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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 516 KB, 1832x933, biz filter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21583854 No.21583854 [Reply] [Original]

My fucking shitcoin shill filter is longer than the catalogue page.
And pajeets insist /biz/ doesn't have any issues.

>> No.21583933

Maybe you should try Reddit, you can do cool stuff like report, downvote, and even subscribe to only the things YOU want to hear about :)

>> No.21583937

what the fuck are you doing here if you don't like crypto? get the fuck out retard. this was ALWAYS the crypto containment board. absolutely ngmi

>> No.21584026

Reddit is full of shitcoin shilling and no different than /biz/. But you know that, don't you, discord shill?
Real crypto, like BTC and ETH, not pajeet's overnight scam.

>> No.21584196

Fucking crybaby. Sounds like you only hold boomer coins and you’re mad others are making money. Do you realize there are a lot of incredible projects that get “shilled”, schizo? Do you realize you’re missing out on money and you’re behind on the technology? Maybe you should just stick to newspapers grandpa

>> No.21584544

>filtered STA
Holy shit you really do hate making money.

>> No.21584795

dude you can filter more than one term per line

>> No.21584837


>> No.21584872

I’m so glad I will never have to interact with you outside this thread.

>> No.21584886

Lmao you filtered STA? Jesus Christ you really hate the idea of making money.

>> No.21584927

And watch as the ASSMAD pajeets flood to STILL shill their scams at everything that moves, swapping IPs like they swap cum in their shill groups

>> No.21584941

>NOO you can’t use filters to ignore my pajeet posts

When the bsv trannies were raiding this board my filter was doing overtime

>> No.21584947

Biz is dead. It will be reborn next bear market. Come back poor in 5 years faggot

>> No.21584999

They're deathly afraid that newfags and idiots will finally learn how to apply filters. That's why they start FROTHING at the mouth whenever someone brings it up.

>> No.21585001
File: 7 KB, 244x250, 1583178643943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other then that glaring mistake, I agree with you.

>> No.21585013

We need flags asap.

>> No.21585026

not filtering anything is how you find good projects

i have a few coins i've held on to and they've been appreciating despite seeing only one-three threads on each.

honestly, watching the pump prices of these random scam coins, I'm tempted to invest like .1 eth to see how much i could make from one. the amount of people throwing in money to these things though, i just don't get it.

>> No.21585056

I don't necessarily consider LINK a shitcoin. It's one of the fews that survived longer than a week in a bear market.
But i don't need to see 50 link WTF WAS THAT tier spam threads every minute.

>> No.21585117

Checked. Were you around when the BSV trannies completely took over this board? It’s almost like it was a coordinated effort because the board completely stopped talking about it out of no where, same as when it started out of no where

I still have no clue who those pajeets were or what they thought they’d accomplish

>> No.21585188
File: 47 KB, 1394x566, peak mania soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craigtards were pure cancer undiluted. I refuse to believe half of them genuinly believed that the aussie faggot actually was satoshi and were just shitposting.
It's funny with all the sudden overnight-shitcoins appearing the moment BTC stuck past 11k. You can literally see a timeline of them appearing in force.

>> No.21585189

I used to be like you. Anon, there is a whole world going on in this board that you're missing out on. You can make some serious money if you read the right threads on here. Ignoring shitcoin threads served you well for the last two years but it's the wrong strategy today. Look for confluences between what top accounts on Twitter are saying and the coins discussed on here, that should help filter some things out. Get rich with us so you don't become a bitter bitch in a few months.

>> No.21585319
File: 19 KB, 784x368, strat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you but i'm doing fine applying my own strategy without pajeets begging me to join their cons.
This fucking board actually and unironically entered open ponzis that told them that they WERE going to pull the rug soon, and idiots kept flooding into them. I don't take advice from a board where these are the majority.

>> No.21585638

You said you were bullish on ETH - defi is what's currently pushing it forward. Refusing to pay attention to it because you're high and mighty is a serious blind spot. Not every project is as nefarious as you think it is

>> No.21585742

I didn't say i'm bullish on anything. Just that i consider ETH tested and tried, unlike 95% of the shitcoins that will quietly disappear next strong bear market, just like how the board was practically wiped clean early 2018

>> No.21585833

>Real crypto, like BTC and ETH, not pajeet's overnight scam.
Go invest in SPY or QQQ then you fucking retard.

>> No.21586238

Some men will put a pen up their ass to obtain Link.
Others will avoid it at all costs.

>> No.21587136

Reddit has less rules than 4channel tf you mean