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21385267 No.21385267 [Reply] [Original]

So apparently Ethereum can't scale, which Ethereum killer is the most likely to be successful?

Projects that got mentioned from last post


>> No.21385289

ATOM, DOT, XTZ, and ADA imo

>> No.21385291

you dont kill nintendo, atari, etc.
pc master race gamers rise up.

>> No.21385332


ethereum 2.0

>> No.21385609

Algo is the ETH killer

>> No.21385631
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you're in for a rude awakening when this chart finishes playing out.

>> No.21385915
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Flare and XRP

>> No.21385952

Ha he doesn't list TRX a proven eth killer. LARP

>> No.21385960

literally all dead ghostchains. right now there is no serious competitor to Ethereum

>> No.21385965


>> No.21386038

>So apparently Ethereum can't scale
>literally billions thrown into ETH derivitives including defi
Choose only one.

>> No.21386121

its gonna be polkadot. i mean you can just tell. theyre projects give the whole "next gen" vibe. Cant wait for polkaswap

>> No.21386161

DERO you dumb fucks. Kills Monero too

>> No.21386384

What’s your Polkadot Make it Stack ?

>> No.21386504

My vote is FTM. Most undervalued coin on your list OP.

>> No.21386619

From yesterday:

S tier:
ETH 2.0

A tier:

B+ tier:

B tier:

C tier:

D tier:

F tier:

>> No.21387023
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Loopring makes ETH scale, and it's fully audited, running on the main net and being actively deployed now.

Imagine not being aware of the implications.

Imagine not owning a slice of the next entrant into the top 5.

>> No.21387086
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>> No.21387155

desu, the only answer.

>> No.21387181
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Waves is slept on so hard, even as it's mooning.

>> No.21387274

This. I almost started a thread about this last night. TRX seems great. I’ve been using it for online gambling and it’s tx speed is really quick whilst maintaining tiny fee’s. Why hasn’t it taken off?

>> No.21387289

>Ethereum Killers
You forgot Ethereum 2.0

>> No.21387333

Cosmos is already amazing, I think it is going to be incredibly popular, and just like ETH, an important backbone in the future of whats going to happen with the mainstream use of blockchain in the very near future

>> No.21387345


>> No.21387364
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>> No.21387375

Fantom is going to surprise a lot of people in 2021

>> No.21387403

>muh can't scale
Oldest fud in the book. Imagine falling for it

>> No.21387418

Include LOKI in the list

>> No.21387584

So glad youre not mentioning the one with the greatest potential of all.

>> No.21387611
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>> No.21387705

Right now it's polkadot. Cardano has great foundations and strong potential but they seem to be a bit behind in terms of capability.

Im personally buying 100 dots on launch

>> No.21387988

Harmony one: five seconds finality, extremely cheap fees, USA based. The team seems fairly close and steady working with updates. How can anyone miss this gem?

>> No.21388141


>> No.21388308

ETH maximalists will say that WAVES is shit but its actually better than ETH in every way

>> No.21388352

Cant scale. Lol. You niggers dont get it. And you will get burned. ETH has waaaay too much momentum and aggregate IQ to be threatened by the shit coins you listed. Last bull run it was nano and eos... this bull run its polkacock and other nigger tier desperate daisy's. Most of you are way too young to understand this environment and how its going to evolve. You'll see... :)

>> No.21388353
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Satoshi came back and is asking all you faggots why don¨t you understand that only BitCoin is needed. The only blockchain that scales and it was always turing complete.... Ethereum and everything else never was needed

>> No.21388435

I'm rooting for AVAX, it's a brand new protocol type, not the regular copy and paste change something here and there stuff

>> No.21388483
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>off by 1

>> No.21388533

Leverage can over come failings at first then correct them in the near future and this is what the masssive amount of eth developers have done. Eth will litterally out pace every single one of your pajeet counts. Btc maximalist said the same thing but they are no where to be found. Like your chin there are soooo few developers that even if it were a good idea it too late... eth has almost a decade and 1000s of devs to correct any mistakes in code direction or governance but go ahead and keep your hopium alive and dreams of making it big... sure you will be able to profit handsomely on bbn pajeet coins but theyll eventually petter out against eth like nano tron btc eos etc... seriously arent you guys using your brain? Your greed has killed your ability to think logically...

>> No.21388563
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>> No.21388580

BTC == Boomer Trannie Coin.

>> No.21388588

Tezos has no desire to scale & their dev is kinda fucked (although not more than most of these projects). I say this as a presale buyer who held until last week.
Harmony will likely pump when it gets listed on Coinbase & has partnerships with some people (Maker etc I think is coming to it).
Zilliqua didn't have state sharding before (IDK about now) or cross shard communications.
Algo I should dig further - but someone I trusted didn't like their consensus mechanism. Elrond has the old NEM community manager turned VC - not saying this can't work but a put off. Solana (I think this is the one) has a huge dump coming in Dec when token supply 5Xs & generally when the VCs exploit it that badly it dumps hard. IOTA I haven't looked at & probably won't since they decided to roll their own crypto. I will dig into Oasis, Celo, AVAX & Kadena.
The only reasonable project to come out of that was Tezos, although maybe Cardano will release - it's always hard to know when they'll get things done & they still don't have smart contracts (not to mention IDK if they have an Eth bridge, sharding etc)
Near is the eth killer and it's not a meme this time like it was in 2017 with EOS, Cyphertherium, and 3 million more I can't remember. Look at their team and listen to some interviews then tell me they aren't going to clean house.

>> No.21388621

Nervos is the Ethereum killer

>> No.21388632

No sharding, Vitalik has been saying PoS soon for 4 years, have moved thru like three iterations of scaling (Plasma, ZKSnarks, something rollup now sharding). Good luck with that.

>> No.21388636

I can't hear you over all the dapps existing and being added to the ethereum blockchain. ETH already won. When scaling is fixed ETH will absolutely fly to fucking Pluto.

>> No.21388772

Xdai stake as a bypass

>> No.21388817

I have trust in our saviour Vitalik. No one is taking over ETH. All in.

>> No.21388827

I purchased Eth presale. Most people don't know it was almost built on Peercoin before the ICO and walk around swinging dicks like OGs.
Eth fanbase is cocky and thinks somehow they have Bitcoin's store of value meme when they themselves created the "digital oil" meme. You don't use digital oil if you have access to a nuclear reactor.
The "Eth killer" memes of 2017 were hilarious compared to what we have today. I'm not saying it will happen, but you keep punishing users & devs with $5-$6 fees then a solid project with buy in that supports an Eth bridge, synthetic tokens etc will eventually eat Eth's lunch.

>> No.21388883


>> No.21388917

What do you guys think of ADA?
They peer review their papers and it's written in Haskell

>> No.21388939

XSN is a rebrand of the stakenet wallet that got branded as a scam in Bitcointalk (which I didn't even know was possible WTF did they do?)
It's on 4chan enough it'll probably pump.

>> No.21389000

ADA has been around for ages now. Their timelines get delayed and they have a tough time shipping code.
Tezos came out about the same time and beat them both to a live net as well as smart contracts along with governance and consensus modification on chain.
I like Charles, he's why I got inolved in Eth before fucking Tuual came on and turned it into "Decentralize everything" & "Web 3.0"
I can never tell when their smart contracts are going to come out, I can't tell if their dev language has something that's EVM compatible, peer reviewed papers and concepts don't always translate into shipped, functioning network & that certainly doesn't translate into a robust ecosystem.

>> No.21389001

literally no decentralized blockchain can scale.

it defies the laws of physics. this is why bitcoin is the only crypto worth owning. everything else is smoke an mirrors

t. computer scientist phd. expert. all around big brain

>> No.21389015

Dfinity if it ever fucking releases. It does something new unlike every other coin Seriously, the only coins I plan on holding

>> No.21389023

XRP won.

>> No.21389026

based bitcoin maximalist

>> No.21389054
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>> No.21389056

Going over the top. If they deliver and the CEO stops ropesterbating at her rope spa it wins.

>> No.21389084

It's not a rebrand, I probably should have specified the DEX, but who knows.
The stakenet wallet seems fine, the new wallet with the DEX DAPP seems like a game changer. A layer 2 exchange that bridges multiple block chains with the ability to trade cross and off chain, that doesn't have the drawbacks of speed and fees that exist when trading onchain.

>> No.21389202
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>When scaling is fixed
bsv already scales and is ready to go
meanwhile every shitcoin added to eth is a scam that inflates congestion and gas prices
it's over

>> No.21389203

Man they were doing that way back in the XCoin pivot to BlockNet days.
I avoid projects with official account labelled a scam in Bitcointalk but hey - it seriously might 10X, would not even surprise me.

>> No.21389297

unironically link

>> No.21389374 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21389627

whatever of that list has the best marketing and consistency