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File: 284 KB, 780x439, bubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2138936 No.2138936 [Reply] [Original]

This is it. It's the next "big thing". 99% of the planet doesn't know what a crypto is yet, but they will in the next 5 years.

We are still in the early adoption phase. Invest. Spread your money across the top 10-20-50 cryptos and just hold. Don't try and swing or day trade unless you're absolutely sure of what the fuck you're doing. The market will rip your head off and shit down your neck. Don’t worry about the day to day price. If any one coin you’re invested in moons it will erase your losses on any others by many orders of magnitude.

Don’t get emotionally invested in any particular coin. You’re in this to make money, you’re not buying a fucking prom dress. DYODD. Stay away from memecoin bullshit. Find cryptos that have solid fundamentals and a chance at real world adoption. If someone comes into the market with a “better” coin than one you’re invested in don’t throw a shitfit about it. Embrace it. Buy that one too. AltaVista was king shit of the interwebs in the year 2000. Just a couple years later Google was kicking their ass all over the place. Don’t be AltaVista.

In 2-3 years this will hit critical mass. Money will flood in from every middle-class joe schmoe investor trying to get a piece of the action. You’re going to see "Morgan Stanleys" of crypto pop up to make investment easier for the average consumer.

You are seeing the .com bubble of 98-01 forming right before your very eyes, but it's still 1995. Get in. And when every talking head on TV is bloviating about how great crypto investments are - GET OUT.

>B…but it’s already a bubble, isn’t it?
Not even fucking close. When the .com and housing market went POOF over $8 trillion in wealth was lost on each occasion. The crypto market needs to grow over 100 fold before we’re in bubble territory.

Be patient, invest wisely, and in just a few years your financial future will be set.

>> No.2138953

you sound like a nice lady. any other advice?

>> No.2138971

this is a copypasta and it is a true one

my advice is this:

last crash in 2013 had many ppl sitting in fear. not many ppl accumulated

dont make this same mistake after the next crash

>> No.2138973

might as well sticky this ffs

>> No.2138976
File: 1.06 MB, 1297x2600, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spread your money across the top 10-20-50 cryptos and just hold

This is dumb, focus on holding 21 BTC long term.

Until you got that as a long term saving account (that will make you rich 100% guaranteed long term) then spread across alts.

>> No.2138984

take it in lads

>> No.2138998

Any advice about how to do DD? Just read whitepapers/roadmaps/join slacks and such?
What is this 21 BTC meme I see everywhere? Why that number?

>> No.2139005

Also DON'T make the mistake of thinking bitcoin is "myspace" or "altavista", this is a dumb analogy.

>> No.2139031

right as fuck. you guys need real market experience most of you guys are amateurs and need to learn to hold your positions.

proud Jew holder of 5000 ETH and 3500 LTC since it's cent days and now I'm debating cashing out due to it getting hype by normies but not too much hype via news and shit so may continue to hold these lovely little shits
currently holding 50K DGB, 5MM RDD and 8MM Mooncoin just incase since it didn't hurt my pockets

>> No.2139051

>tfw I bought 120 eth at $4 and sold at $13
Won't make that mistake again
Planning on spread around $2k across 5-10 different coins and just forgetting about it for a couple of years

>> No.2139073
File: 35 KB, 583x644, 18446973_1556823831042673_1208880222146267547_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously they fucking loaded up into the alt coins because summer is coming, graduating college students and no school.

>> No.2139077
File: 46 KB, 813x603, bitcoin supply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be 21 million coins ever created.
If you hold 21, you are in a group of 1 million people.
Considering all the lost BTCs, less than 21 (but 21 is cool to hold).
There are 7.5 billion people on earth.

There will NEVER be enough BTC for all fiat millionaires in existence today to own ONE.

There will never be enough BTC for all CORPORATIONS in existence today to own ONE.

Do the fucking math.

Bitcoin is designed to reward those that get in early (as it should). Risk/reward, cut and clear with the same rules for everyone since day 1, no bullshit.

>> No.2139092


It is pasta, but I'm the original writer.

>> No.2139104

>you are in a group of 1 million people.

And that's at the VERY VERY WORST assuming everyone owns 21. I reality, you're probably a group of much, much less, under 100,000, possibly under 10,000.

>> No.2139110

ye boi

>> No.2139117


BTC has 2 routes to take:

1) It will serve as a digital gold store of wealth
2) It will fade away. Always remembered but overridden by new tech.

I will thank BTC for launching this era, but my bet is on #2.

>> No.2139136

Knda agree, the real coin above all coins might not have risen yet.

>> No.2139165
File: 3.28 MB, 468x468, 1493169623130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born just in time to make millions in the crypto rush

>mfw holding eth, dgb, xby

how many more billions are gonna flood into crypto. are we just getting started?

>> No.2139182

>Any advice about how to do DD?

Read. Don't listen to biz. Read until your fucking eyes want to fall out of their sockets. Then read some more.

>> No.2139188

Are the best investments for long term still BTC and ETH?
Does something like DGB really have potential? Even ETH started low, right?

>> No.2139198


Don't get your dick caught in any ceiling fans.

>> No.2139205

Selling here enjoy the bag faggots

>> No.2139235



BTC will hold & increase in value for the near future. However, BTC is slow and archaic... ingenuity will supersede it in the long run.

DGB, again imo, seems like a PnD. I haven't delved into it all that deeply desu, but it seems it's all based on ONE random minecraft server integrated DGB mining into the game somehow. I don't know all the details, but it does not seems to be "mass adoption" of any sort... just a whole lot of hype.

>> No.2139320


It might not even exist yet. ;)

>> No.2139352


If I were you I *would* cash out at least half of my position and move it into promising alts.

>> No.2139356

Fairly sure more than 1% of the world know what a crypto is.

>> No.2139376


College kids have no fucking money. I'm not here to dump bags on anyone. I've lived through 2 bubbles and missed them both. .com because I was too young, housing because I didn't have the capital. I'm not missing this one... And I'm advising others to do the same.

>> No.2139403


Oh ok... 1.1%?

Seriously... ask everyone you know if they know what a crypto is. I think you'll be shocked.

>> No.2139506

I dont understand this. What do you mean if you hold 21 you are in a group of 1 million people? I get that 21mil/21 is 1 million but wth does "being in a group of 1 mil" mean?

>> No.2139605


In all honesty it's just a stupid biz meme. The reality is if you hold 21 btc, you hold 1 millionth of all btc in existence. Whoop-dee-doo. BTC is just what started the crypto movement, it will not be it's Omega.

>> No.2139625

I think he means that if you divided all bitcoin amongst a million people they would all have 21. If bitcoin was only used by 1 million it would never be worth as much as it is now. ETC is going to be a cheaper BTC in the future, they plan on 230 million capped with 90 million already out there. ETC has tons more room to grow, but BTC has more interest behind it.
The question is how the future shakes out with crypto as a store of value and programming. People might avoid BTC until they want a reserve, or something like ETH might become a better reserve since it's going to be in demand as a cryptocommodity.
The problem with BTC is that it's growth mindset is based on scarcity and marketing itself as a reserve currency, while other currencies are working on additional usage cases.
Blockchain, in my opinion, has far too much usage in smart contracts. BTC will be rare, yes, but it won't be used as much which will decrease the price as currency becomes more decentralized. The future is going to be tons of altcoins, tons of currencies, there will be no king currency like we have now. ETH is masquerading as the king currency and that will work to advance crypto, but once people improve on ETH it will die and every crypto will become like ETH.