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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 205 KB, 438x476, slinkys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21741583 No.21741583 [Reply] [Original]

Sup slinkies.
Hows the rebase treating you?
Any of you using the sergeyser?
My humble bag of 500 slink is holding strong, I hope you didn't panic sell or sell before rebase.



>We are now live on CoinGecko!


>SLINK was mentioned by popular Youtubers Ivan on Tech and Crypto Zombie!

>Geyser is fully live

>Slink was airdropped to thousands of Trustswap holders thanks to Jeff's interest

My Slinkies stay super uh, springy?

>> No.21741633


>> No.21741781

Do you know how much SLINK airdrop each Trustswap holder received

>> No.21741810

So what % of my stack should I put in the geyser. Also what are the drawbacks of doing it?

>> No.21741811


>> No.21741863

Not much. I think it was 6 for everyone holding over 10k SWAP but don't quote me on that. Presale was max 1.5 eth per person too with a small (sub 300 eth) cap

>> No.21741893

I'd say put like 10-15% or a little more if you're comfy, Theres a bit more than 1k eth and 50k slink pooled already, and its day 1 of rebase. If you have big bucks the geyser might be more attractive, as rewards could possibly be worth a lot more "if" link pumps. I'm pretty bullish on link, personally.

>> No.21741910

However this would be 9 SLINK today after the 50% rebase. Current price is 7 dollars so if you didn't sell that's basically a free 63 dollars, and this project still only 2 mil market cap so I imagine it could be worth a lot more. Fuck sake why didn't I get in on SWAP when it didn't cost over 10k USD to get the benefits

>> No.21741932

I feel like impermanent loss always cancels out any geyser rewards you get.

I would have made way more by just holding straight AMPL rather than putting it in the geyser for rewards.

I'm playing this one as a straight SLINK hold.

>> No.21742002

Me too brother. Locking my eth in the pool is annoying as fuck when it could be invested elsewhere. Other people can play around with the sergeyser but I'm comfy just holding this one for the ride

>> No.21742053

So in which scenario are you not fucked by impermanent loss? If it crabs? Massive price flucuations cuck you out of gains right?

>> No.21742145

If it crabs or if both assets are roughly correlated.

>> No.21742350

Massive price fluctuations which deviate forever will cuck you out of gains, but if there are massive price fluctuations which return to their original state, you earn a ton of gains from providing liquidity/fees.

>> No.21742409

This shit is dropping why are you guys shilling this so hard?

>> No.21742488

learn how rebases work kek

>> No.21742673

this is stupid enough to work

>> No.21743223

Bought LINK because of biz and I bought SLINK because of biz and im gmi

>> No.21743446

we are gmi fren.

>> No.21743489

im up like 5x its nuts, I want to go to sleep but I cant

>> No.21743537

you can have a rest at 50x

>> No.21743692
File: 112 KB, 626x625, yiti7k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They seriously made a coin specifically to cash in on the FOMO of people who missed the boat on LINK?

>> No.21743703

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.21743951

yes, why havent you bought yet?

>> No.21744021

Because it looks like a scam with no practical use just trying to cash in on the brand name.

>> No.21744080

seems that you will stay poor for a little while longer

>> No.21744089

>defi nigger scam
>marketed specifically at linkies
didnt read never buying

>> No.21744379

stay poor cuck

>> No.21744830

Thanks for confirming that it's a scam

>> No.21745317

Bought a bag anon. Looking forward to today's rebase and growing my SLINK