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20956932 No.20956932 [Reply] [Original]

Who’s excited to build crypto indices?

>> No.20956949

me me me me

>> No.20956974

Can't Wait. Thinking this will really take off when people see what the balancer can do and when they reveal themselves!

>> No.20957076
File: 788 KB, 960x600, 78DF3595-B163-4CD3-9DC3-352CD59077F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20957360

I'm making easy and quick money with it. My next payout of over $1 thousand. To the moon! Get in NOW or miss your rocket ticket!

>> No.20957390

Got my bags and making a nice amount staking each day. This shit will go fucking parabolic in the golden bull, $2bn marketcap at peak wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest

>> No.20957494

Amazing thank you team! Nice project and we will moon soon

>> No.20957521

This shit has just been crabbing for the last month

>> No.20957545


>> No.20957572

posts look strangely not real

>> No.20957660

Yeah IDK who the fuck that is. Get out of my thread with that spammy garbage.

>> No.20957720
File: 14 KB, 225x225, Meridian1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a DAO that's been engineered for brainlets and boomers. Governance mechanisms programmed within the dApps. Its first dApp is a protocol for creating crypto index funds. Comfy af.

>> No.20957935

How much for make it stack?!

>> No.20958271

also wondering this. Its a super high risk project rn in my opinion since the team is still anonymous. Seems like a cool idea and I do think DAOs are the future so have a stack.. hopefully this isnt an elaborate rug pull op..

>> No.20958275

The team estimated 1 (LOCK) = $100 minimum very soon. So put as much money into it as you can because you will be left behind if you don't.

>> No.20958408

I’m curious how they’re going to get off the Vault platform to the balancer. Personally I’m going to stay in the vault as long as possible to collect the unstake fees.

>> No.20958446

LOL, the team said this? Based on what, pure hopium? Not FUD as I hold some LOCK, but that seems a but premature.

>> No.20958809

I hold 3k, so 3k is the make it stack. If it were any higher I'd be sad.

Source on that. Honestly extremely doubtful the team said that.

>> No.20958877

Not many more chances to buy LOCK at this price.

>> No.20958893

He's fucking with you and LARPing as a moonjeet

>> No.20958918

Thank us later for buying in at this Black Friday flash sale price

>> No.20958933

man I just cant wait for the new website release, have a feeling its gonna pump us to 2$

>> No.20959187

It will be super i can’t wait too

>> No.20959319

I definitely am, but Meridian is going to have to:

1) Reveal their ID, and I don't mean just first names and country of origin. Full info. They've been trustworthy so far, but I'm not fattening bags until I can mail these people a letter.

2) Be absolutely on the ball with marketing, which they have been, but it needs to continue. Their dapps are being designed for both crypto-savvy and normals, which could be huge. But that will fail without good marketing strategy.

It's a good project and investment that has HUGE potential. But lots o stuff needs to happen for that potential to be realized. I think it will, which is why I've already bought, but I'm waiting to see what happens in the next few weeks to buy bigger.

>> No.20959423
File: 79 KB, 750x707, EF31524E-14DF-453C-8661-BB06F3DD1CEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy now everybody you will not regret even $50 is easy, listen to the smart people. Now or never, best coin in town, i will be relaxing on the moon and you will stay on earth

>> No.20960109

Listen to me if you sell now you will never moon this is your only golden opportunity top 5 coming buy more! Buy the dip

>> No.20960150

The DAO release is gonna be the big turning point for this. They said they would reveal their identity at that point as well.

>> No.20960955

It dropped to $0.23 cents again BUY THE DIP PEOPLE

>> No.20961013

It's just the usual crab walk. The price will probably stay between 0.2 and 0.35 for the rest of the month.

>> No.20961310

nice try, not selling nor unstaking

>> No.20961367

Team did not say that, I support LOCK to death but team surely didn't say such thing