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21271854 No.21271854 [Reply] [Original]

Any freemasons here? I was thinking about joining my local lodge and will attend one of their open meetings soon.

Did it help you become a better person or were you able to improve your business?

>> No.21271910

Bumping. Anons need to know.

>> No.21271939

It's a scam.

>> No.21272076

Care to elaborate? I think I would enjoy hearing different opinions, especially from men of different age groups and how they see the world, the mistakes they made on the way, where they source their information and how they form an opinion etc. I would like to go beyond the technicalities that I learn in University and would prefer not wasting my time by reading some NYT best seller books with no information.

>> No.21272099

bunch of larping boomers

>> No.21272325

level 1 to 10 it's just a boomer country club
level 10 to 20 is when it begins to get interesting with the orgies and the introduction to occult secrets
afterwards with all the child sacrifices and mutual blackmail pacts it becomes too retarded imo not even worth putting in the effort to reach those stages since the rewards are just diminishing returns
my advice just stick to level 12 for the orgies

>> No.21272370

This and checked.
Bunch of oldfags just looking for an oldfag fraternity to join but it could be a big deal if you need to make critical business connections.
There are membership dues though.

>> No.21272452

It’s mostly a social thing. Also a lot of community service if you’re into that.
>Did it help you become a better person Kinda.
>or were you able to improve your business?
You get a lot of connections through it.

>> No.21272577

If you love to worship jews and pay money to make jews richer, then go ahead and become a Freemason.

If not then don't

>> No.21272701

>community service if you’re into that
That doesn't sound too bad.

>You get a lot of connections through it
What I kind of hope to get out of it is something like a mentor.

>> No.21272877

Freemason here. 32nd degree, and in Scottish Rite. Freemasonry is mostly a group of older men (not always older) who do acts to improve their lives in ways that benefit themselves and their community. Freemasons will often donate to causes anonmously or raise money to help causes. Typically, we use a lot of money for children hospitals in our area. As far as meetings go, we usually discuss how to help the community or how we can raise money, or even how we can help fellow masons. We have dues, in Indiana it's $100 a year. I did become a more gernous and more caring person as I've met many good natured and well-meaning people in the group. Our meetings start out reciting a play and reading lines that mimic and were written down hundreds of years ago, and the words detail exactly how and what we can do to help ourselves and others. Its not a conspiracy or crazy, at least not anymore as far as my knowldge goes. If it was a secret society that controlled the government then it was hundreds of years ago, but I don't believe they ever did. Even if they did do that they don't anymore. It's actually really wholesome. As far as improving business, you may find good businessmen or investors in Freemasonry, or you may not find that it depends on the members involved. Good group, not scary, and not a scam.

>> No.21273057

Mason here. This anon has the best answer and can confirm. As one of the younger members it is wholesome and based.

>> No.21273231

Thank you, that sounds indeed very wholesome and is something that I'm interested in. I always hoped that I can someday give something back, be it in providing work places through a business that I create or by being more charitable.

>> No.21273314

why haven't you read about freemasonry? what do you imagine they'll think of you when you show up clueless? you want to join a group you're too stupid and lazy to research.

>> No.21273514

this is a bad take. Freemasons love to teach people about the group and don't mind independent research, but often independent research can lead to incorrect assumptions or really harmful theories. It's always good to go in with an open mind and accepting of people and loving others. That's not being lazy, that's being ok with not knowing everything. And that's ok.

>> No.21273517

I already did some research and got recommended various different material.
And if you can read you can see that I explicitly asked if members here did indeed improve themselves.
This is also my favorite board and I thought I'd spice it up with something that is not a shitcoin thread.

>> No.21273573

Thanks, that's the kind of answers I would like to give in the future myself instead of
>And if you can read you can see that

>> No.21273635

you deserve everything coming to you.

>> No.21273677

You don't need to be initiated into a social group to better yourself or build a business. If you feel you do then the freemasons probably isn't for you.

>> No.21273888

Just remember when they start making you do gay shit it IS on camera and that is how they keep you.

>> No.21273924

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Of course one doesn't. One also does not need to consult biz when trying to make money :v)
It's not about needing. I have the feeling that I have a lot to give and I'd like to improve upon that and focus my energy on the right things.

>> No.21273954

why would you want to go to orgies full of old people? gross

>> No.21273985

checked, the third 888s I saw within the last 10 minutes.
I don't have a problem with the camera, more with the gay shit

>> No.21274014

Then the masons aren’t for you

>> No.21274040

Before you even think about joining, watch a movie made about the inner workings of freemasonry from an ex Freemason who was literally killed for making this movie.


>> No.21274090

> always be donating shit
> dues
> majority have average IQ

>> No.21274251


The bogandoffs answer to the tTt

>> No.21274304


>> No.21274541

my dad is, we were cleaning out the basement and found a freemason book then he joined after reading it.

Quick summary on my experiences:
>mostly old dudes that do some charity work for their local community
>youngest dude was in his early 30s
> avg age of late 40s-early 50s
>went to their freemason bbq
>go up to one guy, "so what do you do"
>"I'm the Worshipful Masters, if only I could get the wife to call me that in bed HAHAHAH"
>all boomers laugh

>> No.21274621

watched that movie, the man was not even a Freemason, but an offshoot of freemasonry that is not formally recognized and does not exist. This movie was made to scare people, also he wasn't killed for making the movie, that's completely false.

>> No.21274682

This is scary how accurate this is sometimes. Boomer humor is a plague in freemasonry, but most of the time it's wholesome. I joined at 18 and became a 32nd at 23. hoping to become a 33rd before 30. It'd be a pretty cool achievement.

>> No.21274713

checked and agreed
t. 3rd degree

>> No.21274811
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>> No.21274909

theres a few freemason churches/groups around my area

i did some research

basically just a bunch of older men who gather together to help each others interests (money related mostly?)

>> No.21274949

Freemasons are cucked gentiles

>> No.21274963

My research suggests that masonry isn't quite what it used to be. It seems like nowadays you have to be sure you are joining an official lodge, I guess over the years there has been fragmentation and disintegration. Then again this is from the outside perspective. ALSO fun fact i know of one lodge in my city where cops will sometimes take people there instead of the normal lockup... why? not sure

>> No.21275005

Sounds like a literal pyramid scheme. Scientology has similar tiers

>> No.21275056

freemasonry is a ponzi, low-level wannabees like you get toyed around with symbols and rituals, at the top they receive the light of Lucifer and connect minds with the metaphysicial in exchange for fortune and power. Choose Jesus instead.

>> No.21275121

>The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Yeah, you can't be a Christian and Mason at the same time. You're worshipping Hiram Abiff instead, at the very least.

>> No.21275175
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>Normalfag Charity work
>Potluck dinners
>Closet Mithraism/Luciferianism
>Human trafficking
If you're into all that go for it. They aren't going to teach you shit about the occult you couldn't have learned from the internet though.

>> No.21275317

What the fuck? No, I am a Catholic Mason, and all of my brothers in my lodge are Christians as well. I also know Jewish and Muslim brothers. You have no idea what you're talking about. Also, Hiram Abiff is mentioned, but not worshipped, like at all. This is just straight up not true.

>> No.21275377

>No, I am a Catholic Mason

Doesn't your church specifically prohibit joining the masons?

>> No.21275451

hahaha, sounds like when I visit my extended family for birthdays or holidays
I don't as I have already accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior

>> No.21275456

Not anymore, it did in the 70's, but that got changed. Now Catholics can be masons no issue at all. We don't worship anyone besides our personal God, but you do need to be a religious man to join.

>> No.21275619

Can you tell me about the Rosicrucians?

>> No.21275640


>The current norm, the 1983 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's (CDF) Declaration on Masonic associations, states that "faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion" and membership in Masonic associations is prohibited.
>The most recent CDF document about the "incompatibility of Freemasonry with the Catholic faith" was issued in 1985.

I dunno, man. Looks pretty cut and dry.

>> No.21275714

stop the bullshit, the great architect is Lucifer, the all-seeing eye represents illumination by Lucifer. I have never been part of any cult, but I have been exposed to a lot of supernatural demonic stuff when I dabbled into the occult, when they knew I wasn't going to play their game because I had too much integrity they tried to kill me, but calling Jesus always saved me and there is a lot of power in that name. I have no doubt that this world is a political playground for the forces of good and evil, good being selfless and evil being selfish. You cannot have two masters if you believe in God.

>> No.21275750
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Freemasonry lite, with more Egyptian LARP.
Study the occult if you want, but if I were you I'd avoid these so called mystery schools like nigger aids.
At best it's a cringy boomer LARP club, at worst it's pedogate shit.

>> No.21275778

pretty much a country club for anglos with muh crumb of esoteric kaballah and ecumenstic "christianity"
if you get deep into it revolves around rebuilding the third temple and you learn about the history of the order and their involvement with solomons temple

>> No.21275779

I literally asked my Priest and Bishop if it was ok and they said, "We prohibited it in the past, but we don't anymore," I can take communion just fine and still be a part of Freemasonry. I wish I could go to the Pope directly, but my church says its perfectly ok. The document may not have been updated but the practice has changed drastically.

>> No.21275831

Ok, one it's the Grand Architect of the Universe, so jot that down, and secondly the Grand Architect refers to whichever God you worship, not Lucifer or whatever the hell you're talking about.

>> No.21275852

this im jewish but i converted to Orthodoxy and freemasonry is absolutely anathema and satanic

>> No.21275947

Your church probably allows gay marriage too. Vatican 2.0 is COMPED.

>> No.21275978

Our church does not permit gay marriage. I live in Indiana, probably one of the more conservative Catholic set of churches.

>> No.21275985

you cant be a mason and a Christian since one the orders main goal is literally the rebuilding of the temple which is an abomination

>> No.21276030

yeah whatever, ofcourse they say that, there is only a very small elite who know the real truth. What you think they'd straight up think they'd say they worship Lucifer? But if you want to know who the Grand Architect really is you have got to answer this question; is it based on being selfless, humility, transparancy and appreciation for Christ? or is it being self-centred like Lucifer, teaching people they are God, giving themselves titles like "worshipful master" which is blaphemy and secrecy?

>> No.21276051

Nice taqiyya bro

>> No.21276065

Anyway, as far as worshiping Hiram Abiff, I'm looking at two sources here. This:
Cross-referenced with this (see "Charge To The Lodge"):

The whole point of the ritual appears to be: worship the memory of Hiram Abiff, his sacrifice, emulate him to join the "Supreme Grand Warden" in the "Celestial Lodge above".

Need I remind you, John 14:6:
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

>> No.21276100

francis would literally go to the third temple and pray with the anti-christ messiach rome is apostate

>> No.21276212

This is just straight false

>> No.21276256

What do you think of the law of one?

>> No.21276260


>> No.21276265

spoiler alert, the whore of Revelations is the CC and will become a front evangelist for the illuminati gospel, the externalization of the occult principles, "you will become like God" in Genesis, this is the mark of the Beast, The beast being the New World order.

>> No.21276273

Yes, it's based on selflessness, humility, and transparency. I don't know what the hell you're talking about. You're fucking insane. /thread

>> No.21276368

which? the temple being an abomination
or that masonry revolves around rebuilding the temple?

>> No.21276377

I love how these subjects always attract crazies.

>> No.21276414

So you are one of the small elite that knows the truth? Take your meds schizo

>> No.21276427


>> No.21276461
File: 216 KB, 1024x601, lol this nigga right here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fringe weirdo shit attracts fringe weirdos
You don't say.

>> No.21276473

I have never heard of it, but anything channeling is basically the dark side trying to lure in victims/puppets for their cosmic political agenda. They know their time is short and they have got nothing to lose. Unfortunately people are stupid and selfish creatures, the whole world will be deceived by the illuminati gospel. I know what it's like to be illuminated. I have been there. You know things instantly, you feel like heaven at first, but it's all "me me me" and eventually you end becoming just like the demons, filled with rage, hate and anger till there is nothing else left. Lucifer comes as an angel of light like the bible says. It's the counterfeit gospel, the true gospel leads to peace, love, safety, joy and eternal life. Again it's being selfish like Lucifer, who started a rebellion because he taught everybody should be his/her own God, versus being selfless like Jesus, submitting to God above all and loving your neighbour like yourself.

>> No.21276506

KYS occult faggots, this is a white man's board

>> No.21276541

>hurr I don't understand you
>hurr you must be crazy

Everybody who was ahead of their time in human history has been pronounced crazy, sometimes the crazy ones are the true visionaries.

>> No.21276547

God made evil, and even with free will, he knew evildoers would go and do evil (he is God so he knows), and as such, evil is necessary, created and hallowed by God himself.
If free will somehow gets you out of this in your own mind, God made that too so no matter how you cut it, God made and hallowed evil.
Ps. Biz is a capitalist board.

>> No.21276552

And mind you, this is the least conspiracy theory-ish source against masonry that I could find. Far as I can tell, everything it cites is verifiable and regular within masonic thought.

>> No.21276655

the mark of the beast is a literal mark
thee anti-christ is a literal person in orthodoxy is understood to be the jewish messiach who is necessarily the anti-christ since they reject Jesus who is the true messiah
the NWO is part of the crowning of the messiach putting all nations into superblocs and under one government who will rule from the third temple
this is the narrative i learned in judaism and orthodoxy seems to be the most coherent

>> No.21276687

you nuts? transparancy? by definition freemasonry is a SECRET society, aren't their severe penalties for exposing the secrets?

How can you say it's humble to throw around titles like "worshipful master" etc? who desevers worship but God alone?

And selflessness? please, those who join try to get something out of it, be it power, business relations, respect etc.

What's next, you are going to say that slaughtering a goat and sacrificing it's blood on a pentagram is a christian ritual?


>> No.21276738


>> No.21276924

The gospel is salvation by grace through faith in Christ. This is also known as the seal of God and it's the Holy Ghost who seals people. The illuminati gospel has been laid out in Genesis in the parable where the snake deceives Adam and Eve, "ye are Gods". These two principles are in direct contradiction with one another. The mark of the Beast is a spiritual mark, those who will believe they are Gods themselves will be spiritually bound by Lucifer, I have experienced this in my younger years what it's like, again it's like being a rockstar and you can do anything you want, get everything you want, instant access to all knowledge etc, it's like being plugged into XTC, you get to share in the higher levels of existence, beyond human comprehension, but it's a deception. Jesus said the only sin that could not be forgiven is blasphemy, which is making yourself God, because that's basically aligning yourself with the devil. If the mark was a literal mark, it could be forgiven, however the mark of the Beast cannot be forgiven because it's a spiritual mark.

>> No.21277081

i understand. that its physical and spiritual
if you get chipped or marked it undoes your Chrismation and separates you from God for eternity

>> No.21277510

I believe it's a spiritual mark, the forehead represents the mind, and the right hand represents the actions of man, how a man behaves, if they are in tune with the Luciferian gospel of the New World Order you have received the mark of the Beast. The false prophet is the same as the Second beast of Revelations of the Whore, they will make sure the Luciferian gospel will gain worldwide adoption and the whole world will be received by the miracles it does. At first there will be little persecution, forbidding those who refuse to bow down to buy or sell, then there will be death pentalities, but it will be only for a short while and then Jesus comes back, I had it figured out with a timeline in Daniel and Revelations, but it's been a while, honestly I don't care about anything anymore. If God needs me I will answer His call, otherwise i am just another politician and people think I am a raving lunatic, it's all in the hands of God.

>> No.21277563

Lots of old folks. Did however make friends and acquantices for life. You get out of it what you put into it. It won't "do" anything for you but if you want something and work for it you'll earn it

>> No.21277725

i understand your perspective
i come from a more literal interpretation because in judaism its taught to be a literal king and in orthodoxy its taught to be a literal person
i would never a chip on my hand or a mark on my head i think its really a sign that a person is just a lukewarm Christian and not truly following Christ, I also can see in the future not being able to do a transaction because the merchant wont accommodate cash and there will probably be some monopoly on point of sale for vendors so you probably literally wont be able to buy or sell with out.

>> No.21277815


>> No.21277899

That's all we needed, Freemasons sandniggers

>> No.21278015

>and people think I am a raving lunatic, it's all in the hands of God

>> No.21278017




>> No.21278022

If you join the Shrine (where, I understand, the real orgy shit takes place), you LITERALLY pledge to Allah as initiation. So really, why not?

>> No.21278024

the messiach even has to meet the same criteria as Jesus, like davidic pedigree (ive seen geneologies going back for 3000 years used to assess candidates for messiach), needs to be somehow a remnant of the order of melchizedek, so ties into rabbinic pedigree, ive heard conjecture from tribe of dan, another thing is the temple is required for the resuming of animal sacrafice, a sacrafice of a red heffer on the foundation stone, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundation_Stone

im 100% convinced the Bible is literally true in every way

>> No.21278136

I believe in the theological core of the bible. It's a very human book and you need secular bible science to uncover the truth, for example from Bart Ehrman. Jesus coming from Bethlehem for example was an invention by the gospel writers because in Malachi it says that from Bethlehem would come forth a ruler who is from everlasting to everlasting. However we know Jesus was born in Nazareth. Bethlehem means house of meat or house of bread, it's an acronym for heaven, Jesus came down from heaven, he is the living bread we should eat for salvation, and he is the meat we should eat (symbolically).

>> No.21278142

anyway last post
you cant be Christian and a mason
ecumenism is anathema Jesus is the Christ and other prophets are not equal to him. other religions are not true. absolutely anathema. muslims and jews are not with Christ theyre against him because they deny His divinity.

>> No.21278292

So I have this joke about Freemasons:
A boy was playing soccer with his friends right in front of his house, which stood besides a huge Masonic lodge, unwilling he kicked the ball too strong and it ended up falling inside the lodge, so he went inside, when they Saw the boy there searching for the ball, they fucked his ass for hours then let him go, when his friends asked what happened he stated: I can't tell I am Freemason now

>> No.21278493
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>> No.21278597

most of secular science is just based on conjecture and presuppositions, its basically just a grand narrative theres no reason to believe it, i know multiple scientists and mathematicians who reject darwinian evolution, Dr.John C sanford researcher cornell literally became a young earth creationist because of his research after pioneering one of the first methods for genetic modification ( biolistic particle delivery system )
hes not the only one either a bunch came out just this year

>> No.21278762

its also 7528th year since Adam
theres no reason to believe anything regarding timelines of earth or humanity also pure speculation and conjecture

>> No.21278817

God created us human beings through a process of evolution and natural selections, God picked our planet because it was the perfect playground for the political battle between Lucifer and God.

>> No.21278904

There was no literal Adam, it was an allegory, the bible is not a science/history book, it's a theological book, Adam and Eve, Noah, Jonah etc. those are all parables signifying theological truths, it didn't literally happen.

>> No.21279169

unfalsifiable models based on conjecture
gnostic heresy/catharism

>> No.21279217

regional adaptation is not evidence of darwinian macro evolution either by the way

>> No.21279221

Plus tons of gaysexs and kike adoration

>> No.21279252

This has convinced me to join the free masons in the future thanks>>21272877 and >>21271854
for suggesting this topic

>> No.21279384

>I had too much integrity they tried to kill me, but calling Jesus always saved me
Less ruin threads more takey meds

>> No.21279402

you just want gaysex, admit it!

Science does not lie or have a secret agenda. Use it to uncover the truth about God and all the fundamental aspects of our existence on this planet. What remains is a theological core. So the story goes like this; In heaven Lucifer wanted to become like God so he went to work and tried to convince the angels they should be like God also, he convinced a third of them to rebel. God knewing this would end up in misery had to expose the rebellion for what it really is. So he decided to pick our planet with a history of natural violence and awesome dinosaurs and stuff to play the political chess game with Lucifer. On this planet all the aspects of good versus evil are being played out. By sending Jesus down here and dying for our sins he signed the death certificate of Lucifer in the future. The rebels will eventually be annihilated with fire, this planet has served its purpose, and those who are saved will receive eternal life at the resurrection.

>> No.21279450
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Good luck, have fun, watch out for your butthole.

>> No.21279451

I disregard your tranny/gay/lib feelz

>> No.21279489

fr last post tho to any catholic bros
jesuits are basically freemasons who want to rebuild the third temple and usher in the anti-Christ, rome is apostate. look into rothchild loans literally appointed them as papal bankers prev2. Jesus didnt found a church so pedos could live in a palace and live off usury.

>> No.21279545

Why yes I am a Freemason and yes I know about VRA

>> No.21279558

The absokute state of kike worshipping traitors

>> No.21279607

yeah except science isnt objective its literally just inference and modelling so you can create any grand narrative you want with it based on your presuppositions its hardly axiomatic and proof based like math. you have a cafeteria worldview of whatever you find personally convincing to be the truth which is just a major case of prelest so theres no point going any further, I'm just operating on faith I dont pretend to know all the mysteries of the world like you do.

>> No.21279753

faith is the basis with which to uncover the truths. Anyway I am tired, everybody can believe what he or she wants, I just have done my own research and my own experience.

>> No.21279996

glad you enjoyed it brother

>> No.21280375

>Care to elaborate?
It's literally a ponzi scheme

>> No.21280545

Why even bother with joining the masons when the 33rd degree secrets are public now, like the earth being a stationary plane.

>> No.21280589
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>Did it help you become a better person
Lol. You don't know what free-masonry is, do you?
>afterwards with all the child sacrifices and mutual blackmail pacts
Orgies with what? Old degenerated males? Prostitutes? You're lucky if you get the roastie wife of some mason.
>occult secrets
Yeah right. I feel i'm learning faster, i would learn much much if i got really dedicated, by just reading the right books on occultism. Why wait 30 years to be promoted to 32-33 masonic degree, when, if you want to, you can access those knowledge throught books, grimoires and such? Internet + books > to those boomer "secret clubs".
>afterwards with all the child sacrifices
Not thread related, but reminder that france just legalized yesterday abortion up to the 9th month. So basically up to birth. Wonder where those "dead" children will end.
>the great architect is Lucifer
Pic related. There is your (((eye))).

>> No.21280887
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>32nd degree, and in Scottish Rite.
>Its not a conspiracy or crazy, at least not anymore
>If it was a secret society that controlled the government then it was hundreds of years ago
>Even if they did do that they don't anymore.
Nice try, Satan.