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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21515719 No.21515719 [Reply] [Original]

There's still literally no whales... this is AMAZING

>> No.21515755

Dude it’s not even $3m mcap yet lol... this is going to melt minds

>> No.21515758

Steadily rising from the dump, gonna go to bed and wake up to $1.20

>> No.21515786

why would you use such a dumb lie to shill. one look at etherscan will prove you wrong. is this some sort of fud?

>> No.21515804

I've held Flow for 30 minutes, why aren't I a milionere yet?

>> No.21515829

I mean if you consider 150 ETH a whale then you just made the case for how early this is lol

>> No.21515864


>> No.21515874

so much room to grow. This is going to be wild when it goes parabolic.

>> No.21515885

I've held for less than 5 minutes, itching to sell already desu

>> No.21515899

I held from .42 to .19 youre a pussy ass bitch but we love you anyway

>> No.21515907


>> No.21515920

$1.20 in next hour watch

>> No.21515926

I've held for 3 days, not selling until $14. It was the same for linkies, the same ones who said they wouldn't sell til $1000 LINK at 40 cents are the same ones holding at $15+ today.

>> No.21515941

uniswap is broke,. it already dump but gekko will not show any uniswap olny shitcoins price changes

>> No.21515946
File: 996 KB, 500x250, FatherlyVigilantDachshund-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14 dollar waiting room..

>> No.21515958


>> No.21515962

whales are defined by percentage of supply you brainlet

>> No.21515987

Yeah and nobody has more than 1% , where as in link 70% of the supply is owned by 1%

This is the benefit of being early instead of being a late newfag desu . Welcome to flow

>> No.21515998

Jesus, fucking pwned

>> No.21516002

Gecko and dextools aren't updating the price but it's at 83 cents, it's already recovered from the dump to 71. Congrats to everyone who bought the dip.

>> No.21516019

we will usurp the tendie and xamp armies and dethrone bill — Morpheus shall reign supreme

>> No.21516033

Nah I think it’s at .89 even

>> No.21516048
File: 301 KB, 1000x800, 675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just instawled it on my compruter

>> No.21516079

yep i wish i had sell when iot got to 1 would be would have been nice to rebuy at .7

>> No.21516080

Love my fellow Flow Pros

>> No.21516096

Flow to 14 Dollar is Fud, its Hardcodes you idiots:

If (price < 14 && time == 60) {
price = 14;
else {

>> No.21516160

what does this even do, shill me i'm gonna go smoke a cigarette

>> No.21516167

You can almost double your stack in the first era (60 days) of 1% compounded daily

>> No.21516219

There are a few wallets holding more than 1% of total supply, regardless only a complete brainlet would look at total supply and not circulating supply... right anon?

>> No.21516313


>> No.21516319

You’re really grasping at straws dude, if any of those wallets dumped completely price would only go down like 15%

The 30% retraces today haven’t lasted more than 30 minutes

>> No.21516361

And that’s why they have either accumulated more, or done nothin .

$14 in 60 days is FUD

>> No.21516372

lol I'm grasping at straws and not the op professing that there are zero whales

>> No.21516397

Most of the top wallets are split and locked by Morpheus, just dyor all the info is in the telegram and you can ask any concerns you have there.

>> No.21516408

And we're pumping again...

>> No.21516412

also nice samefagging to come to your own defense

>> No.21516565

There are no whales dude lol

>> No.21516566
File: 40 KB, 640x628, 272d3f1985fbb13fd8701390fa2c8723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could have just been adding onto an incomplete thought
>lol I'm grasping at straws
Take your meds and go to bed

>> No.21516593

It's the same poster as the OP. Why do I bother posting in a sea of brainlets