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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 16 KB, 500x500, bancor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20921878 No.20921878 [Reply] [Original]

I'm interested. What makes this so promising compared to other exchange networks?
What is the reason this is performing so well?

>> No.20922028


>> No.20922065

>>20919184 Read this thread OP

>> No.20922142

Bancor isn't just another DEX. It's much more than many realize

>> No.20922157
File: 54 KB, 1179x206, bnt audit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20922202

>literally the smallest slippage of all dex's
>bancor created AMM's and now they're creating ALP's (automatic liquidity provider)
>uniswap team are salty as fuck because they know their days are counted
>100% + APR for tokens with impermanent loss
>liquidity amplifier

literally the next big thing

>> No.20922439

code wasnt fully tested and bugs remain unfixed. this is worse than a delay. it wont be long before v2 is hacked

>> No.20922459

I put 2500 link in the pool and haven't seen a cent back yet...

>> No.20922606

you need to go to "remove liquidity" and check the "output amount"
it should has changed... if not, join the telegram to report it, since it's on Beta

>> No.20922647

Tried that, nothing changed in over 24 hrs. Is there a tool like zapper that can see the balance?

>> No.20922681

>I put 2500 link in the pool and haven't seen a cent back yet...

>> No.20922741
File: 147 KB, 1280x548, 2020-08-02 10.30.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20922749

enter telegram and report this, please.. i'll be glad to give support to it, and the admins are very responsive 24h/7d

t.me / bancor

>> No.20922758


low level FUD>>20922681

>> No.20922770
File: 144 KB, 1432x793, Screenshot 2020-08-02 at 13.25.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20923122
File: 99 KB, 945x745, DID READ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chain Link wrote a very informative blogpost about Bancor, they basiclly shilled it hard (but with hard facts, no bs).

>''While AMMs have already experienced impressive growth, the innovations around greater capital efficiency, multi-asset pools, and mitigating impermanent loss provide the necessary infrastructure to attract much larger liquidity providers from traditional markets. With capital being more customizable and better utilized with less downside risk, DeFi is primed for a major capital infusion. We’re excited to work with Bancor on solving some of the most important issues in AMMs and look forward to continued innovation into the future.''


>> No.20923146

kek i put in 2700 BNT and im already at 2720 BNT
earned almost $40 in like 2 days of providing liquidity on an absolute fiat value of less than $5000

>> No.20923173

Sounds too good to be true.. Wonder how that will end.

>> No.20923184
File: 31 KB, 595x639, makes_dubu_think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can i do with my BNT now? can i stake it already?
i have 1k BNT, someone please explain to me what to do with it, i am a brainlet.

>> No.20923206

I got it sorted thanks. Had to disco my mask and reconnect. Shit has been kinda glitchy on my browser.

>> No.20923208

t.has done 0 research

the only reason my APR is so high is because the liquidity is capped at 500k right now on a pool thats already generated over $1m in volume. as soon as they uncap it, i will start earning a lot less

>> No.20923255

right now there is only BNT/LINK, right?
those are my only holdings.
so i can provide liquidity for both when they open the pool again, right?

>> No.20923276


>> No.20923545

V2 will be delayed. Sell now etc

>> No.20923885

that's really a pain in the ass if its paid daily, I would have to keep track of all those little payments for taxes

>> No.20923988


>> No.20924127

it is not "paid" at any certain time, you get your initial deposit + fees when you remove liquidity

>> No.20924404

V2 is fucking live in beta

>> No.20924548

they should have delayed it but they feared a mass sell off. Now we have a pos until they fix the coding

>> No.20924655

>.3% slippage with 500k liquidity on V2 vs 8% slippage with Uniswaps 500k liquidity
pick one