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21760915 No.21760915 [Reply] [Original]

>Of course not
>Stop worrying, I don't care about the size of your stack, stop listening to your internet friends, I'm not that kind of girl
>How big is it though?

>> No.21760982

Women were not a mistake and are a good investment

>> No.21761226
File: 37 KB, 450x600, 3KLhjUJaj2ZGBy2aWmOkA0aH_OyDyYLfVALIsM5ohyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> OK since you insist
> It's just that Stacey told me Chad showed his to her and it was impreasive
> It got me curious that's all
> but I don't care really

>> No.21761284

that's a man

>> No.21761330

give me one reason why you arent useless

>> No.21761347


>> No.21762015

Are girls really like this? Just had my first gf, she's really nice, I actually don't think she would ever be this shallow. I think you guys just haven't found the right one yet

>> No.21762216

>Just had my first gf
what did he mean by this?

>> No.21762271

Someone tell him. I can't do this shit anymore

>> No.21762371

The simp sons

>> No.21762417

Ok tell her you lost your job and are planning to spend the next 5 years as a vidya neet
See how that goes down

>> No.21762532

some men have to suffer for themselves to get it, anon. leave him to learn on his own.

>> No.21762666
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Telling them doesn't work. They need to experience it themselves over time. He literally said it was his first gf anyway. With my first gf I was head over heels, and a total beta male. Now I am super misogynistic and fight to remove the right to vote for women. The more time you spend with them, the more you see how they really are. Girls have developed to play the mental game, not the physical one like us men. They are 10x more manipulative than you would ever think until you learn to play their game.

>> No.21762736

ah I wasn't on fit for long time

>> No.21762783

its not the size of your margin but how you use leverage.

>> No.21762929
File: 416 KB, 960x986, 1565208819258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting fucking lonely bros. I want a wife and kids.

>> No.21763024

For real though modern women aren’t shit

>> No.21763133

Are you implying that a girl should be happy and supportive of her boyfriend doing nothing with his life? I hate women but if that’s what you think than you are u ironically in the wrong, not women.

>> No.21763565

20 inch you stupid slut

>> No.21763804
File: 345 KB, 636x720, 1572989700154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the guys who lurk this site are intolerable, autistic, unhygienic and lack motivation. Kinda obvious why they hate women as women won't give them the time of day so don't let them warp your perception of reality by thinking they're all gold diggers.

>> No.21763961

I think we're having a revival of people thinking homosexuality is acceptable nowadays, like the Ancient Greeks.

>> No.21764248

That scene hit me so hard. God, I was (am?) such a disappointment. I have to make it with crypto to make it worthwhile having spent all my teenage years on the computer.

>> No.21764349


We all have a little bit of AJ Soprano in us...

>> No.21764521

t. roastie or bluepilled young guy

I have absolutely no problems getting girls (literally used to do modelling) and still agree with the general sentiment about (western) women on here. I don't hate all women, I just hate the modern, degenerate, feminist, self-absorbed women (90%+ of women in western countries).

>> No.21764697

>t. roastie or bluepilled young guy

Anyone's lexicon that is built around being "red pilled" or "alpha" is almost certainly never those things but instead are reactionarily bitter.

>I have absolutely no problems getting girls (literally used to do modelling)

Yea I'm sure...

>90%+ of women in western countries

Keep thinking that

>> No.21764727


>> No.21764746

I hate datable women for two reasons. One, because they became interested in me only when they were ready to settle down, I think they saw me as a good little hostage beta, and two, every single time I go out with friends they literally have negative interest in me until one of my friends brags that I'm loaded. It's even more hilarious when they see me getting into my Aston Martin because I'm a typical nerd and my standard uniform is a gray t-shirt, pair of jeans, and wool tennis shoes.

>> No.21764777

Steve said he had 10k at the party, he said it was just average, is it true anon

>> No.21764799



>> No.21764803

tell me more.

>> No.21765252

They're basically vermin and they always have been. Under the control of men they can be useful, but under the control of Jews they are infanticidal degenerate whores.

>> No.21765264
File: 37 KB, 402x326, michael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you're a bizbro i hope you'll live long enough to one day realize how wrong you are here. Any man around women long enough will grow to despise them as individuals, the same doesn't apply for men. feminism was a mistake, allowing them to vote is a mistake, allowing them to leave their traditional housewife duties, allowing them to 'work' less efficiently for more pay, etc. you blaming the man for being autistic, and making generalizations that we dont get any pussy shows how fucking bluepilled you are LMAO

>> No.21765328

535 linkies

>> No.21765455


based and checked.

>> No.21765485
File: 504 KB, 640x640, sneedposting1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21765974

>because I'm a typical nerd and my standard uniform is a gray t-shirt, pair of jeans, and wool tennis shoes.
this is the reason women don't find you attractive faggot holy fucking shit. I bet those jeans are the typical american cut too ugly as fuck. I'm not suprised women showed 0 interest in you. I bet you arent even close to fit either.

>> No.21766131

you must live in a small town,

I used to live in a small town (pre-tinder) and had 0 problem finding great GFs,
Now I live in a 1MM + city and I can't find ANY girl that isn't an immediate fuck and chuck .. This is also post-tinder.. so that may be a factor.

>> No.21766435 [DELETED] 

Everything I said about myself is true.
> Anyone's lexicon that is built around being "red pilled" or "alpha" is almost certainly never those things but instead are reactionarily bitter
I don't think you understand what being redpilled memes, redditfag. My lexicon is not built around "alpha" (didn't even use that word lol) or "redpilled", I simply stated that you probably are a young bluepilled guy with very little experience or a bitter roastie.
> Keep thinking that
I will.

>> No.21766472

Everything I said about myself is true.
> Anyone's lexicon that is built around being "red pilled" or "alpha" is almost certainly never those things but instead are reactionarily bitter
I don't think you understand what being redpilled means, newfag. My lexicon is not built around "alpha" (didn't even use that word lol) or "redpilled", I simply stated that you probably are a young bluepilled guy with very little experience or a bitter roastie.
> Keep thinking that
I will. Have plenty of experience to back it up.