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File: 87 KB, 960x960, IMG_3902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2110620 No.2110620 [Reply] [Original]

is having a gf worth it?

>> No.2110635

No, they only want money so you might as well just pay escorts for sex. Much cheaper and better for your mental health.

>> No.2110640

no desu

>> No.2110642

gf no, wife yes

>> No.2110643

even if u forget about all the finances
it's still not worth it
why add an extra person in your life that u have to care about?
why deal with her emotional outbursts that u dont give a fuck about
have a friend u can fuck and that's it
no love and gay shit

>> No.2110645

yeap hookers are the way to go, more freedom and opportunities

>> No.2110647

If she is rich YES
If she is hot YES, cheaper than a high class prostitute
If she is none of the above, she must be really supportive to you in order to make her costs

>> No.2110648

For the love of kek please...


>> No.2110659

not with that attitude

>> No.2110693

All you misogynist /r9k/ beta lowlifes…

>girls only cost money
Only if you are a beta that thinks he has to pay his way into her pussy

>you have to always make up for her stupid decisions
Only if you date stupid girls

>but still, at some point, she'll want to take advantage of me, and use all my money for her makeup and shit
Only if you date stupid girls with no jobs

If you go for stupid, just do a pump and dump and safe real emotions for good girls.

>> No.2110703
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If you invest properly sure

>> No.2110724

Depends on how much you value regular sex. If your capable of getting one I'd recommend it just for the experience alone. Generally the guaranteed sacrifices include: money spent entertaining her, time leeched away to prove your loyalty [this time will eat into your hobbies and hanging out with friends], and the psychological burden of putting up with the inevitable squabbles that come with a relationship. Personally I was lucky and shacked up with a crazy with a significantly higher libido than myself which eliminated her ability to withhold pussy as a form of extortion, but even then I was only able to deal with her nonsense for 6 months.

It's all relative, and while I appreciated the increased social status and regular gash that came with a steady relationship I just don't have the time or money to commit currently. If you have an abundance of time and a decent amount of disposable income available I'd say it's worth it.

>> No.2110731
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for who?

>> No.2110733

Don't date outside your league. Don't think with your dick. Don't accept bullshit. If you can't follow those three things, females are probably not for you.

>> No.2110746
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truly my friend lol, if you follow those rules, females are not for you.

>> No.2110787

Get ine that's liberal and willing to share the bills. Or get a sugar mama.

>> No.2110816

>worth it?
What do you mean by "it", Hemingway?

>> No.2110818
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>regular sex

Hilarious! every girlfriend I have had libido drops off a cliff fter 1.5 years, no they arent fucking other people, that would be great so I could go about and fuck other bitches. They are needy and clingy and dont give you space following you around the house like some lost fucking puppy.

Not worth it breh, being cared for is nice but its also like heroin, it wont let you go once its got its teeth in.

>> No.2110850

what about getting a cougar?

>> No.2110852

>being cared for is nice but its also like heroin, it wont let you go once its got its teeth in.

This. Once you are hooked on being loved and you don't get your fix, the withdrawals kick in.

>> No.2110862
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sure my gf earns more than me

>> No.2110876
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I don't think I'll be taking the words of a disgusting tripfag as gospel, sorry.

>> No.2110890

well no but in some sense the whole point of having money is to impress women

>> No.2110903

What you need is a girlfriend that is aligned with your same financial values.
If she works too, then you both bring income to the household, and you save money in the long run because you only need 1 of many things, but can share it.
Having a wife is better because taxes and stuff, and GF is a pre-requisite for a wife usually.
If your current GF doesn't share your financial values, try to make her understand how important it is to you that you can retire early, or that you can get rich by playing with dogecoins. If she doesn't like it, then maybe she's not the right one for you.

>> No.2110910

Depends on the girl. If they pay half the rent, cook you meals and put out then its a pretty good life.

>> No.2110926

Financially speaking nothing is worth it.

Why have nice things? Why reproduce?

>> No.2110955

eating food feels good, sex feels good, drinking and using drugs feels good. and all of these cost money.

>> No.2110962

hence you get on /b/ constantly this faggot threads every motherfucking day, 'your thinking of her, is she thinking of you blah blah' faggoty bullsht

>> No.2110964
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Is a boyfriend worth it /biz/?

>> No.2110977

Nigga plz. You can't breed a cougar, there is no point to women at all if it's not having your own kids and raising them. You can't really put a price on that because of how important it is.

>> No.2110985

This is why faggotrt was classified as a mental illness throughout all of history is that you can't say anything to these mutherfuckers that doesn't lead back to their degenerate fecal sex habits. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.2110998
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Here's the thing : they don't even care about money (this would make them smart and wise), they only care about "stuff".

Useless and expensive stuff like designer shoes, fucking Dyson hair dryer, iPhone, home decor...

Women are too social and emotional to be good with money. They can't be trusted. They don't mind spending hundreds of $/€ on a single diner, or thousands only to stay a whole week at the hotel in some shitty third world country.

You know who bought Juicero? Women.
You know who gives money to poor african children starving to death? Women.

Unreasonable creatures.
Not a smart investment. Only good for pump and dump once in a while.

>> No.2111007
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mfw comparing crypto to women.

Pump and dump.

>> No.2111019
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>You know who gives money to poor african children starving to death? Women.


>pump and dump

>can't be trusted

thy word is truth.

>> No.2111020
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In my opinion, the only good woman

Is a Japanese woman,

>> No.2111823


If you're serious and you live together then yes.

In all other cases no unless you are aiming to achieve the above and eventually have children.

>> No.2111857

>financially speaking
No. However, having a wife and children is a great investment financially speaking. More likely than not you are going to live for a fairly long time after you retire, and unless you're a millionaire you're going to start running out of cash eventually. That's where your kids can help take care of you financially.

>> No.2111907

Are people in this thread really convinced that women can't make their own money or? WTFF? It's goddamn 21 century, idiots. Women are not some princesses who need to be provided for. Fuck off, I am the one providing for my bf with only 2 hours of sitting in front of computer in my home. There are millions of opportunities to make money, women are not some fragile creatures who need to get eveyrthing served in their life. If you find someone like that, kill her, they are only leeching you.

>> No.2111915

Women being the breadwinner is sinful though.

>> No.2111916

Hey my wife is Korean.

What do you think? Does that count?

>> No.2111937

Why sinful lol. I spend literally 2 hours a day in front of my computer and have $2000 a month which is in my country considered rich. He couldn't find a job, I could. Who cares who has the money? It belongs to both of us. Oh, and I don't expect anything in return unlike men who expect sex if we they provide for a woman. It's called legal prostitution.

>> No.2112054

>It's called legal prostitution.

Actually it's not called that. It's called marriage. Sorry that the natural order of humanity offends you.

>> No.2112114

No, it is not. Marriage is a love union of two people regardless of who makes money, It's not some cold contract between a man provider and woman object. If a woman is leeching you and offers nothing but sex ( since most of them are too lazy to take care of household) it's called prostitution.

>> No.2112147
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Of course marriage is meant to be a contract, you mong. Traditionally, that contract revolved around the man exchanging his excess labor capacity for a woman's reproductive capacity. That is why it used to be that children born in wee-wee belonged to the husband by default, while children born to spinsters were the woman's by default. It's only since the 1870's and the introduction of no fault divorce and fag marriage that the institution of marriage has been perverted into some kind of celebration of "muh feelings" instead of a rock hard contract that formed the basis of civilization. Get rekt, faggot.

>> No.2112149

Not being a tryhard edgemaster virgin, if you just want to make money then you only want yourself to worry about.

Having another person around complicates things and doubles the chances you need to spend money on things. Not to mention women in particular want things like marriage, houses, children, which are all expensive. Anon, if you want to make the dank $$ you need to stay single or roommate up with other like minded anons. Make a financial bachelor pad even where you can pool resources. It doesn't have to be forever either anon! Once you make enough to live on then focus on women if you really feel that crushing loneliness. If you don't then enjoy travelling the world, create a business or two, make international connections, start a mega corporation, make billions, get caught doing illegal or shady shit, go to rich white person jail. When you finally make it to that resort jail cell you know you've made it. Bail yourself out then live comfortable the rest of your life knowing you lived the fast and furious american dream.

You can do it anon.

>> No.2112156

"Wedlock"**** not "wee-wee"

Fucking auto correct

>> No.2112170

Fuck I googled "wee-wee" kek

>> No.2112197

Why would i have to suffer with a man i don't love just because he has money? Thank God marriage is now about love and feelings. It is not my fault that divorce and cheating exist

>> No.2112210

No, it is not. You are simply wrong. Marriage is the man agreeing to provide in exchange for sex and the woman agreeing to be a caretaker in exchange for commitment. This is how it has always been. Once again, I'm sorry that human nature offends you.

>> No.2112265

>regular gash
you must be from the UK

>> No.2112286

It's great for the moments you are with her, but once you need to get your shit going and she wants you to come over watch girl movies with her, then it's depressing.
I didn't use to think so but turns out the "time for myself" has to be 100% of my time. Broke up a long relationship a couple of months ago and not having the responsibility of a GF has been great so far. Whenever I think I did something bad I jerk one off and all is well again.

>> No.2112290

why would that count??

>> No.2112302

A gf is only worth it if you are planning on marrying. Ignore these faggots that think all women are golddigging whores. Clean your, go to church, and find a good girl.

>> No.2112329

God, you are retarded. I was simply describing the basis of marriage as viewed as a contract, primarily to point out that feelings, while important, are not the primary basis of the contract.

>> No.2112337

It doesn't offend me, I just hate pussy weak women who can't take care of themselves. They can ofc, but they choose the easy way out. We are in 21st century, one income is not enough to survive. I almost ended up being homeless due to poverty last year but better homeless than in loveless marriage.

>> No.2112389

That's the majority of women though. We're speaking generally.

>> No.2112412

>I just hate pussy

well then

>> No.2112453

Every couple I know where the man is the sole provider they are deeply in love and happy. Every modern "marriage" where the wife works that I know the husband is a beta cuck who lets his wife walk all over him and he's constantly whining and bitching about her.

>> No.2112462

No, unless she is the one who pays for your tendies.

>> No.2112477

Ofc, she loves him because he's rich. You can't be the sole provider if you're not rich. Some people are poor and can't survive without both of them working. I am nottalking about some 'strong independent' career business women, but women who work 8-4 and slave for minimum wage to feed their family and help their husband. Privileged americans don't understand that.

>> No.2112482


Almost never

But I have one and try not to spend much money on her, she spends a one on me, we fuck a lot and she bought me a 3ds

>> No.2112509

>Fuck off, I am the one providing for my bf with only 2 hours of sitting in front of computer in my home.
>Why sinful lol. I spend literally 2 hours a day in front of my computer and have $2000 a month which is in my country considered rich.
Hi whore, what's your cam site?

>> No.2112549


>these virgins never heard of the term pump and dump until crypto
Holy shit.

>> No.2112560

>libido drops off a cliff fter 1.5 years
Never been in a relationship that long enough to confirm or deny, though I've heard the horror stories as far as marriage is concerned. The way it's always explained to me is that once you begin long term cohabitation-married or otherwise-not only does the clinging increase exponentially but the rules and ultimatums as well.

>> No.2112572

I'm married. Had sex this morning. Still only been married for 1 year though.

>> No.2112658

Cherish the next 6 months

>> No.2112677

I just wanna fuck, it's the feeling I got. But getting fucked is cheap, so spending some money on a hoe aint smart.

>> No.2112681

Damn right.

>> No.2112710

What food reduces a girls sex drive by 90%?
(wait for it)

Wedding cake.

>is having a gf worth it?

Answering OP though, depends what kind of girlfriend. A psychotic bitch - hell no.

Someone who has a brain, and you like being around is good though.

>> No.2112831
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if she's from the best korea

>> No.2112886
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>you will never have a qt DPRK gf without risking your freedom on a week-long tour through Pyongyang for the slight chance that a local qt would risk being hauled off to a labor camp in order to interact with you

>> No.2112984

No GF. Pump and Dump. Spin plates. Even if you're not spending money on your gf (you are), you're still losing money through opportunity costs. Only choose to have a gf when you want to procreate for the benefit of the kids. Never get married. Never get married. Never get married.

>> No.2113021

plus I just met a young hot italian hooker who does it for 60 bucks. great tits

>> No.2113202
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you don't like

>> No.2113249

I've had my Gf since High school and back then I payed out thousands for her on dates and eating out every night. I thought it was a huge rip off and we ended up breaking up. A couple years later we're back together and she's working full time.

So to answer Op's question. Short term it can sting a bit but you get sex out of it. Long term if she's a good gf then it should start to pay dividends.

>> No.2113299
File: 137 KB, 748x1032, [Leopard-Raws] Love Live! - 05 RAW (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_15.28_[2017.05.19_16.52.52].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gf, yes; marriage, no. basically, a man is mentally retarded or just financially dead if he marries a girl in this era.

>> No.2113381

>tfw never had a gf

>> No.2113419


Seriously, OP, don't get married

>> No.2113463


> women
> breeding

Kissless virgin detected.

>> No.2113485
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If you find a girl that makes decent bank, has a financially prudent mindset, and doesn't want kids, then yes, for sure.

Going DINK is an excellent way to increase your financial health.

>> No.2113492

>he doesn't know about baby rabies

>> No.2113513


> this


Fuck your feminist bullshit. Men are getting tired of your bullshit. You're destroying societies with your self interests at hand. Do us all a favor kill yourself.

>> No.2113530


> alimony
> child support

> not a financial contract

Must be nice having a vagina.

>> No.2113533


>he doesn't have a rich, cute wife
>he can only find deadbeat chicks with 6/10 looks that he marries because 'the natural order'


>> No.2113576

> doesn't kmow about driving nice cars
> doesn't know about having black visa

All just cause you can't reproduce with a cougar. Sad.

>> No.2113586


As a woman? No

>> No.2113591

>implying I would ever marry a woman past reproductive age

>> No.2113598
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what a qt

>> No.2113627


> implying you have to merry to access >>2113591
lack visa

Your virginity is showing.

>> No.2113656

>what a creeper

>> No.2113665

she has over 100k instagram followers


>> No.2113714

Your loss

>> No.2113881

No. Girlfriend will take your money and spend it like water until she finds someone else that's better or when you get sick of her shit. A wife will take your money like water until she finds someone else that's better or until you get sick of her shit. However, a wife will continue to take your money after she leaves you. Especially if you have kids.

>> No.2113932
File: 77 KB, 480x643, 1489020331704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get an asian gf

>> No.2114022

if she looks like the girl you put on the picture, no.

>> No.2114067

> Girlfriend will take your money and spend it like water until she finds someone else

If you let this happen, you are one weak as fuck example of a man.
On the other hand the whole world got pussyfied in the last years.

Get some balls and get a strong charakter, strong body and a strong mind.

>> No.2114145

Feminist? Dude, do you know hat feminism is? It's a hatred towards male gender and I'm here trying to tell you that women are only parasites and you don't have to provide for them...logic not found
Also, self interests? I haven't spent a single $ on myself beside basic needs, I gave all my money to my bf, for his car, flat, driver's license, everything. For whose interest have I worked like a dog all these years for minimum of all minimums? Mine? You don't know what true love is. If I'm feminist just because I didn't want my man to suffer, then ok. You /pol/-like people are too limited. Yes, society is shit nowadays but try to adapt or die.

>> No.2114149

I'm pretty well off and have relationships lasting around a year but I've never encountered a GF trying to spend away my money. How does that happen?

My rule is she shouldn't be financially inconvenienced to be with me. So if we go for a nice meal, I pay. If we travel, I cover the hotel, possibly her flight. But I don't buy shit for her like clothes or jewelry or perfume or stuff outside of her birthday and Christmas. And if we're just getting coffee or whatever, I assume that's something she'd normally buy on her own so she pays.

How do GFs even begin to spend your money?

>> No.2114152
File: 259 KB, 825x1280, 1494815087241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen you little cuck faggits.

Find a woman with a good education and job and not only did you split your expenses in half but you also have double the disposable income?

Wanted that fucking sports car?
If you got the right woman so does she. OH THE PRICE JUST WENT 50% DOWN BECAUSE SHE PAYS FOR HALF.

Rent? 50% cheaper

Food? Make her fucking cook and also pay for half.

Don't get a gold digger slut that will fuck behind your back and partnering up would actually be a very smart economical move.

Find someone as poor or as rich as you and you won't have any money arguments either.

Now leave the computer alone , go shower , put some nice clothes on and go out and get some pussy.
PUMP AND DUMP those bitches until you find the one described above.

Have fun.

>> No.2114234

If the man is a weakling and bows down to her since the first day in the hope she won't leave him.
aka. being a beta faggot.

MGTOW and hate on females is the wrong way to counter this.
We just need a change back to strong males to who you can look up to.

>> No.2114260

dead eyes

>> No.2114960

Fuck that instagram challenge shit.

>> No.2115005

Career sluts are too independent. It's better to pay for everything yourself including the upkeep of a genuine masochist slave.

>> No.2115074

Have GF, pay for everything and do the cooking and fair share of housework... Fuck

>> No.2115166

I wont rely on fucking WOMAN to buy a fucking lambo, actually the only the bitch should is the daily release and cooking.

I can actually tell this whole fucking post is written a whitie, it's reeks of feminism and equality garbage.

>> No.2115183

those eyes are photoshopped in lol

>> No.2115205

No one said anything about suffering, the jews have made quite the mess out of you.

>> No.2115218


>> No.2115319

Jews? I thought jews invented feminism that tells women to hate men and just choose from rich ones who to marry. If someone is poor and I love him there is no way I will use and manipulate other men to give me money, ever.

>> No.2115706


not financially not any other way. you'll only crave gf if your a virgin loser. once you know what all the fuzz is about the hermit life is much comfier.

>> No.2115803

good luck finding this

>> No.2115852

Sorry I want a wife, not a roommate.

>> No.2115995
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20170417_19_34_32_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent over 30k on my GF in the past 2 years...

just her...and I am 24. She's 27, mexican and living at home....

While I am 24, young and ready to take on the world, going to UCLA to finish my undergrad.

moral of the story, just fuck bitches and move on...they are a waste of money, time and effort....and with all that you give them, they are still ungrateful and dissatisfied and will probably leave you for someone else with more money at this age bracket...18-30

>> No.2116077
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> is having a gf worth it?

Cash loss
Time loss
Energy loss

Make no mistake it can be extremely difficult

I guess

>> No.2116477

Can't raw dog an escort.

That's literally the only reason I don't want escorts, sex is worthless if it's not raw dog.

This is why I bother to have a girlfriend, though luckily we get along quite well.

>> No.2116693

- Emotional support and being loved,
- Condomless sex with holding hands and cuddling.
- Having someone to watch netflix for hours and sleep with in a stormy night.
- Paying for half of everything.

It is worth it. Just don't fall for a scam gf that abuses you in some emotional or monetary way.

>> No.2117246

haha you faggot /robots/ think you're redpilled on women. you're the one that lets them spend your money.

my gf contributes a significant amount pretty much everything i buy is 50% off.

>ITT weak handed fags

i'm literally autistic how can you normies not handle a woman?

>> No.2117364

All Mexicans want is to take care of kids because they want to be taken care of. You did this to yourself.

>> No.2117447

Girlfriends are like cars.
Wannabes drive the high maintenance bmws and benz
Real rich guys drive an old corolla that takes abuse and will remain reliable with little maintenance, good on fuel too.
Driving is only economical if you daily a corolla.

>> No.2117524

Enjoy your child support, cuck

>> No.2117675

Only if you have $0 and she works.

>> No.2118119

My last girlfriend didn't cost me any money so I'm going to say yes.

>> No.2118124

Not him but I have a vasectomy. They aren't that expensive if you have health insurance.

>> No.2118188

Top kek

>> No.2118886

what about tuners that turbo hatches and geos for fun

>> No.2118917

Who is the identity of this semon demon?

>> No.2119170

No, because you can jerk off for free

If you're a girl or gay (as OP is) you can even get paid to have sex

>> No.2119283

Only if she is rich.

>> No.2119312

only if she has at least 5,000 DGB

>> No.2119416

Women have periods, I don't trust something which bleeds but doesn't die. Best avoided.

>> No.2119437


Good goy. Destroying your ability, your right, to reproduce in fear of getting cucked by a women. Proud of you senpai.

> t. definition of a pussy

>> No.2119456

If she works, yes

>> No.2119489
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>mfw you're getting shit on by /r9k/ losers just because you admitted to being a woman

nothing you've said was wrong or "feminist" lmao, what is wrong with some of you dudes

>> No.2119570


pump and dump

>> No.2119583

>white knighting this hard

>> No.2120696

Apparently everything a woman says is feminist even if it's not in reality.