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File: 90 KB, 780x470, Binance-Acquires-VISA-Swipe-Payment-Solution-Listed-SXP-TheCoinTribune-780x470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21537908 No.21537908 [Reply] [Original]

10k SXP is the make it stack. Why?

>Staking SXP earns you 1% every 30 days
>Swipe's closest competitor, CRO, has a marketcap of 3.2 billion
>If Swipe can reach even half that, you will earn around $2500 per month passively
>$2500 is enough to live comfortably in many non-U.S. countries
>Now imagine if Swipe becomes the most widely adopted cryptocurrency credit card in a few years
>Imagine $10,000 a month in staking rewards, or just selling your stack entirely entirely for over $1,000,000 dollars
>Imagine being able to spend that passive income on real world purchases using your Swipe card without ever having to convert to fiat
>Imagine free Netflix, Spotify, Amazon discounts, Uber Discounts, Starbucks, and more, for life
>Imagine the myriad of other partnerships and benefits they'll announce in the future
>Imagine being able to boast to your children that you were an early investor in the pioneering payment solution everyone uses today as you buy them an ice cream cone using your Swipe card
>all this simply because you bought a mere 10k bag of Swipe today

Is there a comfier hold in crypto? I don't think there is.

>> No.21537932
File: 422 KB, 1440x2738, 20200817_123405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only pajeets get weak handed on this gem

>> No.21538013


I only have 1,5K

Is this suicide stack?

>> No.21538167

What is this coin?

>> No.21538173

Sometimes you just gotta reach up to the sky.
Reach up for it, pinch it, pull it back down.... and breath out of your nose.

>> No.21538304
File: 57 KB, 656x755, 1597060126170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k SXP is still over 30k USD, dont have the money for it :(

>> No.21538306

I had 32k and sold 2k to get down to a 30k stack. Unironically thinking about never selling because it has an actual usecase and can be staked for solid income.

What will SXP offer in regards to the "DeFi" meme btw? In regards to liquidity mining and co. Is this known yet?

>> No.21538322
File: 57 KB, 421x869, 1597130821175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least double it so you qualify for the next best card anon. Treat your future self to the fruits of your labor.

>> No.21538810

i sold my BNB when it did x5 and i regret that dearly.

I will not do the same mistake with SXP

blessed chinks please pump this soon so i can retire

>> No.21538943
File: 329 KB, 1080x1350, 15975187662561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought almost at ath ($4.7)

3.18 now and its painful

hope it'll pay off

>> No.21538996

It will certainly go higher than 4,7

>> No.21539044

Is there a difference in return between staking in-app and on Binance?

>> No.21539258

Bought at 0.40$. First take profit at 2,30, second at 4.30, waiting for my third at 6$. everythings going well :)

>> No.21539301

Have you bought back in yet?

>> No.21539430

You can lock SXP in the app for the cards. No cards if you stake without locking in binance

>> No.21539458

Nop, not yet

>> No.21539515

I just bought my 10.4k swipe stack a few hours ago. I was waiting for a pullback and I think I took a great opportunity to get in. Not planning on selling anything until $20+ which I believe will be hit by the EOY at that point I might sell half my stack.

>> No.21539534

Not yet. When BTC pump sxp drop, i'll wait before get in again.

>> No.21539550

I get that, but what is the difference in staking return? If I get more SXP from Binance for staking with them, I would just get a Saffron card.

>> No.21539588

None. The same return

>> No.21539644

i heard binance is 6-12% , onchain is much more

dont have source tho, i think CEO said it on twitter

>> No.21539652

Steel it is then boys

>> No.21539659
File: 143 KB, 592x612, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have yet so reveal the details of the on-chain staking but binance can go up to 12%

>> No.21540031

Fuck I'm such a Swipelet, only got 500. This is my first Crypto investment so hopefully It'll go well..

>> No.21540257

I dont own any swipe yet but will soon. I love the idea since it's a product I'm dying to use personally. Normies love credit cards and a sleek metal card draws attention, people want to know what it is and what the program is behind the card. Imagine telling them not only is there no jew bank charging you 24% interest, but you actually make a respectable passive income from your holdings. Normies would go wild for this.

Who are the main competitors in the card market?

>> No.21540263

Do the math
20k*365 = 7.3million per year
Lets say you stake 10k sxp for a year.
If 10million are staked you'd get 7300 sxp= 73%
At 20million staked sxp it's 3650(36.5%)
At 40million 18.5% and so on.

So yeah unless I'm wrong on chain staking is waaaaaay better than on binance

>> No.21540337

Dont forget that swipe will be backing the card available to Americans. This is the easiest hold ever, Swinging this is gonnna JUST some people so bad.

>> No.21540451
File: 25 KB, 1114x216, 85047F02-67D4-4824-9E6D-14DCD22B55CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought the dip. Almost have a 1k stack.

>> No.21540543

Literally only crypto.com

>> No.21540943
File: 115 KB, 840x494, 118-1181848_5-pepe-excited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then i am a golden bull incarnate

>> No.21541175

So now let's say 75% of the sxp is staked. That would be 50million sxp staked -> 14,6% staking rewards. If the price goes to $50 (3billion MC) which is very realistic since most of the circulating supply is staked you'd get 1460 tokens or $73k/year. It's crazy.

>> No.21541291
File: 37 KB, 600x397, 1581080487974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have the slate card
how else are people supposed to know you're a crypto millionaire

>> No.21541343

I need a 10x and then I can afford a based Slate card
I have 1300 swipes saved up so far, banking on my XLM investment to help me get there

>> No.21541382

I don't want people to know I'm a crypto millionaire. Just paints a target on your back.