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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21669098 No.21669098 [Reply] [Original]

I've been here again to tell you all a microcap gem. It shot from 200K mcap since July since I've been shilling herenow its a whopping 2.5million.

Tons of Indian curry boys shot me down saying nigerian prince and what not, but they don't know the real value behind the company isn't just lies in the core team but the builders behind it. Numio.one hasn't released their defi products and its already gaining traction with the dapps that the foundation had built. It's no longer an IF it reaches 20million mcap, its a matter of when.

Its not too late bois: Load up on this
> MCAP: 2.5m
> Ticker: $PHNX
> Supply: 110mil
> Niche: Governance, Protocol, Structure, DeFi
> Products: DAO (Q4), Staking Dapp - immediate interest(Beta) , Numio pay (Q3), Numio Vault (Q4)

Also, a little birdie told me they'll dropping some HOT news by EOW. PAMP THIS, don't fomo at 50mil mcap

>> No.21669249

Wtf I'm pilled

>> No.21669269
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Lmao that flex on linkie and phnx comparison...

>> No.21669290
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If this moons, thanks, if not fuck you

>> No.21669327
File: 136 KB, 1200x803, IMG_20200731_113128_764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I TA THIS AND IT'S FUCKING Real. I shouldve listened to the Phnx shill and bought more :(

>> No.21669355

I came across when this was 100k mcap but saw tons of fud, why pump now????

>> No.21669383
File: 35 KB, 500x596, IMG_20200731_113202_741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Micro cap hidden gem: PHNX
Mcap: 1.3m
Supply: 110m
Niche: DeFi, Protocol, Structure
2 months old and already 5/6 exchange! It's a fast one desu.

Chart looking juicy AF.

Global team: UK, Nigeria, Australia, Singapore, Pakistan

Soon to release a flagship dApp onto the main net. This one's ready to fly guys, check

>> No.21669398

LOL kek

>> No.21669499
File: 47 KB, 860x512, IMG_20200810_130703_917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol it was 200K mcap when I entered. This article helped me find FRM, SRK and DAPS


>> No.21669516

Fuck your scamming nigers

>> No.21669538

I smell prata, get rekt pleb, u don't buy u will suffer and you will fomo at 20,000 sats

>> No.21669587

Buy now guys i saw some insider info... https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x38a2fdc11f526ddd5a607c1f251c065f40fbf2f7

>> No.21669602

What insider? New exchange??

>> No.21669621

exchange partnership. don't spread until you get a decent entry

>> No.21669650

I trust in Kyle's name

>> No.21669688
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In Kyle we trust

>> No.21669736

Is this insider news trustable???

>> No.21669786
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>> No.21669941

People don't know the power of ERC - 1484! It allows entities to claim an Identity via a singular Identity Registry smart contract, associate it with Ethereum addresses in a variety of meaningful ways, and use it to interact with smart contracts. This enables arbitrarily complex identity-related functionality. Notably (among other features) ERC-1484 Identities: are self-sovereign, can natively support ERC-725 and ERC-1056 identities, are DID compliant, and can be fully powered by meta-transactions.

>> No.21669970

Janny! The Nigerian scammers are back!

>> No.21670193

haha weak fud, been in this 4chan shills since 200K mcap, it ain't gonna work white thrash

>> No.21670254
File: 62 KB, 376x376, IMG_20200730_220627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

??? Scammer your mother's pussy rofl

>> No.21670288

Thanks for the pill, I'm market buying this all the way up to the moon right now, thanks

>> No.21670296

>real value behind the company isn't just lies in the core
pajeet detected, no ty

>> No.21670326

>??? Scammer your mother's pussy rofl
learn english, faggot, and get off biz- poohs and africants should be range banned

>> No.21670470

Emerging identity standards and related frameworks proposed by the Ethereum community (including ERCs/EIPs 725, 735, 780, 1056, etc.) define and instrumentalize digital identity in a variety of ways. As existing approaches mature, new standards emerge, and isolated, non-standard approaches to identity develop, coordinating on identity will become increasingly burdensome for blockchain users and developers, and involve the unnecessary duplication of work.

The proliferation of on-chain identity solutions can be traced back to the fact that each codifies a notion of identity and links it to specific aspects of Ethereum (claims protocols, per-identity smart contracts, signature verification schemes, etc.). This proposal eschews that approach, instead introducing a protocol layer in between the Ethereum network and individual identity applications. This solves identity management and interoperability challenges by enabling any identity-driven application to leverage an un-opinionated identity management protocol.

>> No.21670515

A digital identity in this proposal can be viewed as an omnibus account, containing more information about an identity than any individual identity application could. This omnibus identity is resolvable to an unlimited number of sub-identities called Resolvers. This allows an atomic entity, the Identity, to be resolvable to abstract data structures, the Resolvers. Resolvers recognize Identities by any of their Associated Addresses, or by their EIN.

>> No.21670555


PhoenixDAO is a truly decentralized, open-source project that covers identity, payments, tokenization, authentication, and storage, alongside a dApp Store which sits at the heart of the Phoenix ecosystem. A core part of the PhoenixDAO strategy is to actively on-board both individual developers and enterprise level corporations to build using the protocols to power their products. This will enhance decentralization, token utility and the overall ecosystem.

Ecosystem builders and the community will find benefits across the board from this fork as we launch with a true sense of decentralization and community control backed by an extremely passionate, talented team and solid network of partnerships.

White Paper: https://github.com/PhoenixDAO/PhoenixDAO-docs
PHNX token contract: 0x38A2fDc11f526Ddd5a607C1F251C065f40fBF2f7

>> No.21670605

hahahaha white trash detected. Trump or pajeet supporter which are you? fucking pleb

>> No.21670717


>> No.21670767
File: 51 KB, 606x534, IMG_20200716_151242_379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha ERC1484 allows minting of DIDs for free right??? Crazy new tech mate...

>> No.21670806

Haha he missed the pamp, he thinks it's over. Pitiful

>> No.21670842

LOL weak fud mate, I got in at 200 sats look at the price now, crazy

>> No.21670859

that's correct, numio.one advertised as 0 gas fees. crazy tech man, best defi product ever

>> No.21671107

Phoenix Identity is an identity protocol and the core of the entire Phoenix ecosystem. A
modular and open framework, the Identity protocol allows individuals to both craft their digital
identities and to share their data in a secure way and with anyone they want. Phoenix
Identity is powered by ERC-1484 for decentralized on-/off-chain identity management.
Identity profiles that are created are owned by the person who created it and they are
immutable so they cannot be changed by a third party. To ensure ownership remains secure
all Phoenix identities are tied to cryptographic keys that are stored on each user's personal
device, with a corresponding public ID stamped on the blockchain. It is up to the user who
has access to this data and how it is used. They can share as they please without the fear
that it will be mishandled or stolen by nefarious third parties.

>> No.21671133

When creating an identity for use within the Phoenix ecosystem each user is minted a
globally unique Ethereum Identification Number (EIN), or in this case a PHNX-ID. The user
can then tie any ethereum address that they own to this PHNX-ID.
This structure supports the storage of data within external smart contracts called
"Resolvers." Being able to tie this data back to a single PHNX-ID enables unlimited scope for
how a user defines their identity, rather than restricting an identity to a predefined set of
standards. Also as the Identity protocol acts as a simple data management tool, without
encoding the data itself, it allows the user greater flexibility in who has access to that data.
An example use would be the use of decentralized applications or dApps. Traditionally when
users want to interact with dApps on Ethereum, they must either transfer their private key to
a wallet on the new device or create a new, entirely unassociated, address. Fundamentally,
any transfer of a private key away from a local device exposes a user's Ether, tokens, and
data tied to that address to phishing and malware. Even careful users are likely to fall victim
to systems that structurally require the transfer of private keys across devices. Alternatively,
creating new, unassociated keypairs doesn't offer much value to users, as all of their data is
stratified among addresses on a separate device. The Phoenix Identity protocol allows users
to provably tie multiple addresses back to their core PHNX-ID, extending any Resolver data
across their devices without requiring any transfer of private keys.

>> No.21671161

Procedurally, when linking
a new address to their PHNX-ID, the owner address initiates a signed claim sign(EIN,
addressToClaim, timestamp). Subsequently, the address to be claimed sends a transaction
with the signed claim, addressToAdd, and approvingAddress. The initial claim is
timestamped in order to prevent a malicious observer from recognizing which address an
owner is trying to claim prior to the completion of the claim.

>> No.21671196

>The Role of Phoenix Metadata Within an Ecosystem of Businesses and dApps

While immutable and standard data native to an identity built on top of the Phoenix
Identity protocol can help a user establish a secure and global standard for core
identity information, Phoenix Identity itself allows users to tie an unlimited range of
metadata to their identities by setting third-party dApps as resolvers. As users’
interactions with dApps helps build their on-chain identity, they may set a dApp as a
resolver for their PHNX-ID, allowing businesses querying the associated metadata to
incorporate it into the logic of their own applications.
Fundamentally, a third-party or dApp acts as a certain attribute on a user’s PHNX-ID.
An application prescribes meaning to a user based on associated data with their
PHNX-ID. Let us more closely examine these meanings in the context of a few

>> No.21671225

What does a Resolver mean from the perspective of the user? Resolvers establish a
user’s core data. Acquiring validations from reputable sources enhances the integrity
of a user’s Resolver data which can be relied on by businesses, governments, or
decentralized applications querying any relevant identity information.
What does a Resolver mean from the perspective of an app? Since resolvers
encode data about a user, a business can programmatically incorporate this data to
drive business logic on its platform to improve user experience on its platform or
offer users certain permissions. Requirements for third-party validations of this data
could be encoded as part of the business logic. If an app were to recognize a given
aggregated identity standard processed through Phoenix Identity, it could prescribe
whatever meaning to Resolver data best suits its needs.

>> No.21671251

Example 1, KYC validation: a government could (off-chain) allow users to
register their PHNX-ID through a Resolver for a voting validation. The user
could then cast their vote through a third-party voting dApp, which would only
tally votes from registered PHNX-ID. This process would ensure that each
person can only vote once, eliminating voter fraud or Sybil attacks, while
providing complete transparency and much greater efficiency to elections.
This can apply to any arbitrary set of digital voting structures and does not
enforce a specific implementation.
● Example 2, Social Media: to prevent the creation of fake accounts, an app
could implement a system that links a user’s PHNX-ID to an account on the
app. Any accounts that have their name validated by at least X existing users
of the app could display a ‘verified’ checkmark on the UI of the app. Unlike the
first example, this example factors validations from individuals instead of from
large institutions. Also, this example observes validation for the PHNXID
associated with the PHNX-ID itself rather than a resolver. The openness of the
PHNX-ID identity framework allows for a wide range of use-cases