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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 406x283, Forced dumping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21238466 No.21238466 [Reply] [Original]

>Haha the market isn't manipulated!
>Just look at this million sell order range against 1k buyers that magically disappeared after 5 seconds!

>> No.21238524

serious question, is it your first day on earth? everything is manipulated you stupid faggot. look at whats happening in the world and the stock market is all time high. god youre so fucking retarded. kill yourself.

>> No.21238559


Kek, he doesnt know

>> No.21238580

don't be so mean, he just joined our community from reddit :) we should help him, not judge

>> No.21238581
File: 48 KB, 1387x628, newfag waves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, you're just another "smart money" who knows exactly what to buy into.
Just like every newfag, newfags advising newfags and the shill groups.

>> No.21238646

What coin are you shilling? FUN? Brapper? Or possibly ARK?
Nah, those are so 2017. Nowadays it's all about (insert shitcoin scam here)!
And in 2 months, you'll magically vanish, just like every other shitcoin telegram group.

>> No.21238657

>implying established markets like the stock market aren't rigged to shit

You joke, but from what I've seen lately it seems that 4chan has basically become a containment site for banned redditors. It definitely explains the rise in the number of BBCfags across all boards

>> No.21238720

Who said it isn't manipulated

>> No.21238756

Why don't our telegrams and discord just join forces anyway? As one legion we could rip off anyone AND get paid for it. I guess its a trust issue between us, but we should seriously consider it.

>> No.21238773

Basically anyone who says crypto is the future. Especially maxis.

>> No.21238890

This proves nor show nothing. At best it shows that the people are waking up and becoming millionaires.

>> No.21238947

No, they dont

>> No.21239314

made half a million from link and bought the market crash dip sooo i MIGHT have an idea of whats going on. stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.21239391


Talking to yourself again anon?

>> No.21239392

>is the market manipulated?
Kek, never stop amusing us, third worlders. But seriously, we made it 4 years ago. Your shitcoin won't. Which is why you'll always be a subhuman fit for genocide. Or hell, a zoomer.

>> No.21239433

Post wallet, hell, post realized profits if you want to act like a big boy.
But you won't, because the fantasy is all you have left with your 50 bucks.

>> No.21239493
File: 42 KB, 1253x525, dailies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and silly me, forgetting my own P&L. Naturally, it's not updated for my sell order at 12100 yet until another hour.
Your turn, link larpy.

>> No.21239499

will that make you feel better about everything being manipulated lil guy?

>> No.21239528

Ouch lad, just ouch. If you just waited a bit more before posting, your dignity might have been spared some. But history repeats. Big talk, little showing.

>> No.21239792
File: 46 KB, 198x1024, 8A83094E-0CEA-42EF-921C-4DECB2628E41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With that being said. This is the time. We have to embrace these faggots and join forces. If we can get them out of USD and help them out it will be for the greater good. explebbit faggots that are turning into anons. PM and BTC. Stay in your lane and you wont get fucked. If you want to go altcoin and be greedy, possible to make gains, but risky. Lets join together and accelerate. What can we do with IRS? fuckin thing needs to be abolished.

>> No.21240000

>literal r/4chan meme
>right down to filename
>I Am aN OlDfAG
Did you get it? Did you get my Twitter parody? You should get it right away because everything about you reech "born after 2000"

>> No.21240053

So, where's your P&L?
Aren't you a semi millionaire linkie? Surely you can prove it... Right?

>> No.21240232
File: 92 KB, 1100x850, 7D50C5C1-B867-4E02-8FF9-CD1527FE090E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice gets nigger. Lets just say you are incorrect. I have been through MtGox. I have been around during the BBS days. 14400 8N1 and my KNCminer was a jupiter. But you are the newfag that doesnt know what I am talking about. Like I said, welcome but stay in your fuckin lane.

>> No.21240387

Sure you have, lil' shilly. You're JUST a regular oldfag, aren't you? No, no need to show your actual wallet or P&L, just post an image found on a certain site.

>> No.21240531

Holy fuck redditor shillcoinfags getting btfo left and right!

>> No.21240537

biz is the strongest coin

>> No.21240545

Read flash boys if you think every market isnt like this. Fuck, the fed is contemplating buying CMBS on the open market. Everythings fucked.

>> No.21240600

Ok then tell me what you want to hear.

>> No.21240643

go back u faggot nigger

>> No.21240653

Just a nice "history" of your wallet, or simply P&L if you use exchanges. Nothing more.

>> No.21240677

Kek shillforce unite

>> No.21240698

>Oh yeah, you're just another "smart money" who knows exactly what to buy into.
Not him but yes
everything I bought this year pumped
the big boy projects
the uniswap scams
the autistic mid caps

you have to be either actually retarded or be so new that you're still trying to wrap your head around what a whitepaper is to fuck up in 2020

>> No.21240702

And a good bitch lasagna to you too, Pajeet

>> No.21240741

As i've asked, yet been shown by other "big dogs" such as yourself, why not prove it? Why not show us this amazing wealth creation?
Words are free. Proof is however, the food.

>> No.21240780

I have to prove something?
You can go to CMC and check out the total crypto marketcap
it's up 50% in the past 3 months
Literally everything is up

too bad you're literally retarded and all of your picks suck

>> No.21240837

And of course, you rode it all the way up.
But no proof naturally. You just "did".
Hell, if everything is doing so well, it shouldn't be hard for you to show an actual P&L, should it?

>> No.21240873

Don't bother, these zoomers think they've made it with their 50 bucks going to 150.

>> No.21240887

ok boomer
considering 99% of my trades are on uniswap, I'm not going to show you my address

>> No.21240919

I have many wallets. I have been burned and trying to fuckin teach you newfags so we can join our energies. Do you understand that posting my wallet or give you a link on explorer of my wallet with my transactions is not really good opsec. Here is one with no proof. I bought into xrp at .08. I sold around $2.00 not the ATH of $3. But I turned it back to 10btc. I did not go back in fiat and did buy xrp back just a little bit. Its all manipulated. You are just butt hurt you werent here earlier and blame us early investors for your shortcomings and IQ? I dont have to prove anything but I do want us to all make it and the feds are literally printing monies nonstop. Ultimately its your decision.

>> No.21240950

Why not? Aren't your little uniswap all about "privacy"? That you can't be tracked? Or is it some other reason you won't dare to show? Hmmm.
All those words, and not a single image to even prove this claim. And you expect people to take you seriously? Might work on pajeets and chinks who just accessed the internet, but not on actual investors i'm afraid. Enjoy those 5 bucks investment from 10 guys, whoever you shill for.

>> No.21241023

you both raging faggots
and are not gonna make it

>> No.21241026

>Why not? Aren't your little uniswap all about "privacy"? That you can't be tracked? Or is it some other reason you won't dare to show? Hmmm.
I see, you don't understand anything.

>> No.21241045

And per the manual, you won't explain. You know, gotta keep it to that nebulous "if u know, u know" mystics.

>> No.21241086
File: 8 KB, 235x250, 7D8C3D77-CB3C-4E4E-9B1A-C8447E2F8D4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont you understand its all manipulated. Ok so what shitcoins do you want to invest in? I literally have 6 wallets of shitcoins including DBC (you fuckin niggers got me good on this one). Lets put the ball in your court. What shit do YOU want to invest in? You can just stay on the sidelines and watch. I dont care if you lose or gain money. Are you mad that Killary lost also?

>> No.21241135

I have to explain to you how uniswap works or what it even is?
Are you that fresh off the boat from reddit?

>> No.21241197

Me? I'm leveraging BTC small range (think about 100-100 range) for swinging, but I hold ETH and BTC mainly, although in trifling sums as i've moved towards leverage trade. Also bags Monero since my useless second computer mines it, and some shitty 2017 ico trash i got tricked into buying.
What about you?

>> No.21241245

yep, it's a shitskin pretending to be "in" with western white people.

>> No.21241363
File: 71 KB, 382x359, 1578731958598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me? I'm leveraging BTC small range (think about 100-100 range) for swinging, but I hold ETH and BTC mainly
holy shit my man no wonder you're salty as hell

>> No.21241545

All three crypto you are in are not shitcoins. Leverage trading, tried it, got drowned by whales, ride the wave. I stopped lost 2btc. I am focusing my efforts on silver (precious metals). I will be keeping my BTC as long as possible. I have some ETH too. I got fucked with tron and feel bad that I didnt go in LINk for the wave at .40 cents. All those early fuckers are trying to maximize their profits and go back into btc. Here is an old fag story on how we made it. Whatever you held in BTC, there were several forks from core. With the amount of BTC they literally created equivalent shitcoins and forked off the core blockchain. I create new wallet. Move my core BTC into new wallet. Then the forked altcoin from original wallet with the same amount of BTG BCH BCC etc. I sold each and every single one back to BTC. Some will say I am a corefag and I am not gonna make it. :) I dont care about other people’s envy.

>> No.21241773

Yeah, i burned myself on the tron wave when Justin was elevated as a crypto messiah (then i watched one of his streams and realized he was a broke faggot larping in a hotel room). But hey, risk some, lose some. I am actually glad for LINKbros who held. After all this time while shitcoins were dying, they held strong and deserve this rise, though i wish they wouldn't spam the board as hard.
Kinda feel silly for not keeping the BTC forks myself, i sold them off almost right away, but if i held a few Craig coins, i'd make a nice getaway with it. But then again, fuck Craig.
I can go on about my wins and losses with dozens of coins from 2017, but that'd be just blog ranting instead.

>> No.21241871

And you hold, what? brr, par and amph?