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21624509 No.21624509 [Reply] [Original]

I know nothing about all this shit but I know that big things are happening. Coming on this board for the first time I feel like i've already learned so much but there's so much to choose from and so much going bust or going big all at once.

I have $100AUD in XRP atm, so far i've made $50. What else should I be doing? Please give some advice in smooth-brain language.

>> No.21624576

You should lurk more

>> No.21624648

You should be working and putting most of your money in bit coin and silver bars.

>> No.21624658

Twitter. This place only shills once it's already pumped. It's the luck of the draw if it pumps more or goes to 0. Trust your gut and always take profit since you have such a low capital.

>> No.21624673

Realise that you're not gonna get rich overnight. Play the long game. My advice is to put aside x% of your disposable income per week into buying non shitcoins.

Also this.

>> No.21625595

Sell your XRP or at least don't buy any more of it, it's a centralised piece of shit and it's going nowhere. The next market that is going to take off is DeFi (decentralised finance), and you can see the coins that are under this category here:
This board unironically has some pretty good gems pop up every now and then and you can usually make some decent money off of them if you're quick, but the most important thing is to make sure you DYOR. As a starter, I've nearly 10x'd my investment with RSR, and I do suggest you look into it. It's got a lot more room for growth yet. Good luck.

>> No.21625637

lurk moar

>> No.21625681
File: 647 KB, 1200x756, Muh Meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't listen to any of these faggots, XRP is the best investment that you can make


flare WILL BE DeFi.

Look at this


Why would the goldman sachs FX executive leave to go to ripple?

>> No.21625729
File: 92 KB, 1024x472, are-you-fucking-lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these people. Do you think any of them are playing a game? This is about all the money in the world.




>> No.21625863

Also the fact that swift is an absolute joke of tech rn.

>> No.21625890

just buy link you dumb nigger

>> No.21625898

Can you recommend any accounts anon?

>> No.21626052
File: 516 KB, 678x598, aaae4b166198fcd2adcc19f7f6c726d8_GY3TQKRVHE4A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What else should I be doing?

Putting more money in.
You don't even have to put that much in to begin with. I put in around $3k AUD over a reasonable period of time and it's $25k now. Only keep in your (((bank))) what you NEED and keep some for emergencies.
The rest of your capital should be invested and there's no better thing to invest in right now besides crypto.
Imagine you had a time machine and you could buy google and amazon stock in '97 this is our generations chance but bigger