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21260183 No.21260183 [Reply] [Original]

anyone know his new liquidation price?
i have to say, although i don't agree with this guy, he's got balls, he doubled down and went right back into another huge short position apparently after getting liquidated
since i don't understand this shit, and i heard his short was taken out at $13.43, anyone else have the rest of the puzzle pieces to figure out how much he's made so far?

>> No.21260332

that's not called having balls but being too stubborn to make it.
A perfect short can make you 100% at best but a long doesn't have a profit ceiling so go figure why perma-bears always seem so frustrated.
Most of them just go against the grain because they missed out and want to see others fail too.
Nothing wrong with switching from bull to bear but going at it again right after liquidation is just plain retarded.

>> No.21260429

Fuck off Simeon you peon

>> No.21260439

yea but these shorts are leveraged right? so it's not actually 100% if it goes to $0 then? like in actual gain % i mean

>> No.21260560

No. They are over collateralized. Most they can borrow is like 75% of thier collateral. Last time nexo got liquidated for thier bank they could have only made gains of like 15mm on 20mm in collateral

>> No.21260610
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>yfw Simeon actually went long knowing you guys would pump it, and he sold at the top to open a mega short

He fucking won... 4D chess

>> No.21260634

yeah, but the same goes for losses if it goes against your position.
Same with longs.

>> No.21260701

how do you find short information?
Sorry I'm a complete tard with this.

>> No.21261916

that makes sense to me, i'm guessing because they got liquidated prior to opening the 2nd short position?
now that'd be some next level shit
i know you can find it somewhere on aave i believe i just don't know exactly where
can a smart anon please enlighten us?