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2113507 No.2113507 [Reply] [Original]

Dgb general, let's stop shilling it and talk about it rationally, anyone who sees the potential already bought and is holding.

>> No.2113542

500k checkin in, agreed. we dont need to shill this coin. its a gem as it is.

>> No.2113897

got my 40k at 220 sats and just bought 20k more at 330. Impatient people worried about daily gains/losses just need to hold for a month or two lol

>> No.2113911
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>> No.2113915

them titties

>> No.2113917

330 sats is still cheap for this coin guys...

>> No.2113943

346 now, to the moon we go

>> No.2113956

>tfw only 7k DGB

>> No.2113968

Can I buy dgb off blockfolio?

>> No.2113979

>Mooning with low volume

>> No.2113987

no, buy btc off coinbase then transfer it to bittrex. buy dgb with btc on bittrex

>> No.2113990

Don't be that simpleton anon.

>> No.2113996

110k ftw

>> No.2114005

as soon as i bought in it started dropping why does this keep happening to me lol

>> No.2114016

same fml

>> No.2114030


Dropping? What are you on about LOL. Buy the minor dip - It's booming...

>> No.2114049

>Track and trust record
Bitcoin 6 years

>Divided Community
So they have to discuss their ideas and find a consensus. Good!

>> No.2114052

Thank you anons
Is there a sticky anywhere or a guide or do I just gotta keep reading into it?

>> No.2114105

come baby go back up to 350 so i dont feel like a fool

>> No.2114400

stop watching it, you'll lose out on the gains. literally just put as much as you can spare into it and come back in 3-4 weeks, or put some into it and use the other funds to day trade other shit coins.

DGB will moon beyond 10 cents realistically, beyond $1 potentially.

>> No.2114413

no, but it's all simple stuff. Just do what I mentioned in my first post and you will be fine. Sign up and verify your accounts on coinbase/bittrex before anything else

>> No.2114441

To those that dump DGB, I'm assuming you're new to crypto and haven't learned lessons from ETH

>> No.2114467

Holy fuck, BTC is slow compared to DGB. Trying to put some BTC on Bittrex right now.

>> No.2114509
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Because ETH = DGB right? :^)

>> No.2114780
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Exactly ;)

>> No.2114829


I'm hodling long term.

These NEETs think because it hasn't gone to $1 billion per digibyte in a couple years the project isn't moving forward but they can't understand it takes time to build a new category.

It doesn't mean they are going to win the gaming space, but I think they have a better chance than GameCredits or First Blood.

My only doubt is about them trying to do too many things and lacking focus. It seems like they have too many projects at once.

>> No.2114844

Fuck 350 sats
Do you guys think it's gonna dip again?

>> No.2114902


Maybe, but not much. I think it is going to stabilize around the 300 mark.

>> No.2114930

Anyone here have any idea how high high DGB will go? According to OP's pic no higher than $10. Is this true? Why would it stop at $10?

Also did I miss my chance by not buying at 100 sats?

>> No.2114949

I hope you are not this gullible, It will reach max 0.10 cents if we are very lucky.

>> No.2114957

>tfw only 9k
I'd be fine with it hitting 500 sats desu

>> No.2114959

Why do you say that? People in >>2113372 seem to think it will reach $1 by year's end.

>> No.2114971

Due to the market cap it's mathemetically impossible for it to go beyond 0.10.

Don't get your hopes up, just sell at the next pump.

For it to get to $1 it would need to become more popular than ETH and XRP. Do you see that happening with a name like DigiBytes? People actually believe the JP Morgans and Citi Banks of the world will trade with ""DigiBytes"". Oh brother.......

>> No.2114974

Welk thema shilling is working op its goin up

>> No.2114980

Yeah, let me look up to my crystal ball if those claims are true...

>> No.2114984

Thanks autocorrect, i meant the shilling is working

>> No.2114999

You're forgetting that video games are a $100 billion a year industry.

>> No.2115007

I just asked for your opinion faggot.
Thanks for the reasoned response. Why don't you think it could become more popular than ETH or XRP?

>> No.2115010

>For it to get to $1 it would need to become more popular than ETH and XRP. Do you see that happening with a name like DigiBytes? People actually believe the JP Morgans and Citi Banks of the world will trade with ""DigiBytes"". Oh brother.......

Are you retarded or just Chinese or some other form of ESL?

You think 'DigiBytes' is less banker and family friendly of a name than fucking ETHEREUM? Ether is the most autistic, bullshit, LARP-tier name ever imagined and clearly it has had no problems whatsoever in its marketing.

These things matter less than you think, but besides that DigiBytes is perfectly fine. Fits into the existing vocabulary of megabytes and kilobytes.

>> No.2115011

buy dgb on blockfolio...fucking lmao.

>> No.2115016

My opinion is that your mother is a whore and gives a good, sloppy blowjob.

>> No.2115022
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>> No.2115027

>For it to get to $1 it would need to become more popular than ETH and XRP. Do you see that happening with a name like DigiBytes?

Actually yes I do

>> No.2115040

It's true video game is probably the biggest in the entertainment industry, it surpassed the movie industry a while ago.

>> No.2115041

This, "digibyte" is a good name with an official sound to it, like "bitcoin".

>> No.2115045

Someone is pumping this shit RN

>> No.2115082


>> No.2115084

and the walls come tumbling down

>> No.2115090

on a long enough time line?
Where were ETH and XRP 2 years ago?
May 10th 2015
XRP $ 240,155,217
ETC $ 686,356 <--- Ethercoin

>> No.2115198

Honestly this was my first crypto. Kicked myself for years over missing BTC and ETH when I knew about them early enough to become a millionaire. DGB was the next crypto that gave me that same hunch that I got from BTC and ETH. The name, the logo, the tech, the gaming, likeable creator who is out there promoting it. Stacking and waiting is all you have to do, our lambos are coming true believers.

>> No.2115230

you guys told me to buy DBG, have done this. Thanks, it made me 200 USD in 2 Hours now, when do get off the rocket ? When to sell??

>> No.2115239

Sell now, you want that 200 dollars right?

>> No.2115261
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>you invested both in RDD and DGB when newfag

>> No.2115267

sell in 3 weeks, you want 20,000 dollars?

or sell now so we can pick em up

>> No.2115527

At least I'm literate, never said anything about RDD.

>> No.2115546

I didn't mean you humongous faggot.


>> No.2115560

Oh don't worry, I was in DGB a long time ago. Around the 20-35 sat level. I am feeling what its like to chew 5 gum.

>> No.2115621

Cryptonoob here, where can I buy DBG?
Also whats the difference of having a wallet installed to holding it on a site?

>> No.2115644

duuur huuur duuur dhuurrrr

hodor hodor duuurrr

>> No.2115646

ah, the wonder of SPECULATION MARKETS, aka almost ALL VALUE via speculation/market acts and almost nil real world value, without governmental or global protections/checks. So in theory great, in long term, easily gamed and taken for a ride. Also VERY HARD TO CASH OUT.

>> No.2115654

>Very hard to cash out

What you on about lad?

>> No.2115672

1. Buy BTC on Coinbase with credit card (faster) or bank account (slower)
2. Transfer BTC to Bittrex
3. Buy DGB with BTC

Holding it on a site is the same as holding it in a wallet, it's just not as safe because of reasons you can Google.

If you trade actively, plan on cashing out soon, etc there's no reasons to trade to a wallet unless you're taking a break.

>> No.2115699
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Thanks a lot