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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20929300 No.20929300 [Reply] [Original]

can someone give me the actual definition of a suicide stack, make it stack, etc, because i feel like half of us faggots throw this around so much

>> No.20929324

Make it stack = you will make it
Suicide stack = you will want to kys for not buying more

>> No.20929383

a suicide stack is a stack just large enough to not want to neck yourself if/when said asset moons

>> No.20929450

10link=suicide stack
100link=make it stack
1000link=fuck you money

>> No.20929471

A suicide stack has always been 1,000 link.

>> No.20929497

>100link=make it stack
fuck me i only have 360

>> No.20929514

It's exactly the opposite anon
It's a smaller stack that might turn out as a nice sum of money eventually, but will make you want to kill yourself when you consider how much you could have bought..

>> No.20929543

make it stack = you will make it
suicide stack = big enough bag that you won't kill yourself if it moons

>> No.20929546

Keep buying them. You had YEARS.

>> No.20929599

lol you guys aren't getting what a suicide stack is

>> No.20929628

See I've seen it touted as both. Depends on the asset it seems. In crypto the suicide stacks are pretty small in terms of initial equity, and the potential gains are higher. In precious metals, the initial equity is higher, so the threshold for a suicide stack is much higher, which means it isn't a given that you even have the capital to purchase one.

>> No.20929644

you must be new

>> No.20929683

It's the stupidest fucking concept ever used on /biz/. This terms are entirely subjective. And it's completely redundant.

Instead of, "What's a suicide stack for X shitcoin?"

the question should be: "What is the price going to?" Then multiply to the amount of money you want

>> No.20929741

Suicide stack is the minimum amount you will need to not kys when said bag moons.

A make it stack is a stack you will need to at least make 1 million when said shitcoin moons

>> No.20929749

Yeah I think that term only applies to stuff that will do crazy ROI
Like if you put a 100$ into bitcoin back when it was like 40$ or something that's a suicide stack

>> No.20929753

suicide stack comes from the term 'suicide insurance,' basically an insurance policy bought by you to ensure you don't necc if the asset takes off.

Wanting to kill yourself for not buying more is a symptom felt from stacklets to whales

>> No.20929809

I'm very sure it's the opposite anon
Not buying more is way more painful when you only bought a tiny amount

>> No.20929914

Thats because you're poor homie. I assure you, when you very well COULD HAVE put a couple thousands more into an asset that rockets, its much more haunting than pajeet missing out on putting in next month's $20 paycheck.

>> No.20929945

How is everyone wrong in this entire thread except one post?

LINK stacks

Suicide stack is 1000
Make it stack is 10,000

I've been accumulating since late 2017 and the terms were created around the time of the 7777777 get for LINK "$1000 EOY".

1000 is just enough to prevent you from roping your self and will be worth a million but not enough to retire AND live a life of luxury. Its only like 30K a year on dividends at a safe 3% annual withdraw rate plus after taxes.

10 million on the other hand is starting to border luxury living. 150K annually is amazing for doing literally nothing.

This is the answer all of the arbitrary reasoning otherwise is wrong and this is how it all started from that "get" by consensus of the community during that time in 2018

>> No.20930025


To go more in depth, during that time LINK was in an accumulation channel of about .20-.45 for months. At that time though things were still uncertain with LINK(unless you really did your homework), FUD was rampant, and people scoffed at the idea of even buying a 1000 at the time let alone dropping around $4000 for 10,000. They were told they would suicide eventually not being willing to even gamble around $400 just in case, which anyone would have available in a single pay period.

>> No.20930026
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That's literally exactly what I said anon
If you could put 3K usd into bitcoin back when it cost like 50 bucks and you only put a small amount like 100$-200$ on it that's the most painful scenario, and it's called a suicide stack because you will want to kys for not getting a make it stack..

>> No.20930052

lmao nice cope there linklet. 1000 was ALWAYS suicide stack. 20k was make it stack.

>> No.20930071

you must be old

>> No.20930082


>> No.20930167

1.5k-3k dollars were enough to buy your 10k stack. Unless you are a complete poorfag/normie or sold your stack along the way it was really easy to accumulate 10k link.

>> No.20930760

10k suicide stack
100k make it stack

>> No.20931431


In hindsight if was but if you weren't around during that time you'd realize that getting an average below .25 didn't happen much unless you bought ICO. You don't realize how much FUD and uncertainty there was. The team didn't speak to the community for months. It was far from a sure thing. That being said I have around a .40 average myself.


300K annually*

>> No.20931531

How is it hard to fucking understand that suicide stack is when you go 100% on one investment. This board is full of idiots and teenagers looking for lotto tickets.

>> No.20931648


>> No.20931801
File: 2.82 MB, 480x600, Computers for niggers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Webm is you

>> No.20932042

I've been on /biz for a few years and i've always understood it as this.

>> No.20932164

How do so many people still not get what a suicide stack is

>> No.20932252

This is the correct answer
This is false. Hi newfag

>> No.20932340

Ask me how I know you're new. 50k was the definitive make it stack.

>> No.20932493

All these newfags saying 10k is make it stack are coping. This is coming from someone with a shity 3k stack.

>> No.20932516

You are all wrong anon..
It's exactly the opposite