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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2111434 No.2111434 [Reply] [Original]

How high will it go before it crashes?

>> No.2111454

More like how high will ETH go after BTC crashes?

>> No.2111483


>> No.2111492

Its different this time. In 2013 the volume was wayyy lower and bitcoin was extremely overpriced at the top. Also, the entire market cap of cryptos multiplied by 3 in about 3 weeks. Its about doubled in a month this time, because of FOMO on the alts.

The way I see it, some alts are gonna crash a bit, but not as big as bitcoin in 2013. Bitcoin is gonna do nothing from this bubble popping.

>> No.2111494


Bought in last night at 1850, sold today at $1927.

This meteoric rise is not supported by any fundamentals, Bitcoin sucks ass in terms of speed and safety.

>> No.2111552

A market cap being doubled within a month is absolutely insane and completly unheard of. Expect massive losses if you dont sell

>> No.2111576


Get back to us in 2 years when the marketcap is $500 billion, this is only the start of the exponential explosion.

More new money = more marketcap

Based on what some of these technologies propose there is no reason to say adoption has reached it's limit.

>> No.2111578

I like this anon
my dubs will confirm this

>> No.2111585

I have money ready to buy the bottom.

>> No.2111596
File: 67 KB, 659x516, BTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need way more volume on Bitcoin as an indication of market top and FOMO.
Market top is reached only after BTC trading volume becomes insane for a week or two.

>> No.2111689
File: 135 KB, 590x347, saupload_emotionsupdated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually there are already indications of a market top and bubble.

>sharp increases in the price of an asset like real estate or dot-com shares
>great public excitement about said increases
>an accompanying media frenzy
>stories of people earning a lot of money, causing envy among people who aren’t
>growing interest in the asset class among the general public
>“New era” theories to justify unprecedented price increases
>a decline in lending standards

>> No.2111756

Yes, if you don't see it is a bubble and are buying know you will be killing yourself in a few weeks.

>> No.2111799


>3 month bull run on revolutionary tech
>the top of the bubble is reached

this is what no coiners believe. sad.

Exponential demand will run rife for the next 1 - 2 years atleast, the tech being proposed is life changing, we could see a trillion dollar market cap easily.

Dips and corrections are temporary, so are long term trends. We will have a period of bearishness but guarantee you'll be the one crying when the next set of rallies surge into the market.

>> No.2111818

>literally "New era" theories to justify unprecedented price increases
You will choke on your words

>> No.2111822


Wait until the normies get in and then act like a jew and get out of the market. I give it 2-3 years until the normies start buying bitcoins or some altcoin that's easier to use and blowing up the price. I think the bitcoin exposure from the hack helped accelerate the bubble.

>> No.2111844


No I agree that all the prices are heavily speculated by new era crap. Point is this is not the top, it's only the top of this wave-cycle.

>> No.2111859

Well sorry if i was unclear but im specifically talking about this wavecycle, i ofcourse understand and agree that long term the only way is up for the crypomarket.

However, why not time the market and make extra cash? It's not fun to expose yourself to bubble volatility and your positions losing half its value

>> No.2111891

Get out guys.
Bag holders kek

>> No.2111957

>Expect massive losses if you dont sell
Joke's on you. I sold enough BTC to cover my initial investment ages ago, so everything I have right now is literally free money.

>> No.2112075

it will be crushed under the resistance of 2k

>> No.2112087

this will keep happening to 10K - 50K

>> No.2112173

>growing interest in the asset class among the general public
This. My 58 year old uncle tried to convince me to buy bitbean at our last family dinner...bagholding faggot.

>> No.2112183

What's also being ignored is all the people in shit countries like Venezuela that are flooding to bitcoin. They're not going to stop buying crypto even if it starts crashing because the alternative is their government stealing their shit due to becoming a failed state.

>> No.2112195

You're the type of person who would have said Microsoft was certain to crash.

>> No.2112252

and the other day, my grandma asked me to help her pick a lambo color but it turns out she confused ethereum classic with ethereum.

>> No.2112266

Who's to say that it won't pump to $3k or even higher before popping? The smart thing if you're wanting to time the market is to have a trailing stop loss 15% or so below the current high instead of attempting to be a psychic and predicting the exact peak.

>> No.2112314

This is literally new money pumping into the space. We're only at around 6 million Bitcoin users worldwide. It'll be a bubble when your grandma wants to get in on the action after watching a scammy ad telling her to dump all her savings into btc.

>> No.2112367


>> No.2112531

>people who only know about crypto because their son is a /biz/raeli that shilled it to them
Yeah, because that's such a large chunk of the population.

>> No.2112612

Until retards realise the length of time for a transaction is unsustainable.

This is going straight fucking down soon.

>> No.2112641


For BTC maybe. Better, faster alternatives are waiting to step up. I've been seeing a lot of people equating BTC as becoming the gold of crypto. Keep it in BTC for long term storage, use other coins for what you need to move around.

>> No.2113783

When will my transaction be completed?
