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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21390338 No.21390338 [Reply] [Original]

Scamhunter back with another scam alert.

Ruze was a sophisticated one so I'll breakdown how they did it so you can take this in mind on your next coins.

First they distributed tokens to their own adresses (lots of them) before listing the coins on Uniswap.

Almost all holder addresses/Addresses selling have no history of any other token except a small amount of eth and Ruze tokens.

They are all dumping tokens since the Uniswap listing was live and then sending USDT to this address

Check all the incoming USDT and USDC tx they all come from these accounts dumping Ruze.

Now let's see where it all goes shall we? This address
Just read the comments on that etherscan, the wallet has been in the scamming game since 2018

He doesn't give a fuck he is still actively trading on that wallet.

>> No.21390390

Just his middleware wallet shows about $200k in scammed funds, his active trading wallet has over $266k with over 22 comments on Etherscan saying it's a scam wallet, yet he goes on with his daily trade like nothing happens.

Stop feeding money into these scams

>> No.21390423

Good work soldier

>> No.21390543

Please help share the word on their socials so more people are aware of this. Here is their telegram:


You don't care about getting banned from a scammer's telegram group do you?

Also help reporting both the etherscan addresses I've linked above. Click three dots on top right and select report address and link them this thread hopefully.

They have advertised heavily on 4Chan so a lot of anons are still invested in this.

>> No.21390544

Wait, how does Ruze relate to the scammer address?

Ruze just got posted on CMC. They just moved 1M+ Ruze to HuobI...


>> No.21390592

Check where they are sending the USDT to it's the scam address.

Also anyone can send tokens to an exchange wallet, it doesn't mean they are listing. People pointed out tagging @everyone in their discord that Huobi never comfirmed they are listing them and they got annoyed and straight up deleted their discord.

>> No.21390718

I have a small bag fuwqww

>> No.21390741

I don’t have a paid shill army to bump threads.
So if you read this please bump it so other anons can read it and exit on time.

>> No.21390905


This has been posted before and I'm not sure whether it's a ploy to lower the price or not.

Every single dev that creates a coin sells some to pay for the devs. For example very recently two dev teams were 100x worse than this:

Serum - Dev wallet dumped after listing on everyone about $3million worth of tokens

Bitgear - Dev wallet dumped 500ETH on early buyers of their coin within an hour or so of listing.

What I'm saying is that this is pretty standard practice as by comparison $160K is not very much. So why are you considering this a scam?

>> No.21390955

Did you even read lol
It's not just about selling, it's the address that the funds are going to

>> No.21390973

lol, so how is this possible?

>> No.21390990

I guess people really fell for the ruze

>> No.21390992

> $160K is not very much. So why are you considering this a scam?

Really? dumping $200k+ worth tokens for a literal ampleforth fork before the product s even live raises no red flags with you?
Both the projects you quoted had actual working products.

>> No.21390996
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>> No.21391060


>> No.21391089

Yup lots of people pointed out this in Discord and they straight up deleted it, and they’re actively banning anyone posting this on telegram.
You can send tokens to public wallets of exchanges doesn’t mean they’re listing it. Plus these exchanges tweet before listing.

>> No.21391231

why would you send a tokens to Huobi if you will airdrop OTHER tokens to the holders? sloppy scam

>> No.21391235

Lol I am out. Fuck it idc if it moons after. Not worth the worry

>> No.21391308

To make people FOMO in?
How many times were Huobi listing was mentioned in tele plus this thread to defend the scam?
Seems to be working, so they’re smart rather than sloppy.
Damn even after linking their og distribution wallet to a known scam wallet, people are still defending this.
“It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” Comes to mind.

>> No.21391358

I'm convinced the moderator, the tg handles "maf" and some other faggot are in on this

>> No.21391422
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Bump so other anons dont get scammed

>> No.21391446

I am guessing you weren’t there when they did they whole discord shutdown hissyfit after it turned out people can just DM Huobi community managers to see if it’s legit.
The @everyone spam on discord was out of control so they deleted it. On telegram even if you link this, only people actively monitoring the group will see it, chances are that’s a mod and he will delete your shit easily before more people know about it.

>> No.21391623


>> No.21391711

>litterally called ruze
Some of you faggots really are dumb

>> No.21391769
File: 55 KB, 433x307, ruze explanation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See screenshot for explanation from team.

This person was a seed investor and they have no control of them dumping their Ruze and moving it to a known scam wallet.

So basically, someone who owns a scam wallet invested in Ruze and has been dumping it.

>> No.21391798

>literally called "ruse"

>> No.21391803


"yeah that's a friend of mine, we are scamming you all together"

i hope these people get yammed

>> No.21391823

Is it possible that seed investors are mostly team members?

>> No.21391843


Absolutely, it's also possible they aren't.

>> No.21391894


>> No.21391910

what do you even need a seed investor for? a website, copy paste some ampl code and paying some eth gas fees???

>> No.21391935

I literally verified and it does lead to that scam wallet. Glen is retarded.

>> No.21392003


Other than paying people to work...

Exchange listings. Especially with the hourly rebase mechanic, exchanges aren't just going to say OK we will sort that all out for you. It's going to be complicated to instigate.

I'm not saying whether it's legit or not, I don't know. What I'm saying is that the OP also doesn't know and there's a good chance it's entirely legit.

There's also a good chance this thread is a RUSE to lower the price before the hourly rebases begin tomorrow and as rumoured it gets listed on Huobi.

>> No.21392004

"glenn" is the scammer

>> No.21392023

It’s not a seed investor that’s literally how all these “liquidity locked” scams work.
They distribute tokens to legit and their own wallets via bulk send. And then they dump it later.
Obviously they would lock the supposed “dev wallets” that’s the entire reason this scam went this far. Use some rational thinking, that’s why I mentioned it’s a sophisticated scam.
Tons of “seed investor” wallets, all dumping and sending to a single wallet, and then sending to a known scam wallet, yeah, totally out of their control.

>> No.21392043


>> No.21392054

that locked liquidity will be worthless, they will tank the price, already happening, 20% since this thread

>> No.21392057

Lol u whack ass fudders. You will be rekt tomorrow.

>> No.21392145


It's interesting for me to watch because the conclusion to anyone who is actually paying attention is that there is no conclusive evidence here at all.

It's entirely possible this relates to a scam, it's also entirely possible it isn't.

It's entirely possible that this thread is a scam to try and arificially lower the price before it launches tomorrow.

The question I keep asking myself is why are you folks so dedicated to spend your time pushing the idea this is a scam. There must be a reason. You haven't lost any money yet because there is no scam yet. So what are your motivations? Altruism? I doubt it.

>> No.21392180

The locked liquidity created an illusion (ruse if you will) that it can never be rug pulled and they managed to dump OVER $200k of the tokens.
That’s more than any otc exit scam did.

>> No.21392271

Hi Glenn, are u jewish?

>> No.21392363

Price is down 20% since this thread if I had nefarious reasons to fud, find out who is buying the dips and you could easily trace me.
In fact a lot of these shell wallets are dumping their bags after this post.

>> No.21392445

last breath, there will be no rebase kek

>> No.21392608
File: 20 KB, 410x115, theruzescamisaRUSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Although it turns out this thread was indeed a ruse itself to lower the price. I'm quite happy as I picked up a little more at a much lower price.

So good job I guess?

>> No.21392653

enjoy your 0.00003 cent token

>> No.21392680

brah...it's over, they are dumping it, stop catching knives lel

>> No.21393032

Another trail

This is one of their OG wallets which distributed RUZE to other wallets so they don’t show up on top holders list.
Track all the distributions, every single one of them have been dumping.
Now check where the original ether comes from on that wallet, yup a wallet tagged as Pishing wallet on etherscan and another shapeshift.io wallet, usually used by scammers to clean their funds, you can’t make this shit up.

>> No.21393063


Forgot the address link

>> No.21393335

All dumpers originating from the 80M wallet



Look at this one lol


Feel sorry for whoever bought their megabags.

>> No.21393623

Final bump.

>> No.21393694

DERPDERP - Yep it originates from the team wallet, this was publicly available news that they had a seed investor round.

This is weak FUD for the rebase launch on the 15th


OP is just posting random big addresses yelling scam, they link back to an exchange wallet.

>> No.21393954
File: 2.93 MB, 368x368, 1589441461552.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all scammers will get the rope, in this life or the next

>> No.21393982

we get it, you want to buy the bottom for the crazy rebases
stfu and be on your way, you greedy fuck

>> No.21394131

You know it's easy to track the dip buyers on DexTools right?
Go ahead, see who's buying.
Now since you made an effort to track buyers, track the sellers as well and follow the trail.

>> No.21394330

So it's just posting some random adresses but no explanation how they are actually linked?
Weak FUD

>> No.21394575

We know it's a scam.