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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 308x73, akropolislandscapecolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21045099 No.21045099 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21045484

I was all over this since the April. You're welcome. I'd screenshot my shill folder for proof, but I'm phoneposting rn

>> No.21045546

i fucking sold at 1000 sats i wanna die. but at least i bought link at 4.59

>> No.21045572
File: 51 KB, 534x494, Screenshot from 2020-08-05 22-09-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21045608
File: 203 KB, 596x637, hackmoney_pension.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks pretty good. I miss old /biz/ where there'd be anons tearing apart everything, digging deep. I posted about AKRO all through May and got no traction. This team will do good things, look at the hackathon, they whipped up Pensify and were awarded 2nd place for it. For those that missed it, here's the QRD:
>A secure, non-custodial, no-loss and no-risk Pension Fund built on Ethereum blockchain. By using Robo-Advisor for Yield (RAY) from Staked.US, Fund constantly generates interest from different DeFi protocols - Compound, Aave, dYdX, Fulcrum, MCD, DSR. Members can also use Flash Loans to earn additional income via a browser bot for automatic arbitrage between Uniswap and Balancer pools. The fund is built using AkropolisOS framework, which allows automated liquidity provision enabled by the bonding curve, treasury management & automated yield rebalancing.
>We used AkropolisOS framework to build a basic architecture for Pensify. It is based on OpenZeppelin (http://openzeppelin.io) and allows automated liquidity provision enabled by the bonding curve, treasury management & automated yield rebalancing.
>To enable mobile support, we used Portis Wallet (https://www.portis.io). It provides secure storage and access to Pensify from any device.
>We use Uniswap (https://uniswap.exchange) and Balancer (https://balancer.finance) protocols as a part of arbitrage strategies for fund members. They can earn additional income by utilizing Flash Loans and performing arbitrage between Uniswap and Balancer.
>We use Compound and Aave (https://compound.finance) and Aave (https://aave.com) as an interest source through rebalancer - Robo Yield Advisor (https://staked.us/v/robo-advisor-yield/)) from Staked.Us. It allows us to accumulate interest on all Pensify funds.
>Mainnet (unaudited) - http://pensionfund.fi/
>Kovan http://kovan.pensionfund.fi/
>GitHub https://github.com/AlexanderMazaletskiy/pensify

>> No.21045616

>I am getting AAVE vibes

That was me all along.

>> No.21045645
File: 43 KB, 500x361, 1591022013110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite was this dude that for a few days would post this photo and fud. I'd follow him around multiple threads per day and post my folder full of positive stuff. I'm pretty sure it was link like fudding, he was loading his bags.

Its not too late frens.

>> No.21045671

no joke i bought a stack based on that line alone. already up 4x

>> No.21045688

i shilled this to biz but didn't buy any... what does that make me

>> No.21045730

An observer

>> No.21045826
File: 129 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200805-212042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be dumb to buy on now

>> No.21045860

correct buy BZRX instead

>> No.21045974

Yeah, imagine buying Aave at .035. that would have been stupid.

>> No.21046397

Thank you master

>> No.21046422

>He doesn't know

>> No.21046428

Same, thanks to the one who explained to me how this coin works like two nights ago (eventhough I'm retarded).

>> No.21046441

I bought AMPL instead of this and it makes me want to die every day.

>> No.21046651

not too late for a suicide stack.

>> No.21046689

>and it makes me want to die every day.

I got good gains out of AMPL and now I'm getting good gains out of this.

>> No.21046750
File: 5 KB, 225x225, momi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your welcome

>> No.21047014

how high do you think it can go? when are they releasing the rest of the tokens? it says only about 30% of the tokens are in circulation right now

>> No.21047043

why would you buy this ponzi sceme? whoever came up with this idea is clearly a schizo lol

>> No.21047047

What is a suicide stack?

AMPL crashed while I was sleeping so I'm down 20k. It hurts pretty bad anon.

>> No.21047273

100,000 akro anon, $3500

>> No.21047364

next dip i will get 300,000

>> No.21047400

What's a make it stack? I can barely afford a suicide stack but I will do it.

>> No.21047423

i just threw 2 more eth at this to get my suicide stack. what are we holding until? $10?

>> No.21047439

make it stack is 1 million ARKO. I got mine cheap as chips and I am never fucking selling

>> No.21047450

Good for you man. I'm really jealous but I'm glad you're going to make it. People with an eye for good projects deserve it.

>> No.21047488

Legit might have been me. Made a bunch of shill threads. Been holding since a tenth of a cent. Congrats to those who bought, everyone else, stay poor.

>> No.21047524

make it is 500,000 or 1mill
It depends on the holder, personally i will keep my akros forever and live out of the stake/mining incentives.

I literally achieved financial freedom, i want to deeptroath the shiller.

>> No.21047590

how did you find out about it? what's your next shill? I also got AKRO though

>> No.21048020

Mommy Ana has our financial best interest at the very core of her being.

>> No.21048108

Of course it dumps after I buy it. My life is a shit show.

>> No.21048219

shouldn't of bought right now

>> No.21048287

Bought both

>> No.21048298

Based Akropolis Chad, I also bought in at 0.001, cheers Anon, I’m happy for us and everyone else holding this amazing gem

>> No.21048341

mmmh god anon your cock taste so good gulp gulp gulp
*cough cough

>> No.21048350

Yeah I'm a retard I know.

>> No.21048358

It's okay we've all been there

>> No.21048474

AKRO has a max supply of 4 billion tokens (circulating of 1.5 billion). It would have to 10x AAVEs current market cap to reach $1 a token. I hold a ton of AKRO, but how can $1 (let alone $10) be justified, except as a matter of pure hopium?

>> No.21048549

tokens will be locked in pools, decreasing circulating supply

>> No.21048555

Supposedly the team is going to introduce a token burn mechanism in the future. I've been in their telegram and saw the hot mod talking about it.

>> No.21048618

Cool thanks, will probably buy more then. Any screenshots by chance?

>> No.21048674
File: 24 KB, 444x164, x1000 eoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all gonna make it, this has just started frens

>> No.21048690

i was wondering the same thing. thanks for asking

>> No.21048693

No but you can go into the official channel and ask for info. If you don't want to I'll do it in the morning and make a thread about it in an effort to shill to make up for the immediate 10% loss upon buying this.

>> No.21048829

exactly. old biz fags are literally akro whales now. i think we've given up on spoonfeeding.

>> No.21049031

Looks like $1 is achievable if AKRO becomes the Link of DeFi, certainly if token burn is implemented. Not impossible. Will buy more, but if token burn isn't implemented, I'll likely take profits from a portion of my stack

>> No.21049137

realistically I think a 10x from here by EOY is actually pretty possible. Akros mcap would be a little above AAVEs at that point but given that Akro is basically integrating all other Defi networks I think it's possible. AAVEs main reason of mooning imo is the interest on just HODLing popular coins. Akro just launched delphi which lets you do the same with DAI at the moment, if they integrate more coins like AAVE did and on top of that they allow you to choose to earn interest from multiple pools like AAVE and dydx they are gonna blow up big time

>> No.21049195

not choose multiple pools my bad, but if staking on akro has a smart function that automatically picks the best pools from other defi networks like AAVE and dydx and switches between the top earning pools automatically thats a big product seller

>> No.21049215

>oh boy heard this one before

>> No.21049321

Agreed, I think 10 cents is the conservative take on AKRO. High price targets are only really justifiable if DeFi takes off like mad and/or token staking / burns become a reality, not just a plan

>> No.21049375

what a weak basedboy. I bought ampl and cucked it and made it my bitch, profited $100k in 12 days, then dumped it for Akro, more link and buidl.

t. 100k stinks

>> No.21049388


How many times must this be answered? 2 year vesting period for 80% of the tokens not unlocked yet, and 20% locked for LM incentives.

>> No.21049469

Honestly, I heard it here on biz.saw a generic post with an akro logo and some pasta. Checked warosu and saw the same post over and over for over a month that got hardly any replies. Looked into it and realized it was defi on polkadot so I bought. Come to think of it, im pretty sure I was the first shill threads making the defi on polkadot connection.

>> No.21049489

Next? Idk I'm on vacation. I did buy an irresponsibly large bag of anj but I'm not bullish on it like I am akro. Should still make sick gains in the short term but I'm basing none of this on fundamentals, just a juicy chart.

>> No.21049514

it was averaging 1 AKRO shill post a day weeks back. People with zero AKRO allocation right now deserve to stay poor

>> No.21049595

Dude exactly. Ive lost track of how many times ive seen "WHY DIDNT YOU FAGS SHILL THIS EARLIER" and thought, i saw it shilled a month ago.

>> No.21049698

You're welcome.
I sold early, so at least I could get a bj.

>> No.21049723

I dont have any money in crypto but I had 500 usdt from years ago on binance, spent it all on akro and doubled my money, 30k stacks

Kinda wish I could put more money into crypto, but being unemployed I need to months worth of rent in the bank

>> No.21049727
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>> No.21049739

imagine getting a BJ from OP whos probably a tranny or you could get rich from holding and never selling AKRO and get an army of trannies to give you BJs around the clock