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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 1468x713, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20917215 No.20917215 [Reply] [Original]

can we have a REAL old fag thread. newfags stay the fuck out of our thread

>> No.20917230


Sub 3000$ end of 2020

>> No.20917232

who here knows what the fuck im talking about? anyone?

>> No.20917252

lol thank you for being the literal moron that i painted on my chart. this shit is so repetitive that its almost unbelievable.

>> No.20917276



do you even elliot wave?

>> No.20917321


I bought 0.9 BTC in college at $500. Sold that shit for a modest gain to pay rent.

>> No.20917359

What exactly do you want to talk about? Bitcoin is a viral money which will overtake gold as a store of value in a decade.

>> No.20917366

So long as BTC is involved with anonymous drug purchases won't it always have value?

>> No.20917433

I remember when a guy who went by woolong was supposed to be some uber whale pumping doge, then he got completely destroyed by an actual whale
I believe /biz/ hadn't been splintered of /g/ back then, not too sure about that

>> No.20917438

It's fun watching history repeat itself. Anons seem to think crypto mooned every single day during the last bull run. What they don't see on the charts are the huge dips we had as well every few days. Volatility was insane during that stretch. Holders get rewarded in the long run. It's not just a meme. You guys all seem to think you're smarter than each other.

>> No.20917495

This gives it tremendous value. More generally, it's a form of value transfer that can't be stopped by a 3rd party. No jew can stop you from sending or receiving bitcoin.

>> No.20917511

I locked in my Trezor balance at $20k, been buying these dips

>> No.20917592

Maybe you haven't heard about Monero?

>> No.20917644

it takes months for reduced supply shock to have a compounding effect with "magic internet money" novelty gains from alts
i expect one more strong dip by the end of the year just because it will be profitable to do so, but the average price will trend upward because of supply shock

>> No.20917663

what moving average is that?

>> No.20917671

Oldfag here, this is normal for bull runs. Reminds me of both the post halving dump and the dump from after the sick run up to three k from the previous bullrun

>> No.20917673

You mean the Bit-Rupee?

>> No.20917739

I bought 1.1 BTC at $600 and have been accumulating since.

>> No.20917779
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>> No.20917788

Remember the anonymint crazy guy in Monero threads always fighting with everyone? Or BitcoinEXpress forking and destroying Auracoin? Or Fibonacci litecoin miner pumped by the litecoin mods who scammed everyone then that scammy dude out of China wound up first to market? Or everyone calling Eth a scam during it's ICO?

>> No.20917799
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well hello there oldfag

>> No.20917817

where my goxfags at?

>> No.20917847
File: 62 KB, 1544x862, 1 GtZlLuSd_8IID6EyV_CZzA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chart has filled out perfectly so far.

>> No.20917850

I - just looked at the chart. Yeah we are at the "just went to $1,250 ... Oh fuck it dropped to $999 - never going to new ATHs again" phase.
This feels so much like the creep over $1K to me last time. Bulls are quiet, the sky is falling when it falls 10% after going up 20%.
I fully expect >$100k in the next 18 months. Although most of the people here will get wiped out by margin or shitty defi contracts

>> No.20917868

right here bitch. silk road.

eth was a premined shitcoin led by a russian scammer. omfg auroracoin was HUGE i think it hit like #3 market cap at one point haha. remember feathercoin? peercoin? namecoin? those were the good ol days

>> No.20917869


Everytime i mention my thoughts on btc being sub 3k 2020/2021 everyone laughs at me

You agree?

like 50-70% of people in the cryptospace got in when btc was above 3000$.. it's going to go under and rape so many people who will eventually capitulate right into whales pockets

Not to mention elliot wave theory suggests something along the same lines.

>> No.20917890

I was around thinking about buying gox coins from that weird adhoc exchange they setup and shilled in bitcointalk.
In fact I have an old post way back talking to rptellia dude who shilled Monero and owner the Bitcoin castle who burned down somewhere

>> No.20917891


Just sold the house for feathercoin!

>> No.20917893

real oldfag pog

>> No.20917913

Oh Jesus "litecoin is silver, feathercoin is copper"

>> No.20917921


>> No.20917975
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Should I be converting my USDT to BTC?!?!? Where is Bogdanoff?!

>> No.20917995

I met this old guy in Penang years ago - right before Eth was released. Only crypto person I've met in real life who shilled namecoin thinking it would come back. We shared a room in a hostel to avoid the bunks - he would not shit up and we checked at least a dozen places so he could find the cheapest beer. After hearing about his entire life story Inc the fact that he couldn't afford to live in Canada so was teaching English in Thailand for $800 a month but kids didn't respect him and would just bang and rub on his head / pull his ears I finally got away from him.
Came back at 1am and our room had a window facing into the hallway where his genitals were perfectly framed by the open window - guess he got hot. And there were half a dozen Muslim women staying together just down from us.
I have never pretended to know what crypto was in real life since then

>> No.20918014

That dump right around UASF was brutal.

>> No.20918023

all the oldfags are in on mta retard

>> No.20918044

do whatever the fuck you want


rule #1 about crypto - never talk about crypto

>> No.20918051
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>> No.20918076

Even looks like him

>> No.20918089

take your illiquid defi shitcoin somewhere else. it sucks and the defi liquidity farming scamcoin bubble is about to blow up in your face. i hope you made your money and that shit and got the fuck out. the market is saturated with too many of them and morons are literally going into random threads that have nothing to do with them and telling them to buy

>> No.20918143


>> No.20918218
File: 80 KB, 1467x796, volumep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is way too long of an article for what can be summed up in 2 sentences:

the bottom is volume at time. the side is volume at price.

no need to complicate it

>> No.20918223

Sure buddy

>> No.20918270

wolong was around after /biz/ became a thing but started gaining notoriety before, i think.

>> No.20918279

I got into crypto when BTC was $200, and made an account on Gox to try to arbitrage with BTC-E. That was when I discovered that you couldn't actually move USD in or out of Gox, so I guess I was saved from losing when it went down. Of course I've been paranoid about exchanges ever since, so I missed the subsequent peaks because everything's locked in cold wallets.

>> No.20918339

Bought Pandacoin.

>> No.20918350

Ha Ha Opie You Must Be Kidding I Have Been In On Bit Coin™ Since 2009. Heck, I Practically Near Invented The Damn Thing!

>> No.20918363

this time will be different

>> No.20918367

Go back to your chainlink circlejerk Raj

>> No.20918389

If you want to make money with volume profiles... read it. BTC is going back to $9255.

>> No.20918395

But did you make it off of cryptsy or did bigvern take them all?

>> No.20918403

I mined several million (I think) pandacoin and accidentally reformatted the hard drive they were on kek

>> No.20918413

I'm an OG if people want to say getting into crypto in 2011 is OG.

I got a question for OGs. What do they think about Ampleforth. It feels like the only real innovation in crypto since smart co tracts. Agree or disagree?

>> No.20918880

Now is not the time for TA bullshit. You all know that.

>> No.20919486

Literally Pump n Dump as the ticker, but yeah I still have Panda client with 1m coins on my PC.
Any other oldfags logged into old exchanges and finding shitcoins that died before 2017 run. I had one called BTC scrypt in my poloneix account.

>> No.20920071

2013 veteran oldfag here. Everything happens the same over and over again.

>> No.20920221

kys u retarded faggot. it cost like 9k to even mine the stuff. hop from a bridge u waste of air

>> No.20920318

anyone remember liberty reserve?
Only switched to btc because fucking feds took my cash

>> No.20920558

true newfags and brainlettes dont even realize that all sells are buys. the sell wall we hit at 12k just locked in lots of new buyers at 11.3k - those people arent selling now until we go 2x 3x.
tldr. its how price floors are built.

>> No.20920854


Altcoins are useless

>> No.20920942


How much of a depth grovelling low caste cockroach do you have to be to live amongst such human detritus?

>> No.20920971

name rings a bell but I dont remember what it was

>> No.20921013

so.. I remember when Bitcoin was being posted on /b/ in 2009.. I tried buying $100 worth but at the time it was too tricky for me to work out. I spent about 4 hours trying to do it but wiring money at the time was a real bitch. Doesnt really matter, without question I would have sold the second I made like $1000..

>> No.20921015
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>> No.20921037
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Peepee poo DRNS 1k eoy my linkies stay extra stinky

>> No.20921132

>i would've prolly wind up selling anyway
me and a buddy bought btc in 2011 at around $40 or so....we each bought around 30. as soon as it hit $200-300 we both sold.
he sold everything, I held onto 10 but sold the rest. did nothing meaningful with the money....
funny the experience turned him into a seething nocoiner...now all he talks about is "its way overvalued its going to crash sub $1000 soon". deep down he knows he's wrong but cant mentally unfuck himself and just deal with making a tactically smart, but strategically dumb decision.
probably 90% of the seething nocoiners you see on these boards are similar. hi brian.

>> No.20921274

Very, very few people have what it takes to hold it from $40 to $1200 to $180 to $20000 to $3200 to $12000, including all the volatility in between. Probably only 1 person hodled for every 10 or 20 that had you and your friends experience. Good work holding onto the 10 at least!