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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 452x452, statera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21585217 No.21585217 [Reply] [Original]

Everybody, break even if you can and get the fuck out!

>> No.21585374

I smell weak hands

>> No.21585398

Why anon?

>> No.21585431

>Still fudding
Why are you faggots with sub 10k trying so hard to fud to make 100$ extra? Sitting in tele linking fud threads and typing with broken english

>> No.21585496

Go back to shitting on the streets and peeing on yourself to keep warm.

$10 EOY

>> No.21585516

u mad bro?

>> No.21585576

You are a poorfag who will remain poor with weak fud attempts like this, kys poojeet you worthless animal

>> No.21585660

wow anon, don't you want over 9000% APY™
lmao biggest scam on this board yet

t. 2017 link HODLer

>> No.21585752

Was mad, now relieved. Bought a 20K stack at around .13c without looking too much into it. It's clearly being milked by the "devs". You guys do whatever you want. It's obvious most deniers here are either backing the scam or simply are unaware still.

>> No.21585767

Moar Like
t. reddit newfag

>> No.21585802
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roody poo

>> No.21585807

what is this fake sta logo, looks like a triangle anus

>> No.21585831

based retard

>> No.21585868

Right? You can find it on their website.

>> No.21585889

W-whales are accumulating, right guys?
We're all going to be rich, right guys?

>> No.21585892

So far NOBODY has been able to explain how Statera is a scam without false information, pure lies and speaking about things that don’t matter anymore at this point.

>> No.21585938

if the 900% APY clickbait article wasn't obvious enough you are beyond helping, sorry anon ngmi

>> No.21585956

lmao pajeet is scared

>> No.21586004

>le gigapuddi
>le roody poo
Wow, everyone bow to captain oldfag.

>> No.21586082

lurk moar before you fall for such obvious scams again nigger

>> No.21586163

Priced out stay poor

>> No.21586211

Just look at the website. Look at the code on github. They keep postponing the refund (they could issue a refund just from the STA bought by them during the dips). It's just a play put on for people to keep buying so that the "devs" can keep on milking them.

Also, this won't be listed on any serious exchange, ever. They have to pay to get there. See their twitter.

>> No.21586272

why wouldn't they pay to be on an exchange if they could just sell some of their supply unless it was a scam? muh ecosystem adoption!

>> No.21586279

"stateratoken.com"... Got tricked by a bunch of lamers. Get the fuck out, already.

>> No.21586311

everything been dumping you dumbass

>> No.21586366

Lady luck is not with you, OP. Kek God is trying to tell you and everyone here something.

>> No.21586368

Good, that can be your entry point into other coins. Fuck this one, save your ass.

>> No.21586389

It’s a clickbait but they never claimed the returns to stay.

>If those returns stayed steady for a year, since they compound daily, both of them would be astronomical annual percentage yields (over 900% to 400,000% APY)!

Bet you didn’t even read the article.

>> No.21586467

And what do you know, green ID and doubles.

Sell your stack then if you think the refund will dump the price more, faggot. C'mon sell it, I fucking dare you.
Bet you're instead waiting to buy lower, you piece of fudding shit. C'mon screencap your wallet.

>> No.21586533

why would a legitimate project hurt their own image and reputation by making such a ridiculous and overly optimistic claim? didn't your grandfather teach you, "if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is?"

there is no refund, they're stringing you and retarded instagram normies along

>> No.21586695
File: 16 KB, 1086x110, retardanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screencapped for later on this week.

>> No.21586730

I sold my entire 20K stack at .24c or thereabouts. Would've exited at a much better price (.33c or wherever it got 7 hours ago) if Uniswap allowed for Limit or Take Profit orders, but Uniswap operates differently and you can't really mitigate risk on it.

>> No.21586767

ok screencapped phone poster for later this week when all you staggots get btfo

>> No.21586840
File: 153 KB, 1689x440, Screenshot 2020-08-18 at 19.20.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screencapped for later on this week

>> No.21586894

Phoneposter? Me or you?

>> No.21586898

I said screencap your fucking wallet, bitch.

>> No.21587008

he won't do it becuase he's lying his ass off. why do i know that? because taking profits at .24$ shows this dumb nigger hasn't been paying attention to this coin in real time. shit'll be back up at .29-.30 easily by eod

>> No.21587014

The refund will cause a massive dump and kill the the token. kek

>> No.21587018

I already finished because I'm not a poorfag. Which you guys would hurry up so this fudd shit ends

>> No.21587042

Break even? I'm up 400% and I bought only a few weeks ago.

>> No.21587046

Screencapped for the thread I’ll make when the refund hits

>> No.21587266

>j-just 2 more weeks

>> No.21587287

Just think about the concept for a bit and you'll understand why this is garbage. A useless coin bundled in with real assets.

>but deflation

The coin that is burning/deflating had zero value to start with

>> No.21587436


No, I'm not posting my wallet, you just have to take my word for it.

You know what? Even though everything about this coin stinks, I hope I'm wrong and I hope you guys make it. I hope it goes up to $1 or $10.

>> No.21587486

Some anon posted a snapchat chat log yesterday. It's a coordinated fud.

Keep your STA safe.

>> No.21587510

Post wallet or I'll kill ur father

>> No.21587589

Post wallet

>> No.21587674

show wallet or gtfo

>> No.21587754

Lying sack of shit

>> No.21587961

Bet you're waiting with like 50 ethereum to buy at 15cents or even 10 cents you little bitch. Does that make you moist?

>> No.21588044

Fucking this...

>> No.21588138

38% APY
you don't own link or bought at 5 dollars and you own STA and are in the TG

>> No.21588163


>> No.21588171

>you just have to take my word for it.
How about no you fucking retard

>> No.21588374

>"400,000% APY"
>400k% fucking APY
Yep, i'm out this shit
Thanks anon

>> No.21588432

Coordinated FUD strikes again, hope you've filled your bags during this dip anon.

>> No.21588491

nope I don't buy retarded scam coins but you should ask them in the telegram why that clickbait article discredits the project so blatantly by mentioning 400,000% APY... only 80 IQ retards will fall for this. at least TRY to make it less retarded

>> No.21588504

It's the telltale buy signal. Don't get shook, baby anons. This is a song that repeats itself quite often in the crypto space.

>> No.21588616

I mean yeah, not just in the crypto space but with Statera specifically, it's been fudded before, any time it hits a new ATH it gets fudded because people regret not buying/regret selling at 2c.

>> No.21588680

I dont know i took 150% profits from it even after dump

>> No.21588720

Shut the fuck up you hollow cumstain. How can you actually defend a claim such as $400,000 APY? You know how unrealistic that is and how unprofessional it is to make a claim promising those returns? It’s not FUD if it’s true, that is a blatant ponzi scam like statement and you know it

>> No.21588836

They didn't promise that. They said if it maintained the same amount for a year that those would be the results

>> No.21588871

Don't care still buying STATERA.

>> No.21588901

lurk for a few years then come back

>> No.21588934

they are moving to SWTH

>> No.21589015

All that fud has made me dip into my savings a bit more than I'm comfy with, and buy a 1000 more. Babby stack, don't bully.

>> No.21589172

Every extra Statera you buy is an extra $50-100 one day.
Think about that. Not even LARPing.
Read the whitepaper and tell me I'm lying.

Despite the 2 or 3 threads a day, it's still under-hyped.

>> No.21589212

I put $20 in these shitcoins. You people putting thousands of dollars in them and then worrying about whether they're scams are fucking crazy.

>> No.21589378

>11 posts by this id
Every. Single. Time.

>> No.21589464

That's how money is made. Taking risk, tempered by reason. Granted, many anons forego the reason part.

Don't worry bruv, I'm sold. The FUD threads are actually hugely reassuring. They mean there are very motivated individuals hard at work trying to bring the price down to lower their own point of entry. I don't participate, but they're actually acting in my interest in the short term, as I've just now DCA'd down a bit. That is, if you believe that fud on /biz/ actually impacts the price all that much. I have my doubts it does. I'd have to see some solid numbers on that to form a solid opinion, desu.

>> No.21589536

How does 2 cents sound?

>> No.21589639

We get it you bought high and jumped ship on the dip. Get over yourself it's your own fault for having woman hands. Find something more constructive to do than letting a cryptocurrency live in your head rent free.

>> No.21589805

did the same. the fud is so transparent - I mean:

>*suddenly* it's a scam just as it reached >0.25 being advertised and listed on exchanges
>*suddenly* 1% transaction burn has suddenly no use case in an index fund
>*suddenly* it's a ponzi because some people bought cheaper than them
>*suddenly* team will dump their total of 3% supply because too many Statera "inorganic" threads on biz

GET REAL!!!!!!

>> No.21589870

Oh wow an ENTIRE 20k

>> No.21590098


lmao 20k do you think you're showing off LINK in 2020 with that? Be quiet you frog.

I'm a bit tired of these FUD india niggers trying to skim their yearly income of $100 into the dip on this. Can we get STA discussion and positivist threads going again?

>> No.21590295

Tbf, I am a bit salty that I didn't get on the train at 0.03. Lowest I bought is at 0.2, if I had the forethought to get in earlier, fuck. My measly thousand bucks I could afford to put into this so far would've secured me sooo much more. I kinda get why the fudders are so motivated, desu.

Ah well. Live and learn, there will be other opportunities.

>> No.21590352

No sir I have proof that every poster here is actually the same man with a proxy sir. On 4lthe website we enjoy sir that is 4chan.com we all know that it is impossible for more than one person to have the same opinion. If you do not sell your Statera stack right now the IRS of the United States government will throw you in jail.

>> No.21590447

I cant wait to shitpost all over you fucking pajeets when we're over $1 shortly. We're literally holding .20 support, diamond hands NEVER fucking selling

>> No.21590517

I am losing my mind. I dont know who to trust. Why biz why

>> No.21590558

Hindsight is 20/20 anon, you made what you thought was the best decision at the time and that is nothing to be ashamed of. It does suck though, I feel you man.

>> No.21590572
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>> No.21590576

Read the white paper faggot

>> No.21590584
File: 63 KB, 891x649, cxdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please sir sell your STATERA sir so I can have some.

Please sirs village very hungry sirs, wife very ugly.

>> No.21590585

Flip a fucking coin my guy

>> No.21590598

dyor, don't trust biz, especially not at this stage.

>> No.21590657

Me too. But the more I think about it the more I become suapicious. Why do people care so much about STA being a scam, that they go out of their way to make them panic sell to "save" them from a potential scamcoin. Usually people who know a coins a scam, laugh at the bagholders and move on. They don't agressively try to make them panic sell.

>> No.21590709

You must be new here if you actually take joke-tier did seriously. That's like putting faith in the Link is tied to the price of a cup of coffee meme. Half these fud posts are jokes that newfags are thinking of as coordinated fud. I guess this influx of newfags is expected when we are in bull season.

>> No.21590711

That guy is actually alright looking, I bet he gets the qt desi aunties.

>> No.21590714

I promise you I'm a huwhite male who would never cuck my frens, but i might also just be a retard. DYOR and make your own decision and diversify

>> No.21590715

>multiple fud threads a day since the refund and exchange got confirmed

>> No.21590744

dubs check em

>> No.21590748
File: 83 KB, 620x400, 1594749221535 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you didnt buy stonk, the statera killer lol

dev exit scammed told everyone to hodl for 3 months.

>> No.21590756


>> No.21590854

Man that's sad, poor Joseph, guy just fell in love.
God I hate India.

>> No.21590881

Only a brainlet believes such obvious FUD. Either grow a pair or get shaken out with your weak onions boy hands.

>> No.21590906

Yeah, sad one tonight lads, RIP Joseph. Will stop using his photo for meme purposes from now on.

>> No.21590922

DYOR make your own decision. Read the FUD and FUD refutation. Join the telegram to see the truth...

>> No.21590973

Pajeet Christians are unironically worse than pagan pajeets. I fucking hate them all equally tho, when I'm rich I'm funding biotech to create a targeted weapon that will castrate every single poo in existence.

>> No.21591027
File: 155 KB, 660x880, cat10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Usually people who know a coins a scam, laugh at the bagholders and move on
Exactly this, the only time I ever bother myself with that shit is to go into post-scam threads full of retards crying for buying a coin called ANAL and getting scammed to call them retards and laugh.

>> No.21591039

you know, biz fucked me over with INT which was shilled here, I lost 1,4k, I never sold. I guess they did it again.
TA fags, will this go much lower
https://uniswap.vision/?ticker=UniswapV2:STAETH&interval=60 ?

>> No.21591083

>retards crying for buying a coin called ANAL
I fucking laughed

>> No.21591154
File: 60 KB, 519x533, 1497890690126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>googled ANAL coin
>mfw you weren't bullshitting

>> No.21591167

Keep using it! Don't let him die in vain.
Joseph can save people from shitty investments.
Once STA blows up I'll send his village many rupee.

>> No.21591669
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This is a great point, it's been obvious that there's a serious FUD campaign as of late. On the other hand, I do hate the telegram fags who blatantly shill because it's making the project seem less legitimate than it is. It has to naturally adopt on /biz/, we can sniff it out if it's coordinated.

That being said, I still think STA has a lot of potential and will absolutely buy more bags if we end up dipping further below .20 today. Everyone saying $10 EOY are delusional motherfuckers, but $1-2 EOY is totally plausible if we get adoption on larger exchanges. Future is still bright in my eyes, but do what you want.

>> No.21591904

if not larping screenshot this. you have been warned I will laugh my ass off youve been warned enoguh

>> No.21591913
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>> No.21591986

Better pay for grammerly pro pajeet