world English comprehension

>> No.21822204


>> No.21822535

My collection dating back to early 2018

>> No.21822566
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Oh and pic related lol, nearly 2 years ago

>> No.21822626

Most of them don't have dates though.

>> No.21823028
File: 26 KB, 720x717, 14231364-2682-489D-A733-D2805973158A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that this board is more about shilling hodls and the greatness of any project and how it will transform the world and make your bags explode upward in value but are there really no traders here?
I'll be honest, I don't care about Chainlink at all beyond the vote of confidence the market has given it.
Using that, I ask myself why BAND has 1/22 the market cap of LINK when it does the same thing and seems to have a more legit team and group of funders.
Doesn't seem right. It seems like the easy money in LINK has been made and the smarter play is to buy BAND until it catches up somwhat in market cap.

Someone tell me why this idea sucks.

>> No.21823166

Put this in the screenshot too. Anons in 2020 did not think Link at $1000 was real. There were a few who knew and still hold today in your current timeline. Those anons are smart - see how those bags of other shitcoins are doing now that Link passed ETH in marketcap in 2021. Screencap this.

>> No.21823253

Nobody except retarded dim wit gambling addicts trade crypto. People that would bet 10K on a dog fight, that kind, so no, nobody here trades crypto shoo shoo gambler

>> No.21823415


>> No.21823655
File: 44 KB, 500x500, lainpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sat on my normies ass too scared to get out of btc and eth for half a year watching this coin go from 7usd, now that it mooned I saw just how retarded I had been for so long, so I bought at 15. Its dumping now, so what? I only have 3 and a half linkies but I will not let of them until I am dead.

>> No.21823750


Other than act as a middleman for offline / online data.. what does link really do?

Seems one dimensional, one trick pony.

>> No.21823790

cut the babble, it's going up or down from here?

>> No.21823825

>a whopping 3.5 stinkies

Please tell me you are very young, lad. Otherwise crypto is not your path to gmi and you need to grind at something else for a while.

>> No.21823840

>other than be the glue that makes blockchain and smartcontracts actually useable by current institutions..yea i don't see the big deal.

>> No.21823852

it's all so tiring:(

>> No.21823913

LINK will help me to finally savage my village

>> No.21823914

In his defense, I put about that much usd in when it was 20 cents. But it was rank 130 so I was cautious, now its top 5 no reason to put much less in than you would for btc or eth

>> No.21823972

Very helpful, thanks.

>> No.21824002

I didnt have any savings on me last night, as soon as I get some more wages I'll get more, im a young poor neet

>> No.21824149

Well yeah its helpful but I see it as pipes in my house that deliver water from outside (offline) world to my world (online).

I bought the pipes but that's it.. they just sit there. There is no need to pay fees to my pipes or any other useless extraneous layers.

>> No.21824204


If you can't see where I'm going with that.. is what if someone just makes the same thing, but no tokens or fees necessary.

Businesses will just migrate to that.

>> No.21824258

expect a small pump and dump before the con
if another empty promise isn't announced at smartcon it will crash

>> No.21824288

Imagine thinking some ERC token with unfinished technology and no real world use case is actually worth something.

Then imagine taking time out of your day to take a good wank over the price increases and try to promote the idea of holding said token even longer, rather than safely taking profits. And that alone, not even bothering to talk about how these price increases are even remotely grounded in reality.

It's almost as if OP knows the token is inherently worthless and would prefer lots of people he doesn't know will continue to hold it even as it tumbles from a large selloff.

>> No.21824715
File: 55 KB, 500x600, 1BD17AD3-6CF5-40C8-AAB8-2FD880E5AE47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand how Chainlink works.
Its superiority is only hinted very subtle, and without a solid dose of advanced autism most of the Lambos will go over a typical /biz/tards head. There's also Sergey Nazarovas very nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation, his personal philosophy draws heavily from /biz/ shitposting.
The real frens of course understand this; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realize that it’s not just le funny memes. They know it also says something deep about the society we are living in.
As a consequence people who don’t trust Chainlink truly ARE idiots. Of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the genius in Nazarovs iconic catchphrase
"Get in here faggot, we’re gonna make Crypto great again!"
which itself is a semi-cryptic reference to the amazing russian epic 'Crime and Punishment' or the struggle of life itself.
I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Sergeys genius wit unfolds itself on their screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have my wallet QR Code tattooed.
And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.21824798

I think people see how it works.
But don't really see a huge valuation in it.
Especially if someone can come along and just do it a lot cheaper, easier.. etc..

>> No.21824951

Its easy to write a search engine, why don't you make one and cut Google out of the picture?

>> No.21824992

Thanks anon in about 10 years from now when LINK hits 1000 USD I'll post your screen cap.

>> No.21825872

The water bill covers the water and everything else involved in getting it cleaned and piped to your house. Or did you think the supply system was installed and maintained by benevolent utility pixies?

>> No.21826916

Like 90% of that collection is biz screencaps with the dates included in the posts, what do you mean

>> No.21827023

Comparing apples to oranges.
Google or any search engine, that I'm aware of doesn't charge fees to do searches. Yeah there's ads but.. different method of revenue.

>> No.21827054

didnt read, i already went all in a couple days ago at $15.30

>> No.21827103

Keked and checked

>> No.21827432
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>there is people

OP are the Fag

>> No.21827509
File: 20 KB, 600x350, 1122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met a traveler from an antique land, who said shouldn't you be holding LINK right now?
Fresh FIAT resting in my coinbase wallet, editing Bay dotted with half realized memes a folder filled with pepes, and in a /biz/ thread these words appear:

My name is Stinky Linky, god of kings, look on coingecko check the LINK price and despair.
And yet I sat there long past the witching hour, letting time slip away minute by minute.
No purchase being made with the specter of the singularity looming ever closer.
So why, why do I continue to fall again and again and again for these literally pointless shitcoins?
I tell myself that it's the vague notion of a 10x that compels me.
That some meaning awaits me at the top of the pump and dump, knowing full well this coin has no such thing.
The numbers, the memes in of themselves, they compel me to continue devoid of any true meaning, but distracting me from the task I know awaits me, when I step back to reality.
'Woop there goes gravity; A procrastinator to the core, the fear begins to swell - have I left myself enough time to buy in, have I doomed my chance of a suicide stack? -
No need to think about that. The exhaustion of the past weeks is too much to permit it and the next shitcoin is only a few clicks away, a few more ETH a couple transactions and it will be mine.
And then the hole inside, the burning need for making it will be filled.
Of course I know this is a lie, but even after admitting this, there is no catharsis, my punishment continues to elude me and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself, no new knowledge can be extracted from my telling.
This confession has meant nothing.
I have no LINK and I must buy.

>> No.21827609

this is really good lol

>> No.21828102
