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21368280 No.21368280 [Reply] [Original]

have any of you guys shared with friends/family you're newfound wealth?

im at 300k thanks to LINK and I havent told anyone, not even my wife (noirony, and i never fucking will)

but i have strong need to.

1. my friends always try to one-up each other and this would make me look less pathetic since im right now at the low rung.

2. my parents might actually be happy for me that i actually made it. they know i invest in crypto and look down on me for it

the reason i dont share is because obviously 1. i havent cashed out 2. im not retirement FU money level

if i ever get 3mil i will cash out and gloat. but until then..i bear it. i

I bear it.

>> No.21368345

>1. my friends always try to one-up each other and this would make me look less pathetic since im right now at the low rung.
Shit friends, you have. Personally I'm not telling anyone ever. Maybe I'll break the news when I hit $5M but I'm keeping my mouth shut til then.

>> No.21368424

My dad knows how much I have but I trust him more than I trust myself. I've told my friends about LINK to help them out but they don't know how much I have.

>> No.21368454

that guy needs to do some pull ups and rows

>> No.21368456

Do not tell anybody
Nothing good will come of it

>> No.21368616

nah, doesn't count until you cash out and too early for any of that anyway, this is just the first real legup towards 100 or 1000 but will probably retrace eventually, before going up again... trying to remain focused on the long term-ish, from the get-go i told myself this was a 2022 to 2025 hold minimum
market is a way to transfer money from the impatient to the patient, always remember that buffet quote
imagine selling btc after the first pump instead of waiting a decade, link is just getting started

>> No.21368972

Ive tried helping friend out as well many are reluctant and say its all a scam blah blah blah
Ive helped my brother my dad and my uncle but thats because all my family talks about is money so i guess im in a rare boat compared to most. Stay strong fren i couldnt imagine not being able to enjoy the ride up without anyone IRL. You fellow frens on here are great but i have always figured whats the point of comming up if you have no one to share it with on the way up.

>> No.21369028

well for me i started buying ETH at $20 and believe me, I want to suicide for not making it in 2017 (kept buying ETH at $300 where it just stuck there while eveyrthing else mooned)

If there is a cycle this run, and I don't make make FU money from it, I really should just give up on life considering



>> No.21369150

Also meant to include OP

>> No.21369191

i just posted this on another thread but absolutely do not tell anyone. i regret it so much, i was just trying to be a nice guy but now that link has done so well, i'm paranoid of them finding out how much ive made in it. they have all been contacting me since we broke $5 asking if im going to retire yet or not.

Even worse they all keep asking me what to do. I tell them i'm selling so they don't think im too well off but if they were to hold they would be free too with their stacks. They base all their decisions off me because they never actually did any research or thinking on their own. I feel bad because i want to see them make it too but they also would have never heard of chainlink if i didnt tell them

>> No.21369475

Idk if it will bite me in the ass as well im hoping it wont
Im lucky in the sense the one friend that i have that is investing with me is decncitized to markets becuase he has been in stocks a long time but the three family members i have told i practically am managing their accounts for them
I just dont care to come up alone its less fun for me and i dont want to be the incel who sat inside for 2 years and when and if i finally make it i have literally no one to share it with and developed a major case of aspergers so i wont be able to formulate any new relationships
It really is a catch 22

>> No.21369743
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The only correct answer. You will only ever have "a bit extra from investments".

You are deceiving yourself if you think you truly impress people with money. You impress by being kind, unselfish and confident. And it's very easy to be all these things when you're fucking loaded and living the life you've always dreamed of.

>> No.21369790

You are obviously in a shit relationship lol

>> No.21369850

I always just say that I'm doing alright or well for myself

>> No.21369869

You only feel the need to gloat because you have a low self esteem. Why don’t you like yourself, anon? Not comfortable in your own skin like your pic related?

>> No.21369879

Did i fuck up by trying to help people around me? I just truly enjoy helping people as best i can

>> No.21369915

lol this is 10/10 fanfic if its real, well, 9/10 story

to imagine a group of people huddling around one of you fuckers hoping you'll free them from the system

>> No.21369925

i told my parents when I had around 200k
I have around 1M rn, honestly I can't even really grasp the absurdity of everything.

>> No.21369974

>my friends always try to one-up each other
A lot of close people i know will be disgustingly angry at me if link keeps going up

>> No.21369972

this is very deep. exactly, there are so many obvious cons to sharing it. they can get envious, jealous, resentful, or if you fail and they followedur advice, REAL anger, resentment, despisement, etc, basedon how much "faith" they had in you

but if you win, thats a celebration, not a better than average masturbatory session alone at 1am

>> No.21369985

You owe them nothing anon.
You owe them nothing.
You owe them nothing and you don’t need to feel bad about it.
I imagine you had very strict parents and were potentially abused

>> No.21370014

refer to my previous posts because desu i feel more stressed but at the same time im happy that im able to try and help people but it sometimes make convos awkward with certain friends but i truly am just trying to help

>> No.21370051

Every 4chan user ive met IRL has been impressively smart tbqh.

>> No.21370088

I just show them the price of LINK and flex on them, but never telling them how much I have.

Use it as a filter though, real friends won't bother you with it, shit friends will leech of you and you're better of cutting them out of your life.

>> No.21370095

you seem to have good set of people around you, i wouldnt worry. i was telling anyone that was curious enough to ask. many have bought and sold, or never bought but remembered and are now getting fomo and ask me what to do.

you're a probably a nufag but theres plenty of people i told link about in 2018 and have seen the meteoric rise and are getting fomo.

>> No.21370127

i think this is beautifully enlightened.

i KNOW 1000 reasons why i shouldnt share this with anyone, not even my WIFE FFS, because well, the REASONS ARE OBVIOUS

but genuine, social celebratory joy is one of life's beauty. it is a TERRIFIC SHAME i feel I cannot experience it!

MAYBE with my parents! thats it..

>> No.21370158

Ty for this fren truly, because thats how i feel I want to celebrate and enjoy life with the ones i love but i dont want to create animosity either and i just cant help myself when i see something work i want to have it work for others

>> No.21370260

correct, here are the only scenarios:
1) They will pester you for advice on investments and expect you to do it for free, without researching anything themselves
2) They hate you and are jealous of you
3) Worst case, they slip it to someone who tells someone who tells someone and before you know it you've got a gun to your head with a masked man demanding your linkies

>> No.21370288

Just walk through in your mind what will happen if you start telling people you’re a millionaire. You’ll quickly realize things can get seriously fucked. So many anons who made it in BTC and ETH come back to /biz/ and warn newfags never to tell anyone that they are rich because it has ruined their lives.

>> No.21370351

thanks anon, anyone that has listened has probably never made better returns on an investment in their life, even if they have already sold and they would have never gotten in that early if it wasnt for me. just wish they werent so god damn brain dead and could figure things out for themself

>> No.21370356

I love all you guys on here truly
TY for this

>> No.21370750

same situation with my best friend, he's just following my advice blindly, but is too stupid to know what to do on his own, he'll probably end up wasting the money on a new car or trips

>> No.21371116

I know what you mean about the temptation to share with someone desu. I find it difficult at times to completely block out the fact that 99% of my gains are from crypto when speaking to anyone, even my own parents. When you go from $50k to $500k in a few months it can be tough to resist sharing it with anyone irl. But like others have said, generally nothing good comes of it. Money changes how people think of/act towards you, even your own parents in most cases. Keep people guessing if theyre curious. At most say what coins youve invested in but never say how many you have.

>> No.21371249

fastest way to get Pardoner's Tale'd

>> No.21371488
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this is what's so fucking insane dude

If I made these gains in stocks and shared it with people, WOW IM A FUCKING GENIUS

annual ROI of over 100% in the past 5 years? HUH? is that even fucking possible when portfolio managers of billions of dollars make 5% ROI and take home $50 million in bonuses?

Do you guys truly fathom how insane the gains on Chainlink has been vs. ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY? That BTC , ETH, and 200 different alt coins have had returns that can only come close to being rivalled by AMZN, GOOG, APPL, etc. ...

people's minds...cannot even comprehend it. ive done the research. i have the credentials. and nothing even comes CLOSE.

>> No.21371524

ty fren i appreciate this
and stay strong i truly believe in the law of attraction maybe you will attract a friend or someone in your family to share it with if you put that energy out into the universe

>> No.21371527

>, not even my wife (noirony, and i never fucking will)

>> No.21371655

its not that i hate my wife or dont trust her

its just that i know how women are. its just the facts of life, they are DESIGNED to gather resources (primarily through the means of a male gatherer who she enslaves)

not to mention the current legal system of CA, particularly the divorce aspect of it, that completely destroys a man's life despite him doing nothing wrong

so based on these circumstances, i make my conclusion ..

>> No.21371705

also yea people fear what they dont understand (not even impying i fully understand it all) but humans really dont like change especially the massive change crypto will have

>> No.21371714

my mom saw my account once when my link stack was worth $30k, so she thinks i have $30k, but recently it hit $250k.

>> No.21372095

its not that crazy, you are only thinking of investments in the context of post IPO. there are opportunities like this but the masses never have the ability to invest in them