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21498602 No.21498602 [Reply] [Original]

TranquilityNET Beta looks like absolute DOG SHIT

Will the actual alpha app look any better than this windows 95 garbage?

>> No.21498716

I hope so

>> No.21498761

It’s a hotel PMS application. It’s not supposed to have some kind of cutting edge design.

>> No.21498789

where can I even buy this shitcoin? I've been looking and i cant find it

>> No.21498850

I know but it should look WAY better than this. Even for a beta, right?
Bamboo Relay

>> No.21498898

No, hotel management applications look like garbage so they’re easy to learn. Unless it’s browser based. I used to work for a comfort inn and shit was comfy. All of it was done through chrome but was slow way too often.

>> No.21498946

It looks as basic as possible so computer illiterate boomers can grasp the program without being distracted with flashy nigger crap

>> No.21498954

exactly, i'd take win98 design over some fucking chrome app webui fuckery

>> No.21498975

thanks m8

>> No.21499030

That’s stupid. If they wanted boomers to learn this shit, they should make it look exactly like Facebook.

>> No.21499164

Heavy Nostalgia

>> No.21499195

That looks beautiful. To think that someone can still design an application without involving pink haired 20-somethings on rollerblades, brings a tear to my eye.

>> No.21499216

can someone explain or point me to where i can learn wtf this is?

>> No.21499310

It’s outdated as fuck and the UI better be better soon

>> No.21499356

This. A return to form like this is gorgeous.

I hope TranquilityNET keeps this design.

>> No.21499436

Looks SO bad
But SO good

>> No.21499659


>> No.21499818
File: 494 KB, 645x479, AB1C2981-2D86-4BFC-8231-2B426EDFA65C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re telling me THIS looks ok?
It’s outdated beyond belief

>> No.21499840

is there a twitter or telegram? and is the bamboo relay officially linked to the project? just so little marketing info and so little volume on the bamboo relay that im cautious.

>> No.21499944


>> No.21499992

I don’t think there’s a Twitter and their telegram launches in a few week. I’m guessing they’re in an early stage of development since the beta is such shit looking. The bamboo relay URL is on their explainers page on the website. In the investors section.

It’s an under the radar project for sure. And I hope it succeeds but the appearance of the beta is disgusting.

>> No.21500089

Think I could get a copy of the beta app if I email them saying I’m a hotel owner?

>> No.21500227

this is fucking MS Access why do we need a shitcoin for this

>> No.21500239

This is going to be YEARS before it takes off but they’re onto a good start

>> No.21500303

I thought the same thing so I read their explainers


I guess the coin is only used to verify and secure audit sessions once a day or whatever. The actual app is powered by Hyperledger shit.

It’s dog shit. The app is dog shit.
I’m just hoping it takes off somehow.

>> No.21500450
File: 2.21 MB, 640x358, 1575544458481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

windows 95 coin lmao

>> No.21500451

>It’s outdated as fuck
like the steering weel

>> No.21500563


>> No.21500618

Do it so we can get some better screenshots

>> No.21500912


>> No.21501078

Yeah maybe.
If this was 1999.

>> No.21501337

I unironically want to try it

>> No.21501479


>> No.21501696

These applications are basic as fuck.
Still ugly tho.

>> No.21501871

Looks gay
Hotels are for fags

>> No.21502274

You truly underestimate how big this is going to be in Iceland

>> No.21502355

Holy shit the cope of the bagholders in this thread is insane.

>> No.21502398

I never said it won’t be big. I just think the app looks like garbage.

>> No.21502536

It’s the most obvious $3 moonshot in a long time though

>> No.21502746


>> No.21503053

Fuck comfort inn

>> No.21503254

$18 is ambitious. More like $8-$10.

>> No.21503614

Can’t disagree

>> No.21504144

OP is a fag
I like the simplicity

>> No.21504376


>> No.21504498

And in which way is it outdated?

>> No.21504570

It looks like it’s from 1998. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure it gets the job done but I wish it looked a little more modern.

>> No.21504640

Yea the coin is useless and it's a scam, literally just to fund the project.

>> No.21504812

Nice FUD


Read it all or at least pages 13-18 or so.

>> No.21504920

> It looks like it’s from 1998
So what? It werks and doesn't waste cpu cycles rendering shitty animations or any kind of useless gradients. The ui elements are distinguishable and perfectly usable. The color is neutral. Nothing outdated in that. If anything 'modern design' is a regression in UI/UX as it doesn't do more in regards to usability and yet is worse on all processing-related parametters.

>> No.21504965

This makes a lot more sense now.
I thought it was running on Ethereum lmao

>> No.21505248

t. zoomer fag who wants soi designs

>> No.21505504

That’s LINK you’re thinking about

>> No.21505741

IDEX listing is going to push it towards $2 minimum

>> No.21505877

t. Boomer faggot who’s afraid of change

>> No.21505964

OP is a dumb nigger

>> No.21506232


>> No.21506351

literally my first thought
brings me back to my very first MS paint days

Ahhhhh good times

>> No.21506545

Fuckoff pajeet

>> No.21507003


>> No.21507523

October - ITHA ends
Spare unsold TRANQ is split between all holders

It’s gonna be GOOOOOOD

>> No.21507553

Simpler days

>> No.21507695


>> No.21507806

You think MS paint is a good look for the next 10 years of hotel management?

>> No.21507924

They’re obviously going to update the UI you schizo

>> No.21508421

Like I said 509 times in this thread:
They fucking better

>> No.21508503

might invest in this but not sure yet

>> No.21508676

It’s gonna be big OP

>> No.21508748

I have used several hotel PMS systems and none of them have looked this ancient. plus, no, boomers thrive on apple products, making it look like windows 95 and having to sort through reports by folder is not conducive to boomer aptitude

>> No.21508830
