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File: 1.94 MB, 656x1026, we’re all gonna be rich🧚🏼 - Jk, keep your money, buy more $LINk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21695098 No.21695098 [Reply] [Original]

How many XRP for a soon-to-be destitute LINK wife like this?

>> No.21695134


>> No.21695198
File: 48 KB, 350x326, 1596840203889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a man.

>> No.21695243

that's a man

>> No.21695272

I think she is disgusting for her tattoos and I would never be seen in public with her nor be alone in a room with her.

>> No.21695280
File: 47 KB, 1200x1200, d7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tattoos
> 5/10 body
> 3-4/10 face
> e whore
You really don't think you can do better than that?

>> No.21695285


>> No.21695301

50 sounds good... id make her forget all about stinky linkies

>> No.21695339


best i can do is 8 bitbean

>> No.21695366

If you think this chick is average, you need to adjust your scale. She's a solid 7.

>> No.21695415

XRP is a kike scam coin. Just let go of your bags.

>> No.21695433

>Those scores
Stop watching porn.

>> No.21695438


>> No.21695474

anon, youre talking to trannys who hate any female they see because they will never be one... this > >>21695198 >>21695243 >>21695272 >>21695280 is how they cope

>> No.21695482

who else is taking this post as a sell signal?

>> No.21695486

>100% USDA Grade A Woman
Psh w/e thot, 100% trap will trade bussy 4 link

>> No.21695499

There isn't enough xrp in circulation since xrp has 0 value.

>> No.21695521

I've got some mercury dimes but I'd need to see the mother before I commit.

>> No.21695528

someone tell this girl i'd give her 500 link to have her poop in my mouth

>> No.21695536

A lot because xrp sucks

>> No.21695595

Why do woman do this? I just don't get it, woman are already born with everything a man find's attractive and desirable why ruin everything by smearing there's body with a tattoo.

>> No.21695619

shitcoineer cunt
btch nd eth is the best, blondes are retard

>> No.21695658

Don't post your face on here odiot
Also your face looks like a man

>> No.21695708

Better than buying link at 18 was nerd

>> No.21695727
File: 307 KB, 798x672, MENOTSTINK_ME_LINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you live in northeast, lets fuck.

>> No.21695743

>blonds are retard
Literal kike proganda

>> No.21695803

great we have gotten to the point were we have thots.

>> No.21696042

Because they're dumb enough to think men are being honest when they say "hey nice tattoo", even though we really don't give a shit and just want some puss

>> No.21696332

>t. low test

>> No.21696628

she is a fake blonde

>> No.21696694

This. The shadow masters don't want true white children to inherit the earth.

>> No.21696742

the tattoos drop her to a 0 regardless of everything else

>> No.21696941

that's a man

>> No.21697072

I wouldn't know what that's like but I don't see how that could be worse than cRipples chart lmao
The absolute state of cRipple goy bagholders

>> No.21697333


>> No.21697724

That cunt has a boyfriend...!!! Dont simp for this white nigger and her boyfriend!!!!!!

>> No.21697778

You fags are most likely just americans, britts or from non-whites countries (and fetisize all white women). That's why you have such low standards. All you women are ugly fat pigs.
Yes, that woman is literally below average for her age in my country (Denmark).

>> No.21697828

Oop, missed one. I honestly feel bad for you guys if that girl is considered above average in your countries. Your women must be extremely ugly (I know they in the US but still).

>> No.21697864

That cunt has a boyfriend...!!! Dont simp for this white nigger and her boyfriend!!!!!!

>> No.21697920

Thank you. We need you to be involved in more irking

>> No.21697937


>> No.21697942
File: 80 KB, 497x613, 20200821_004112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21697950

More threads is what I meant. I am drunk

>> No.21698011

That cunt has a boyfriend...!!! Dont simp for this white nigger and her boyfriend!!!!!!

>> No.21698091

Noooooo. This is the top. God dammit why!!! I wanted it to at least get to $100.

>> No.21698612

Aren't you guys the ones coping with how ugly your women are?
I'm not saying that Danish women are the best in the world. Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Russian women look good too on average. Just to name a few.
The only selling points that girl has is that she isn't fat and is (mostly) white. Which makes me think that you guys must be from non-white and/or fat countries.

>> No.21698617

anyone with a brain
wait till mad polish bint clocks this
fur flying everywhere

>> No.21698675

Her boyfriend wrote that sign dude she doesn't own Link

>> No.21698728

> her boyfriend

What is a service girl for 500

>> No.21698729

>implying I'm a burger
nobody's going to take your opinion seriously when you list italian women

>> No.21698734

>not saying that Danish women are the best in the world
prob are tho - mostly qt and near always pleasant personality. absolutely wasted on Danes tho

>> No.21699102

Bro theres 330 million people in the US we have more 10/10's across the board then your country has people

>> No.21699291

>wanting to breed with a Dane so your kid gets those cuck genes

>> No.21699314
File: 907 KB, 373x285, fcd9e7b3-f03b-4979-8ebb-37a54b620a60.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now post a bodyshot of yourselves :)

>> No.21699345
File: 78 KB, 295x650, 1543091114620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me with my 7 digits gainz on link

>> No.21699355
File: 160 KB, 1303x1081, 234324324234324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> absolutely wasted on Danes tho
Cope. Our men are tall, blonde and good looking. I'm probably a 7-8/10 in Denmark but I literally get treated like some 12/10 celebrity whenever I travel outside northern Europe.

Pic related: More than 50% of British women opt for Danish sperm when given the choice kek

>> No.21699504

Are you by any chance an amerimutt who doesn't know the difference between Sweden and Denmark? Denmark is 91% white. And unlike American "whites", our whites really are 100% white and not 80% white, 10% spic, 5% jew and 5% black.
I'm talking about averages obviously. I'm sure all of Africa (1.2 billion people) have more 130+ IQs than we (5.5 million people) do. But that doesn't mean Africans are smarter than us..

>> No.21699701

>cuck gene
thats just Danish 'men' tho. Incurable faggots.
Be one along any minute now to prove my point
>More than 50% of British women opt for Danish sperm
you can keep 'em mate, inseminate away
and take the other 50% while you're at it
I'm honestly of the opinion, most Yuros better off not even attempting to pair with their fellow countryfolk. But esp. Germans. German and German = Ueber Deutsch (and watch out Poland)

>> No.21699985

Case in point, half my family are Danish and Swedish emigres from late 19th early 20th century. Im in the midwest and find stuff like a finnish bakery in operation across three generations. Youd be surprised by what you can find over a continent of so called mutts.

>> No.21700030 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 1000x800, 675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just shitposting, don't take it personal. I like America and americans.

>> No.21700098
File: 301 KB, 1000x800, 242343242343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just bantz, don't take it personal. I like America and americans. And I don't really care about being 100% white or not.

>> No.21700100

the tattoo is basically an "easy mode" symbol

>> No.21700227

After seeing this I have quite literally just sold my entire stack. This is the biggest sell signal I've ever seen. I'll buy back in at 4 dollars

>> No.21700258

All good danebro, may your crypto set you free

>> No.21700446

100 YFLink.

>> No.21700485

You are a case in point, imagine proud Swedes race mixing with dirty Danes, yuck!