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21599434 No.21599434 [Reply] [Original]

I want to buy Kleros, and like other posters here I am skeptical. For the record, I think the Kleros would be a great investment, and a great resource, for a number of reasons. First, it is well thought out and well-known, in my opinion. The fact that it has already become widely known in other forums is a good sign for it's popularity. Second, it is a really useful tool for the people that need it for decentralized dispute resolution. Third, the user-friendly interfaces are intuitive, making it easy to use, and useful for a lot of applications .

I really like the idea of adding the ability to send money directly to the user, to the benefit of all parties. It could be very helpful for dealing with a huge set of legal issues, and not necessarily in a manner that would make all parties involved happy. It could also be useful for the people that need the money, to send it directly instead of simply on a bank account with a credit card company.

The way the user interfaces were designed, you can find the system in many ways, with the best of intentions, even though they were all built by different people .

It is worth pointing out that some of the ideas here are quite ambitious, and will take a little experimentation to develop. I don’t think we should expect anyone to want to build decentralized systems. The core ideas would, in some cases, be for a small set of decentralized systems to be built, without taking account of the complexity of dealing with a large set of issues .

The core idea here is to make a system which is completely anonymous, as opposed to using any kind of external intermediary such as a credit card company or a credit union to communicate with each other directly.

>> No.21599514

Nobody will use this Judge Judy pajeet coin. See you in kleros court!

>> No.21599593
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Too long, didn't read.

>> No.21599630

New jurors have to decide whether the sentence is fair and what the penalty should be.

If it's good enough for dispute resolution professionals, then it must be good enough for the experts working for the agreement.

>> No.21599738

The Judge Judy coin bit is fud. We're not at a point where we're ready to start spoonfeeding yet imho. At least I'm not. This is why DYOR is so important. Read the white paper. Read the yellow paper. This is much bigger than internet small claims court. If PNK sees more movement because of the memes, fine, but weak hands will be shaken off over time because like link, PNK will take some time to develop properly.

>> No.21599824
File: 49 KB, 476x358, 1597438554613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks just bought another 20k

>> No.21599840

From which trading platform might one be able acquire the cryptographic asset in question?

>> No.21599858

uniswap sir

>> No.21599902

If PNK sees more movement in the market, PNK will react to it more. When a PNK is not responding to a move, the PNK will make it more likely that the move is being countered by another move. For example, if PNK sees more movement in the market, PNK will react more to a move than to the move being countered by another move, and so on. A simple example is the case when the trade data indicates a move has been stalled for some time , PNK will not react to the move by any means, regardless of when the move has been stalled. For this reason, PNK is probably more likely to react to a move that is not being countered by another move.

>> No.21599903

uniswap sirs,

>> No.21599948
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>> No.21599949

Uniswap sir

>> No.21600003

>I want to buy Kleros, and like other posters here I am skeptical

continues a raging shill about kleros

you own kleros and want others to buy it you roach

>> No.21600038

I wouldn't recommend using Uniswap, even though it's a great decentralized exchange. You just need to understand what it does and what you can do with it, which I would also recommend to everyone. There are two major problems with using Uniswap. One, it has a lot of overhead to setup (at least in theory, considering the state-of-the-art) and can be very expensive . This also leads to many unappealing trades. Second, it requires a huge amount of money. In general, using Uniswap requires a lot of knowledge about how to use it (which is why I would not recommend using it if you're a novice).

In addition, you must understand all the terminology involved, which is especially difficult since a lot of it is related to the rules and protocols which make use of it. If you know about the trade (or have done some research) and don’ t like it, stop using it .

>> No.21600128

I do not own Kleros. I do not know who is responsible for this , but please tell me so. It is my opinion that it may have been a mistake on my part and I apologize for the confusion.

>> No.21600154
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>> No.21600232
File: 20 KB, 288x287, 1597684465083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sir, you are so smart sir! Pls buy kleros and your pateince will be reward.

>> No.21600474

that was some of the dumbest shit I've ever read

>> No.21600529
File: 744 KB, 736x552, 1597771935508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uniswap sir

>> No.21600583

Your post was some of the dumbest shit I ever read, anon. You should be ashamed of yourself. You know what? I don't know about you , but I wouldn't want to be you. I'd rather have some fucking respect and a life that isn't as shitty as yours . It's just so sad. I'm glad to hear that the mods have taken the time to talk to you about it . Hopefully they can sort out the situation soon.

>> No.21600628

dude, stop recommending uniswap. i got scammed on it once already. please do not recommend. it took about 5 years for the scam to stop, and they will continue to spam you and your friends. i hope that people who do not know what to do with it will not use it .

>> No.21601266

yes sirs, many moons sirs to feed village

>> No.21601513

One should not just evaluate a coin based on its potential to 'moon' or rise greatly in value. Instead, a coin must be ranked based on the value of its potential to improve its performance and its potential to improve its performance when evaluated using the proposed methodology. The evaluation methodology should be to evaluate the underlying design, not just to evaluate the application, but also to evaluate the potential of an implementation in terms of the quality of its proposed architecture. The design and the application of the proposed method should provide the necessary tools for evaluating the design and application. In that effort, it is important to identify what types of issues each of the proposed methods might pose. These issues will include, but are not limited to :

>Whether or not a coin is suitable to perform for the application
>The quality of the application or its performance
>How effective the implementation was at achieving the design goal
>How the design contributed to the final result, or perhaps whether a design was inspired by the original design

We propose two new models for evaluation: a ranking based on the design and the application, and a ranking based on the results obtained using the previous methodology.