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2180250 No.2180250 [Reply] [Original]

*inhales deeply*
Not gonna lie, former DGB investor here. This is fucking hilarious watching DGB. But in all seriousness IT'S FUCKING 500 SATS AND IT'S NOT GOING TO COME BACK UP
How do we even cope with this? It's never going to go back up, i might sell all of mine and just put it in ETH at this point.

>> No.2180261

you guys are getting bizarro with this shit.

>> No.2180264


>> No.2180268
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lol fuck off, I'm not selling you my bags, nigger

>> No.2180271
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my school fund just shrank by half

>> No.2180272
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Have faith, tomorrow you will regret when you sold potential thousands down the toilet.


>> No.2180273

Y'know, if you keep meaning like that actually dgb holders are going to be out a lot of money.

For real, you idiots need to get out asap.

>> No.2180274

lol weak hand bitch
digi is down from 200 sat thats nothing yall ass day traders cant wait a while cuz yall ass

>> No.2180277

>Not gonna lie, former DGB investor here

I fucking love this meme. I'm still holding my dgb. It's a solid coin. What, you don't research, you just throw hundreds of dollars at whatever biz tells you for an afternoon and slowly bleed out?

>> No.2180280

Imagine bring such a pussyhands that you sold dgb early in the game

You silly, silly shits. It hasn't even begun

>> No.2180283

>being this weak-handed

It's only been a couple of days OP, kill yourself

>> No.2180293

>It's a solid coin.
>Does research.
Pick 1.

>> No.2180299


>Got in below 100 sats

I'm just gonna ride or die this shit. I either make money or end up where I was when I started.

>> No.2180303

>Making a decision on a coin after a week

Why do you people buy coins to not hold for at least a year?

Anyone who buys DGB and literally any of the top 30 alts has a great chance at huge profits in a year after buying and forgetting.

>> No.2180319
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pls be true

>> No.2180328

>Anyone who buys DGB and literally any of the top 30 alts has a great chance at huge profits in a year after buying and forgetting.

>> No.2180330

Because I need money now?
If I was in a position where I didn't need money now I'd invest my money in something decent like Johnson & Johnson or something, not coins where the economic principle behind it is the greater fool theory.

>> No.2180344

>well it didn't moon that time BUT IT WILL DEFINITELY MOON TOMORROW!
>Uh ok, so maybe it didnt moon this time but i have a feeling it will moon TOMORROW?
>g-g-g-guys? DGB is going to m-m-moon r-right?
You keep saying this shit but all i see is A BIG FAT FUCKING RED CANDLE

>> No.2180357

Don't be impatient, wait till tomorrow or lose all the money you have invested.

Like I said the cleanup crew is coming.

>> No.2180362

>Coin is at 100
>Coin goes to 1,000
>Coin corrects and becomes stable at 500
>Faggots thinking it's crashing

Get the fuck out of Digibyte you weak handed inbreds.

The patient strong handed are getting rich.

>> No.2180367

>Don't be impatient, wait till tomorrow and lose all the money you have invested.

>> No.2180387
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>> No.2180393

So many poorfags trying to get rich in 1 fucking week lol. There's notices everywhere in BOLD saying ONLY INVEST WHAT YOU'RE WILLING TO LOSE.
Peing already poor makes a fucking weak handed faggot. Get a job wagecucks and THEN put money into cryptos.
Got in DGB at 500sat last week so haven't lost a fucking cent yet. Check back on the 5th June digibros.

>> No.2180407

What about madmen that bought in at 740? Is there a future? My hands are strong, but my money grows weaker...

>> No.2180416

idk shill harder? that's how they got you. now you have to get the fresh blood. the gig might be up soon though.

>> No.2180417

Yep, every time someone has something to say it turns out that they got in early enough that they don't have to give a shit.
>just hold guys we're going to be on the moon just hold moon tomorrow
>oh yeah btw I got in at 100 so I don't really care what happens to the coin it can plummet to 101 for all I care

>> No.2180429

On June 5th we are tripling the payouts on DGB on LOL and CS GO, this will put us on the spotlight.

This drop won't affect you in the long run.

>> No.2180438

Guys,... hurry sell before u lose more!

>> No.2180445

just like VOX right?

>> No.2180460

It's worse than vox, because it has ties to video games (something these manchildren think love) they'll just cling to it while everyone who made their money keeps on exiting.

At least we know vox will be dead within a week, there'll probably still be people holding dgb for another year.

>> No.2180461

Vox literally just came out

Most people fucked up on DGB because they jumped in on a (relatively) low number and didnt know the full context, me included, so we're paying the price for now.

I hear the devs were also having issues with a ddos attack , but we'll see what happens in the end.

>> No.2180482

Everything is under control. June 5th is the big launch, the gaming scene will be on us like tar. It will past 2000 sats easily.

>> No.2180496

most cryptos go up in the end, maybe it takes a year but it will.

everyone should have 50% in eth as a hedge anyway, at least if you fuck up you only need to wait a month or 2 to get your money back in eth profit.

>> No.2180505

I've traded almost every single coin on polo and have made a profit on every single one, bar two, by virtue of waiting long enough. Pussyhands get spanked for their impatience

>> No.2180506

Do you know what the gaming community likes? Hardware announcements. New flashing games.

Do you know what they hate? Getting nickled and dimed on every detail of a game. "But they can earn them in the game!" They won't care. They'll think this is just way to introduce new fees into gameplay.

>> No.2180512

Hello. I am the Original Poster of this thread. I apologize for ever doubting DigiByte currency. In my post, I expressed concern at the price falling to 500 sats. I now see that this was an error, and the price is rising again, right?

>> No.2180534

its too late anon

I am the bagholder now

>> No.2180545


I understand you are now alarmed, the sky is falling and it's all doom and gloom.

June 5th, is when we will truly moon, until then stay calm and the rewards shall be plentiful.

>> No.2180552


I like you jared, you know we got your back my man

>> No.2180626

I cant wait to watch it go from 300 sats to 0 on June 5th.

>> No.2180643

>coin drops slightly


>> No.2180645
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>> No.2180655
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I can't wait to see you cry when we breached $1.

>> No.2180667

I feel your frustration, heck even I am frustrated. It was a smooth sailing these past days until today.

But life has it ups and downs, you need to see "up" part of it and I am telling you the "up" part is coming very soon. It will be a mountain.

>> No.2180677
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1000 sat... any day now...

>> No.2180680
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>> No.2180682

That day will come. Very soon, wait a week and see what happens.

>> No.2180685

I've learned the lessons of xrp and pivx. hold like fucking crazy

I bought dgb and rdd. everytime I think they will die, they always bounce back harder.

Sure I could play it safe and put it all in eth, but this coin is memey enough to succeed.

>> No.2180687

bought at 680

>> No.2180696

>every coin is ETH
will this meme ever end?

>> No.2180698

s a v e d

>> No.2180773
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pls add support for overwatch and i will mine all day long

>> No.2180802

We shall see, so far LoL and CS go were our first choices but expanding into other games is part of our plan. We have even considered adding WoW.

>> No.2180829


>> No.2180842

I wanna hodl her boobs

>> No.2180885

Sell overwatch loot boxes on your store for DGB
crypto microtransactions

>> No.2180889

the up part already happened friendo.

>> No.2180995

>I f my coin doesn't exponentially increase forever then it's shit

Just go lose money daytrading whatever else is shilled here fucking idiots

>> No.2181006

That is a small mound compared to the incoming skyscaper that is looming in the horizon.

>> No.2181716

You're lying. Digibyte Gaming wasn't mining Jared was paying for it out of his own pocket. You'd know that if you were actually a DGB dev. You aren't so stop saying 'we' and acting like you have any standing in DGB.