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21504496 No.21504496 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto is a ponzi. Another 99% collapse is inevitable.

>> No.21504539

They will like you at reddit

>> No.21504561

OP is a banking jew trying to trick us into giving him our BTC

>> No.21504567

>BTC has been around for more than a decade

>> No.21504638

Even if you are right, have you looked around? Fiat is a fucking ponzi too. It's ponzii all the way down. Crypto is as equally illegitimate and stocks, bonds, and US fucking D.

>> No.21505028

Everything you mentioned has real backing

Crypto is just dumb shits shilling worthless tokens to each other while wasting electricity

>> No.21505078
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>> No.21505389


>> No.21505450

>cash out
>to fiat
>the only thing more fake than crypto

>> No.21505498

Reminder that the redpill/bluepill was a metaphor for transgender transition according to the writers of the matrix.

>> No.21505679

Unless you bought near the top, which of the last cycle, even after the crash you've made a lot of money. The only people who got fucked where people who FOMOed. When my mom starts buying link and an episode of NCIS has a story about a terrorist using link to murder female gamers, then ill sell

>> No.21505740

It's all zero sum if you won anything someone else lost this is damaging to society

>> No.21505758

World is a ponzi prove me wrong

>> No.21505803

Based desu
t. ranny

>> No.21505815

Literally everything is a ponzi. 401k and stocks, GDP, housing prices all depend on increasing population. Buy now, in two decades they'll be worth more because more suckers were born than died during the interim.

>> No.21505939
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>just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and work 9-5 to feed and shelter yourself in this ruined economy until you're dead
I'd rather end up homeless chasing a dream than live a stagnant wagie nightmare my whole life.

>> No.21505973

so? everything bubbles and pops. get the fuck over it.

>> No.21506057

By your logic life is pointless because you die so you might as well kill yourself. Gains can be made in the short and long term, maybe not forever but no one here is under that impression. Fucking jew banking cunt.

>> No.21506099
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The fun is in the journey not the destination <3 OP is a wage cuck trying to get you to sell your dreams - he belongs on Reddit

>> No.21506160

Didn't they steal the terminology anyway from something else?
Also I'm pretty sure that's them just coping. It's a retarded idea anyway because that means that all humans are inherently tranny

>> No.21506236

It's damaging to the jews who are reliant on people being reliant on fiat

>> No.21506286

I don't think they stole it from anything, but the red pill as a way to return to reality was used in Total Recall before The Matrix